After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 236: Surprise

Chapter 236

Elder Madam Song was a bit plump and preferred to wear darker shades of clothing on a regular basis.

Despite being in her thirties, she dressed almost like the Song Old Lady.

Qi Huan recommended to her, "Aunt, what do you think about this?"

The bright red skirt was as passionate as fire, and the deep green top was full of life. The two clashed, resulting in a vibrant color combination.

There happened to be ready-made clothes of this style in the store. Qi Huan called over Yuan Yuan and instructed with a smile, "First, fetch one for Aunt to try."

While speaking, she also winked at Yuan Yuan, reminding her not to forget the gift she had prepared in advance for her aunt.

She had estimated the size by sight, but the back of the present could be adjusted, so it should fit quite well.

"Ah!" Yuan Yuan responded crisely, her bright eyes landing upon Elder Madam Song. After a quick glance, she said, "Madam can wear size XL. Please wait a moment, I will go fetch it."

There was a faint fragrance in the room. When they finished eating the pastries on the table, the maid immediately replaced them.

Old Lady Song let out a big belch. She hadn’t digested her food but felt even more stuffed.

It wasn’t her fault that she was greedy; the pastries were simply too delicious!

Swallowing her saliva, Song Old Lady thought: she would have just one more piece...

Before she could reach out for it, Qi Huan quickly grabbed her hand: "Grandmother, have you chosen your clothes yet?"

"...I have plenty of clothes. You young girls can select whatever you like, I don't need anything." Old Lady Song diverted her gaze and looked towards her coquettish granddaughter, her voice full of affection.

Qi Huan shook her arm, whining playfully, "Grandmother, every style in this brochure is the latest. Please choose something and let's both wear new clothes, okay?"

Sensing her granddaughter's filial piety, Old Lady Song couldn't stop smiling.

At this moment, Song You'an blushed too, and holding onto Old Lady Song's other hand, mimicking Qi Huan, she gently shook it, "Grandmother..."

"Oh, our dear You'an is also learning to act spoiled from your cousin!" Old Lady Song exclaimed in surprise.

No sooner had her words fallen when Qi Huan and Song You'an blushed at the same time and shared a laugh.

Both of them cuddled next to Old Lady Song, helping her select a spring dress.

Not until Elder Madam Song's tense voice rang out, "Isn't this dress too revealing?"

The three of them heard her and looked up. Their gazes unanimously fixed on Elder Madam Song.

Elder Madam Song's hair was restyled with a flying sky bun that complemented her face. A red peony hairpin on her forehead was strikingly eye-catching. Adorned in a red and green dress, her complexion was even more fair and radiant.

Especially her bosom, it was strikingly impressive.

Qi Huan nodded in satisfaction. This was a custom-tailored push-up bra she had prepared especially for Elder Madam Song. The straps were concealed underneath the green top and did not stand out.

What was supposed to be revealed had been revealed, yet what was to be concealed, was concealed perfectly, displaying her impressive figure wonderfully.

Considering the customary restrictions of their era, the skirt's opening was only a tiny bit visible, giving room for imagination.

"Aunt, this piece suits you perfectly! Let's get it!"

Qi Huan swung her wallet decisively to experience for a moment the feel of a rich lady splurging without a second thought.

"Doing good deeds +1, gaining points +1 ... " The system kicked off again!

Additionally, this silver, after going around and around, would partially find its way back into her pocket.

She began to splurge, patronizing her own shops.

After each had their custom-made suits, they also chose two ready-made pieces of clothing.

Old Lady Song looked at her daughter-in-law, rich and eye-catching like a peony, her eyes brimming with joy. Finally, she was wearing something joyous, it was simply pleasing to look at.

Her daughter-in-law used to wear desolate clothes, so prone to tears that it made her uncomfortable, always making her feel like she was attending a funeral.

"This one's good, don't change it, wear this one today."

During the chilly spring, it was warmer around midday, but as the sun began to set, the temperature outside relatively dropped.

In front of the gigantic full-body bronze mirror, although Elder Madame Song was engrossed in her own beauty, she was still reasonably calm: "Mother, if I go out in these clothes, wouldn't I freeze everyone?"

This was a phrase from Qi Huan. Believing it to be apt, she used it at that moment.

Old Lady Song contemplated for a moment, picked up her purse, and slapped it on the table, "Buy a cape!"

Elder Madame Song still felt it improper: "Mother, everyone hasn't started wearing these clothes yet. If I were to step out first, I fear I’d stand out too much. I could be criticized for going against conventions, so I can't wear them yet."

"Just now Qi Huan said rightly, the law does not punish the masses. When everyone can't resist wearing it, I will follow the trend then. This way, it’s safer."

Old Lady Song thought it made sense, and didn't insist further.

However, once they got home, Elder Madame Song couldn't wait to put the new clothes on, speculating for Elder Master Song's compliments.

Elder Master Song's eyes were burning, but after trying to take the clothes off, he discovered...

This little costume, it won't come off!

~~~Everything is left unsaid~~~

The next day.

When Qi Huan arrived at Qingsong Court to pay her respects, she found it strange that Elder Madame Song had risen late and had not come over at her usual time.

She had big news to announce and thus decided to wait.

While having a chat with Old Lady Song, Elder Madame Song, known for her punctuality, finally arrived.

But she had changed back to her usual attire, except today, she shockingly wore a white fox fur scarf that she usually keeps at the bottom of her dresser.

Once everyone arrived, Qi Huan cleared her throat, her smile as bright as a blooming flower, she said, "Grandmother, Mother, I have a big announcement to make."

"The Tuberculosis medicine I have developed has proved effective, and my second cousin brother has recovered!"

Song family would no longer have to spend huge sums of money on finding cures!

Coupled with the dividends from the food establishments, the days of the Song Mansion are destined to be more prosperous!

Like a thunderbolt from the sky, her words exploded in everyone's ears, "Huan Huan, is everything you’re saying true?"

"Yeah, Huan Huan, does that mean that Che'er really got better?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, people were incoherent.

Qi Huan nodded like pounding garlic: "Of course it’s true, Grandmother, Mother, you can invite a trusted doctor to come and examine him!"

Elder Madame Song quickly clapped her hand and exclaimed, "The doctor who took Ah Min's pulse should still be around, I’ll send someone to fetch him!"

Ever since Young Madam Song became pregnant, Qi Huan suggested that a doctor should visit every fortnight, akin to prenatal check-ups in modern times.

Though without advanced technology, they could still advise the people of Qingyang Court about various precautions for each month.

By the time the messenger reached Qingyang Court, Yuan Yuan was taking Young Madam Song's measurements.

Young Madam Song had already pre-selected the style for her gowns, and at the moment, she was saying, “My belly is growing larger every day, could you please make the dresses a little looser?”

She wanted to wear her clothes for longer.

The Song family was far from wealthy, and they had a younger brother who needed medication. Young Madam Song had always been prudent, trying to save wherever she could.

“Madam, you can rest assured. The waist of the dress will be sufficient, and your cousin has already arranged for your clothes for the next ten months. Every month, I will specifically come over to take your measurements again. You don’t need to worry about it being too tight,” said Yuan Yuan.

“What?” Young Madam Song opened her red lips in astonishment.

Getting to wear such exquisite new clothes every month was something she didn't even dare to dream of...

Just at this moment, the handmaid came with a message and dropped another bombshell.

Her younger brother was cured?!

Aided by the handmaid, Young Madam Song, accompanied by the doctor, arrived at Qingfeng Court.

At this time, Ximen Ye was surrounded by a group of people, being observed like a monkey.

Suppressing the impatience in his eyes, he was forcing a smile to console the tearful Elder Madam Song, while signalling to Qi Huan: save me!

Bathing in the sunlight, Qi Huan was grinning mischievously.

His smile seemed to say: even you have tough days!

Old Lady Song noticed the undercurrents between them, and a thought, long buried, slowly surfaced.

When the doctor confirmed that "Song Jingche" was cured, a joyous atmosphere filled the Song family.

Only Elder Master Song, looking at "Song Jingche's" overly refined face, felt a certain unease.

He kept checking his reflection in the bronze mirror, thinking: Could it be that their ancestral graveyard is emitting green smoke?

Even if one were to cobble together the most beautiful facial features from the entire family, such a perfect face could not be achieved!

What exactly was going on?

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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