After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 141: Disturbance & Publicity

Chapter 141: Disturbance & Publicity

TN: bonus chapter!

Under the tough repression of the iron-masked instructor, the news that Tao Mu led a group of police students to go to a nightclub was no longer discussed in the police academy. However, outside the police academy, the news of the police students skipping classes to dance in nightclubs still aroused the concern and controversy of the citizens of Hong Kong.

Some people felt that the behavior of the young police students sneaking out to nightclubs was very Hong Kong style, and even reminded them of the past when they skipped class and sneaked out to play in their school days. These people were tolerant of the mischievous behavior of the police students. However, there were also some people who liked to make a big deal out of nothing, and thought that this kind of action was completely smearing the glorious image of the Hong Kong policeif they couldn't strictly abide by the school rules during school, then what would happen when they become official police in the future? As the citizens of Hong Kong, how could they rest assured when their lives and safety were in the hands of these people.

"The Hong Kong police are here to protect the people of Hong Kong. Being so playful at a young age, how could you handle responsibilities in the future?"

"What the hell. The police going to bars to pick up girls, are they so idle? It's a waste of taxpayers' money."

"Doing this will make us lose confidence in the future of the Hong Kong police."

Faced with this kind of vitriolic remarks, many netizens disagreed. Even the official police have the right to relax in a bar after getting off work, not to mention the younger and more playful police students. If only because of this incident, they would lose confidence in the Hong Kong police. Then the hearts of those citizens were just a little too fragile.

However, in any case, the behavior of the police students skipping classes to go clubbing had caused a lot of negative comments. In the end, even the Hong Kong Police Department was alarmed. The Commissioner of Police personally called the Hong Kong Royal Police Academy to inquire about the cause and effect of the incident.

When the school officials gave Tao Mu a leave of absence, they didn't expect this matter to become so loud and serious. The principal of the police academy was so overwhelmed yet he had to explain the whole thing to his superiors.

However, whether it was skipping class to go to a nightclub, or taking a leave to go to a nightclub, it was not so pleasant to talk about. In fact, even the latter was more troublesome to speak out. Faced with this embarrassing situation, the Hong Kong Police Department could only severely criticize the practice of the Royal Hong Kong Police Academy. It was believed that the decision of the police academy lacked consideration, which had brought a great negative impact on the glorious image of the Hong Kong police.

The principal of the police academy did not expect things to turn out like this. In fact, he had felt nothing wrong with giving Tao Mu the leave note at the beginningjust like the iron-masked instructor said, it did not violate the school rules, nor the laws of Hong Kong. But now, the behavior of the police students going clubbing at a nightclub had affected the image of the Hong Kong police. When the superiors investigated them, the police academy could only bear the blame.

Inside the school, under the strong suppression of the instructors, no one had discussed the gossip anymore, but in the spare time when the instructors were not aware of it, it was now secretly spread among the police students. The main thing was to complain about Jiang Jingwen's non-compliance with the school's regulations. The matter had become too big and discredited the entire Hong Kong police circle, yet the school actually wanted to cover up the rumors among the police students.

Tao Mu noticed these public opinions immediately. It was he who proposed to ask for leave from the police academy and take the police students to go clubbing. Now that the situation was so serious, although neither the school nor the police students blamed him, Tao Mu was not one to hide and let others clean up the mess when he got into trouble.

Tao Mu immediately contacted Xu Musen, the director of "Black and White". The two discussed in the restaurant for an afternoon and finalized the preliminary crisis public relations plan. Then, Tao Mu took Director Xu Musen to visit the principal of the police academy.

The principal of the police academy had just been scolded by his boss, and he still didn't know how to deal with these vitriolic public opinions. When he saw Tao Mu, he did not bother to put on a good face. He now deeply regretted that he even agreed to let Tao Mu come to the police academy to experience lifewithout Tao Mu, so many things would not have happened. He didn't have to be scolded by his superiors, and those police students wouldn't have brought shame to the Hong Kong police.

"What are you doing here?" The police academy principal's face was ugly. But then he said, "But you're just in time. I happen to have something to announce to CEO Tao. I believe that CEO Tao should have heard of it. Now the outside world is talking about the matter of the police students skipping class to go clubbing, and they all think that such a move seriously tarnishes the glorious image of the Hong Kong police."

"With such a big incident, I have to admit that the police academy's decision to allow CEO Tao to experience life here was a little ill-considered. Therefore, after careful consideration, our Academic Affairs Office had decided to cancel the qualifications of CEO Tao and another classmate. I hope CEO Tao can understand our decisions and cooperate with our work.

Tao Mu smiled slightly and said, "I understand. The news of the police students skipping class to go clubbing has indeed made some people in Hong Kong feel a little uneasy about the future of the Hong Kong police. I didn't expect those gossip paparazzi to be such sensationalists. Calling the police academy's actions to cooperate with the filming of "Black and White" like this. This was also my ill-consideration."

When the principal of the police academy heard this, he snorted coldly: "It's good that you know"

But before he could finish speaking, the principal of the police academy suddenly reacted. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did you say, the police academy cooperating with the "Black and White" crew to film?"

"That's right." Tao Mu nodded slightly and said meaningfully: "Everyone knows that the reason why I came to Hong Kong Police Academy to experience life is because I play a Hong Kong police officer in the movie "Black and White". But I am from Beijing, I have never been to Hong Kong before, and I have never been in contact with the Hong Kong police. So I was very worried that I would not be able to play this role. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Royal Police Academy was helpful and not only allowed me to come to the academy to experience life, but was also willing to cooperate with the "Black and White" crew to film together. The scene in the bar before was just a rehearsal before we officially started filming."

When Tao Mu said this, he paused slightly. Looking directly at the principal of the police academy, he got straight to the point: "Leading the police students to go clubbing, thus smearing the image of the Hong Kong police. This was my mistake, and I can't shirk the blame. I understand why the school would want to take away my visiting student qualifications half way through and I can leave. But I hope that this matter can be resolved satisfactorily before I do so. I dont want the Hong Kong Royal Police Academy to be accused and questioned by those people in Hong Kong who dont know the truth because of me. At least they should know that the Hong Kong police have always been helpful and dedicated to the people."

The face of the principal of the police academy softened slightly. But he still spoke unforgivingly, and snorted coldly: "You say it lightly. Do you think the people of Hong Kong will believe this explanation? Even if they really believe it, wouldn't it be more absurd if the police academy actually helped a film crew make a movie?"

"On the contrary. I think it's a very rare opportunity to work with the "Black and White" crew to promote the positive image of the Hong Kong police." Tao Mu said with a smile: "Actually, in recent years, Hong Kong has also made many films and television dramas about the city's police. However, these films and television dramas rarely receive the support and technical guidance of the Hong Kong police. This time, Director Xu has invited many A-list superstars from both sides of the strait and Taiwan to film "Black and White". With large investment and large production, if it could be produced with the guidance of the Hong Kong police during the action scenes, the technicality of the film would be higher. I think this is very positive publicity for both of us."

Xu Musen was also persuaded by Tao Mu's words. Hearing this, he took the initiative to take over the conversation and said, "If the police academy agrees, we can gather the cast members and enter the police academy together to receive technical guidance from the instructors before starting the filming."

The principal of the police academy was moved. He had to admit that this inquiry about the police students skipping class and going clubbing had a great negative impact on the police academy. The principal of the police academy was also having a headache about how to resolve this crisis. However, the police academy was not a professional public relations company no matter what was said and done. In the face of such a crisis, the only thing the principal of the police academy could think of besides suspending the visiting student experience was to punish the police students involved. However, such measures have little effect on the current situation of public opinion.

But if, according to Tao Mu's idea, the police academy and the "Black and White" crew do the publicity together, it would be different. No matter how effective this publicity stunt was, at least the crisis of the police students skipping classes to go clubbing could be resolved. Moreover, letting the crew of "Black and White" and many celebrities from across the three lands enter the police academy for training would also bring more people to pay attention to the Royal Hong Kong Police Academy..

Tao Mu picked up on the other's good mood and proposed again: "If the school is willing to come forward and coordinate, we can actually invite the instructors of the Flying Tigers to serve as the martial arts and technical guidance to the film. Even in the final action part of the film, we can also invite the Flying Tigers to personally participate in the filming. I think this stunt will definitely attract the attention of the people in Hong Kong. After the film is released, everyone can see with their own eyes how agile and extraordinary the Flying Tigers are in reality. I think the people of Hong Kong will feel more at ease and satisfied with their living environment after seeing the heroic figures of the Hong Kong police with their own eyes. It will also help shape the glorious image of the Hong Kong police in the minds of the people."

The principal of the police academy didn't say a word, but Tao Mu knew he had already successfully persuaded him and was very excited about this suggestion. However, when it came to the mobilization of the Flying Tigers, the principal of the police academy could not make the decision. He could only call the Hong Kong Police Department, and tactfully explain that the whole thing was not what the gossip tabloids wroteit was just that the Hong Kong Police Academy was cooperating with the crew to film an accurate portrayal of the Hong Kong police.

Of course, the Hong Kong Police Department knew that all this was just an excuse by the principal of the police academy. However, with such a big mistake, things must be resolved in some way. As Tao Mu said, cooperating with the crew to promote the film was the best solution.

Now that the matter had come to this point, there was no suspense as to what decision the Police Dept. would make. The Commissioner of Police personally approved the academy principal's proposal.

On the afternoon of the same day, the Royal Hong Kong Police Academy and the "Black and White" crew jointly held a press conference. Explaining to all the media and the people of Hong Kong that the news that "police students skipping classes to go clubbing" was a misunderstanding. The students of the Hong Kong Royal Police Academy were responsible for protecting the people of Hong Kong, and they would never do anything that violated the school rules. As for the previous news in the gossip papers, it was only the rehearsal of the Hong Kong Police Academy in cooperation with the crew before the actual filming.

And those police students who were filmed were actually all cast members of the cast of "Black and White". They were the image ambassadors sent by the Royal Hong Kong Police Academy in order to cooperate with the crew to promote the image of the police. They were all young police students who performed exceptionally well during classes.

In addition, as the chief director of the "Black and White" crew, Xu Musen also personally announced at the press conference that the crew would hire the instructors of the Hong Kong Flying Tigers as the crew's action and technical guidance, and would gather the main cast of actors to enter the police academy for training before the filming.

After the press conference, the Hong Kong entertainment circle was in an uproar. The people of Hong Kong, who had stirred up a lot of controversy over this matter, no longer struggled with the old news of whether the police students should go to bars or not. One by one, they firmly believe that these gossips were definitely hype and publicity created by the "Black and White" crew and the Hong Kong police.

Of course, there were more people who were looking forward to the cooperation between the "Black and White" crew and the police.

Inside the school, he originally thought that he was about to face a big disaster, but Jiang Jingwen, who was tremblingly waiting for the school's punishment with the police students who went to the club together that night, were instantly stunned.

The police academy in cooperation with the crew to promote the film? We are all police students sent by the police academy to act in the crew? Why didn't we know this kind of thing?

On the other side, Zhong Chengzhi and the others who were still gloating over this incident immediately became indignant. They felt that it was especially unfair. Why did Jiang Jingwen and those who violated the school rules get to participate in the filming on behalf of the police academy? And instead, well-behaved students like them were punished?

All of this must be the scheming of the mastermind Tao Mu. It was just too much that this guy even engaged in these scandalous actions of creating factions within the police academy.

Zhong Chengzhi and the other police students were indignant. They felt that the school was biased. The more they thought about it, the more angry they became, and there were a few impulsive people who couldn't resist it anymore and even questioned the instructors during training.

"It's not fair!" Zhong Chengzhi stared at the instructor with red eyes: "Why are the police officers who get to participate in the filming on behalf of the police academy all those who are usually close to Tao Mu? If the police academy really wants to recommend excellent police students to participate in the filming we can completely hold a competition. If we lose, we can also be convinced of the loss. But now, we are eliminated without even knowing the selection criteria. I am not convinced!"

This was to represent the police academy and even the Hong Kong police, acting together with a group of A-list celebrities from both sides of the strait and Taiwan! Just think of the honor and limelight! But they couldn't even touch the edges of the limelight. How could they be convinced? Why were all the good things taken away by those students who were willing to curry favor with Tao Mu? Everyone was a student of the police academy here, and the selection should be fair.

The iron-masked instructor remained expressionless. He also knew the cause and effect of the whole thing. It was just a stopgap solution to the public relations crisis, how could there be so many whys.

The iron-masked instructor only felt that since Tao Mu and Shen Yu came to experience life at the police academy, the police students, who had already been difficult to teach, became more and more difficult to deal with. He was very unhappy.

The displeased iron-masked instructor simply pushed the pot to Tao Mu: "It was Tao Mu who persuaded the police academy and even the Hong Kong police to join hands with the "Black and White" crew for publicity. The whole plan was also made by Tao Mu. The choice of actors was also suggested by Tao Mu to the school after inspection. Tao Mu believed that the students' acting skills and image were suitable for the film. The school also believed that the candidates Tao Mu gave were excellent and could represent the image of the police academy. If you have any questions, you can ask Tao Mu yourself."

The iron-masked instructor refused to even call Tao Mu's student number, just calling him by his first name. After hearing this, all the police students looked at each other in dismay. The iron-masked instructor was right, no matter how much they questioned the school's decision, they couldn't refute the fact that the police students who skipped class and went clubbing with Tao Mu that day were all outstanding students in the top ten during the daily assessments. If the school determined that these students could represent the image of the police academy. At least in terms of test scores, they have no way to refute it.

As for Tao Mu's recommendationTao Mu would of course recommend people who got along well with him. Was there any doubt about this?

They usually didn't get along well with Tao Mu, and they were even jealous of Tao Mu, a visiting student, who actually performed better than them in the daily assessments and training. They also often spoke ill of Tao Mu behind his back. If they were Tao Mu, they would definitely make the same choice.

After a long silence, some people subconsciously looked at Shen Yu.

As for bowing their heads and ingratiating themselves with Tao Mu or something, everyone was young, with strong self-esteem and thin skin, and they would definitely not be able to do such a thing. But Tao Mu was not the only one in the crew of "Black and White". In contrast, Shen Yu even brought capital into the crew.

Shen Yu's words must be more powerful than that of Tao Mu's who only played a small supporting role. They want to join the crew to film, they want to get in touch with those big names, and maybe even ask for autographs or a group photo. They didn't have to go the way of Tao Mu. They could just beg Shen Yu, they usually treated Shen Yu so well, and Shen Yu would definitely speak for them.

Shen Yu, who had finally recovered from his twisted ankle and was standing obediently in line waiting for training, blinked blankly: Why were they all looking at him?

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