After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 37

Chapter 37


Gu Jinchen, who had just returned to the courtyard gate, happened to hear those words from his little wife.

"What are you two talking about?" There must be something more impressive than him.

Are these two little ones trying to outshine him?

No way, in his wife's eyes he must be the most impressive, the one and only!

"Nothing, how did you come back so soon? Weren't you going to the county town?" Hearing his voice, the two turned their heads.

"I happened to meet an old client on the road, so the client took everything directly. That's why I came back earlier," Gu Jinchen said as he pulled her back into the room and took out a large purse patched with many patches from the bundle.

"This is the silver from the sale that went to my share. You keep it," he said.

Looking at the purse, Luo Ge blinked twice. Does this guy have some obsession with patches?

Why do both his purse have several patches on them?

Actually, this can hardly be called a purse anymore. Filled with silver ingots of ten taels each, it's more like a small sack, just with a drawstring opening like a purse.

"You've exchanged it for silver ingots?"

"Yeah, didn't you say silver ingots are better than silver notes last time?" She did mention it before, so when he got silver notes, he went straight to the money house to exchange them.

"That's natural. Nowadays, with so many changing situations, how can one feel at ease leaving it in a money house? It's safer to keep it in one's own hands."

Nowadays, the money houses are all privately run by wealthy merchants, with basically none being run by the government.

She had often seen in novels and TV shows about wealthy merchants going bankrupt and people being unable to retrieve their silver from the money houses.

How could she feel at ease? Since she has her space to store things, it's better to keep it in her own hands.

"So much? Didn't we say we'd sell the tiger skin ourselves later? Did you give Li Qiao a bigger share this time?" She counted and found there were actually 180 taels.

The tiger skin alone, if sold at a normal price, should fetch around 100 taels. The tiger bones, tiger penis, and tiger meat would probably be over 200 taels.

For such a robust, big tiger, it should fetch around 330 taels in total. Divided into three shares, deducting 100 taels for Li Qiao, who led the tiger from the deep mountains at risk to his life, is not unreasonable.

If they could sell it for 230 taels this time, deducting Li Qiao's share, there shouldn't be this much left.

"Bai Shopkeeper said there was a nobleman in need of tiger bones and tiger penis, so it was a perfect coincidence. He gave us 300 taels in full."

"Is that so? Then we're really lucky!" Luo Ge was delighted to hear this, feeling her husband was really fortunate.

"It's clearly the blessings you've brought me," Gu Jinchen smiled and ruffled her hair.

In fact, he really felt his luck had improved a lot since marrying Luo Ge. It's worth knowing that in the past, he and Li Qiao had also hunted tigers before.

But that tiger, because of its damaged skin and relatively small and thin build, didn't even sell for half of what they got this time.

But this time, going to the mountains with Luo Ge, the tiger was much more robust, not to mention they happened to meet Bai Shopkeeper halfway, who had a nobleman in need of those items, allowing them to seize the opportunity. It was truly good luck.

"Really?" Hearing her husband say so, Luo Ge smiled with her eyes curved.

"Of course."

"Then can you take me flying a few more times? With your lightness skills, flying from tree to tree, can you take me along for a flight? It would be great."

She did want to learn to fly herself, but it was too late to start at her age now. It was completely unrealistic.

It would be better to just enjoy what's readily available.

"Okay." Seeing her expectant look, how could he refuse?

He just didn't expect she would enjoy lightness skills so much.

"Mwah, you're so good." Luo Ge was delighted and even happier than getting the money pouch. She put the silver back into her space and happily pecked him on the cheek, letting out a sound unintentionally and feeling a bit embarrassed.

Gu Jinchen was stunned for a moment, but this time he reacted quickly. Before she could run away again, he pulled her back into his embrace.

"You kissed the wrong place." With those low words, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


Including making up for the time she kissed him and ran away, he didn't let her go until she was breathless and limp. Only then did Gu Jinchen release her.

"Next time, if you want to run away again, I definitely won't let you off so easily," the man said, though his heart was overjoyed.

To make his little wife happy and receive such an active reward, he was truly delighted.

He made up his mind to work harder and earn more of these rewards.

No, a few times wouldn't be enough! He wanted it continuously!

"Hmph." Luo Ge lay softly in his embrace, catching her breath, and let out a soft hum at his threat.

Gu Jinchen found it amusing and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Wife, are you being defiant?"

"No, I'm not."

"Is that so? But I feel there should be consequences, what do you think?"

"!!!" Dage and the others are still outside, and I haven't prepared the cured meat yet." Seeming to sense something, she hurriedly said that to avoid a certain someone from taking drastic action.

Hearing this, Gu Jinchen swallowed, suppressing the tingling feeling that was arising.

"You little tease," he said in a deep voice as he pressed her head against his chest.

Luo Ge stuck out her tongue where he couldn't see, smiling like a little vixen.

Since a certain someone had taken advantage, she was naturally satisfied and would keep her promise.

So Luo Ge happily enjoyed the fun of jumping from tree to tree, and even the two little ones got to tag along for two rides.

Until they finished playing and returned, Luo Ge and the two little ones were still greatly excited.

When Gu Jinchen returned, the remaining cured meat had also been taken care of.

Luo Ge took out the hand-cranked peeler and peeling knife from her space, which was much faster than using a dagger or kitchen knife before.

Now, the pork belly that had been curing earlier was also ready.

Luo Ge tried a small piece first and felt it wasn't bad.

"Husband, you try some?" She scooped some into a bowl and took it out for Gu Jinchen and the two little ones to taste.

Given the previous meal precedent, Gu Jinchen had no reluctance at all.

Seeing his hands stained with salt and the sourness of the cured meat, Luo Ge picked up a piece and fed it to his mouth for him to try.

Gu Jinchen looked at her, stealing another glance at her slightly swollen lips as he opened his mouth.

After he ate it, she also let the two little ones standing next to him try some.

"How is it?" She asked expectantly after they had all tasted it.

Then she received three nodding heads in response: "Very delicious!"

The one adult and two children spoke in unison, their eyes bright as they looked at the bowl in Luo Ge's hands.

"Then you all go wash your hands, and I'll dish some out for you to eat first." She smiled, and as soon as the words left her mouth, she saw a few figures running to the water barrel to wash their hands.

Amused, she dished some out for them, then took another bowl and brought it over to the neighbors.

"Luo Ge? Did you come to play?" Wang Sister-in-law's voice came first before she appeared.

During this period, everyone had been busy planting millet or other grains, so they hadn't had much free time. The Wang family had just finished their work today as well.

Wang Sister-in-law seemed to miss Luo Ge since they hadn't seen each other for a while. Before seeing her, she called out happily.

"No, Sister-in-law, I made some cured meat and wanted to let you all taste my cooking too." Seeing Wang Sister-in-law, Luo Ge smiled.

"Cured meat? Why did you bring things over again? I feel bad always taking advantage of you." Wang Sister-in-law frowned.

But Luo Ge pushed the bowl into her hands. "It's nothing valuable, just something I was messing around with. I think the taste turned out alright, so I wanted you all to try it too."

"I cleaned and processed these ingredients myself, so please don't turn your nose up at them." In case they were reluctant to try something she handled, Luo Ge explained.

"Grumble..." Before she could finish speaking, they heard that sound, and Wang Sister-in-law felt embarrassed when she turned to look.

"How could I dislike it? Let me tell you, I smelled the fragrance of this dish in the afternoon, and it went straight up my nose, making me crave it terribly.

I was wondering what it was. Everyone in my family was craving it for a while too. You brought it to me, how could I dislike it? I should thank you instead," Wang Sister-In-Law said sincerely, her face showing embarrassment.

Hearing this, Luo Ge also smiled: "That's great, I'm glad you all like it."

"Well, I should get going now. There's still work to be done at home." Seeing Zhang Auntie come out as well, it seemed the Wang family was about to have dinner, so Luo Ge politely said goodbye.

"Hey, since the daughter-in-law is here, why don't you come in and have dinner with us before leaving?" Zhang Auntie wanted to invite her to dinner, but Luo Ge had already hurried away.

"No need, Auntie. We've already cooked at home. Next time, maybe." With that, Luo Ge had returned to her own courtyard.

Seeing this, Zhang Auntie and Wang Sister-In-Law exchanged a glance and smiled: "This girl."

What Wang Sister-In-Law said was true. The kitchen of the Gu family was adjacent to the Wang family, and they had indeed smelled the fragrance of the braised meat all afternoon.

As soon as the dishes were served, they were quickly emptied.

When there were only a few pieces left, everyone in the family looked at each other and hurriedly picked up their chopsticks.

In the end, Uncle Wang, Zhang Auntie, and Wang Sister-In-Law all managed to get a piece.

Only Tie Dan and Wang Big Brother were still fighting over the last piece.

"Ahem." Wang Big Brother cleared his throat.

Tie Dan hesitated for a moment, then put down his chopsticks.

Father was an adult and needed to work, so he should eat more meat to replenish his body. It didn't matter if Tie Dan, a young boy, ate one piece less. Yes!

"Dad?" But the next moment, he saw his father put that last piece of braised fatty sausage into his bowl.

"What's wrong? Do you really think I, your father, would fight with a little kid like you over food? You like this braised dish, right? If the food is delicious, remember to thank your Uncle Gu's family."

"I'm not going to fight with you over it. I'll just have some rice with the soup broth!" Before anyone could react, he poured the soup broth into his bowl and mixed it with the rice, cleaning it up in a few bites.

The others: "!!!!!!" They had all been eyeing that broth!

That broth was the most fragrant and had the most meat bits.

The whole family had pained expressions, except for Tie Dan, who looked touched.

His father was so good, giving him the meat and only drinking the broth himself.

He would definitely listen to his father and treat him well in the future.

Wang Sister-In-Law looked at her son, then at her husband, and shook her head with a smile.

Tie Dan was still too young.

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