After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 502: Ninety-five thrones

  Chapter 502 Nine Five Thrones


The old emperor sighed deeply, and said with emotion: "This moment, that moment. Now Pei Shu's behavior is becoming more and more outrageous, and Pei Sanlang's gender is also suspicious. Even if I deal with the Pei family according to the rules, Chongdao should not will blame me."

Yan Luoyu heard that the old emperor was deeply restrained by her biological father Yan Chongdao when he opened and closed his mouth when dealing with the Pei family. He couldn't help but feel very depressed and said: It's not a bad thing for a person to make a promise, but if he makes a promise to such a To a certain extent, it is really a bit of a hindrance!

  Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

  Xiao Pei Mansion.

  The handsome little gentleman stood by the desk, gesticulating with his hands in different positions according to the content of the speech, and talked with joy and eloquence: "The trick is trying to lead the vendor to believe that Sanlang is a woman."

   "The peddlers can stand the test after several months of intensive training!"

   "No matter what Xi Zuo said, the vendor firmly believed that what Xi Zuo said was all lies."

   "Besides, the peddler also memorizes the jingles of the work very well."

  The beautiful gentleman Xun Huan concluded complacently: "It seems that the common people have almost internalized the concept of 'loving the country and eliminating thieves'."

  Pei Yi was really amazed after hearing this report.

   What Xun Huan is doing now is no different from modern public opinion warfare.

In particular, the clear and clear slogan of "patriotism and eradication of thieves" is extremely provocative and quite legitimate. It directly stands on the moral high ground, and it naturally has the nature of criticizing and fighting hostile forces. It is a genius that can be called "moisturizing things silently".

   Not only was the slogan loud, Xun Huan also directly released a series of catchy jingles, and even made up a lot of extremely fluent songs.

  Although the common people are not highly educated, because these songs and jingles are too easy to remember, they memorize them one by one through word of mouth.

  Although the common people didn't pay much attention to some things at first, once they were allowed to repeatedly sing something with a strong tendency, their thoughts would involuntarily change subtly.

  Of course, what’s even more wonderful is that all of Xun Huan’s bureaus are too confrontational and appealing, full of an indescribable fighting spirit—the purpose of keeping his mouth shut is to defeat the spy dogs hidden among the common people.

  This method of directly dividing people into the enemy and the enemy is simple but brutal, and it is very successful in allowing the common people to directly and easily divide the enemy from the friend.

   Moreover, under this simple method of identification, the common people are willing to fight, and are willing to keep their eyes open all day long to find out one by one "self-proclaimed dog thief". The intensity of their struggle is really shocking and worrying.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the vast majority of the old white people live at the bottom of the society. They usually suffer the most discrimination and have the most supercilious eyes. In fact, there is more or less injustice in their hearts.

   And Xun Huan's current campaign of "beating down the small country thieves" directly gave the common people a channel to vent their grievances.

  While admiring the Pei family highly, these common people occupy the legal and moral heights and fiercely resist the "thief of the country" in an extremely simple and rude way, and their actions have gradually become detached from reason.

  Pei Yi frowned, and reminded worriedly: "It is wise to use public opinion against public opinion, but you can't arouse the resistance of the people without limit. It is important to grasp the fine work, but you must also pay attention to the method."

   "Nowadays, when ordinary people are chatting, they will arbitrarily judge the other party as a national traitor or spy based on a word that disagrees with them. It is really suspected of retaliation."

   "We just want to fight against the forces that intend to subvert the Pei family with public opinion, not to cultivate a group of mobs who fanatically worship the Pei family."

  Xun Huan fell silent for a long time after hearing these remarks.

  Pei Yi's opinion is actually completely opposite to his.

  In his view, if the common people are to be able to use it for themselves, they must fully mobilize the simple-minded common people.

  How to mobilize?

  Of course, the first step is to divide the enemy and the enemy.

  Let the common people clearly realize who the enemy is and who the friendly army is.

   And this division method must be as simple as possible, so that it is easy to operate.

  The second step, of course, is to constantly heighten the crisis awareness of the old Bai surnames and constantly stir up their strong patriotic and xenophobic sentiments.

  As long as everything is done in the name of "patriotism", the simple-minded old white people will not be able to discern the true purpose of a slogan.

They will only concentrate around the slogan of "patriotic" with enthusiasm, do what others call them to do more and more fanatically, easily label a group of people as unpatriotic rebels, and constantly raise the entire anti-dog national traitor. Activity.

   Xun Huan thought so, so he said so.

  Xiao Junji listened carefully to the whole process and expressed great agreement.

"After all, the common people are simple-minded 'patriotic thugs'." Xiao Junji teased with contempt, "As long as we shout patriotic slogans, even if it's just lip service, then we can easily pull There is a big wave of public opinion."

   "Ah Huan's 'Patriotic Elimination of Thieves' is doing very well. In my opinion, this action is not excessive at all. On the contrary, I think it can continue to advance."

   "The patriotic enthusiasm of the common people is now high, and the favorability of the Pei family has also been greatly improved, but this is not enough."

   "It's really not enough to overthrow the tyranny of the Huo family with the degree of worship of the common people."

   "According to me, A Huan's current publicity is not very comprehensive."

   "Our purpose must be clear - not only to fight against the hidden group of people who oppose the Pei family, but also to fight against the current Huo family."

   Xun Huan suddenly became enlightened, really enlightened, and deeply felt the nectar.

  He clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Junji's words are very correct. We only focus on attacking those political enemies of the Pei family, but we forget that the most important enemy of the Pei family is the Huo family!"

   "The focus of our propaganda in the future will not only continue to consolidate and strengthen the praise of the entire Pei family, but also increase the criticism of the entire Huo family!"

   "The Huo family is an extremely reactionary court that stands on the opposite side of the common people, and is a mountain that weighs on the common people's backs. We overthrow it and beat it!"

  Xiao Junji was deeply convinced, and said with a smile, "We're going to hit him everywhere, political enemies, and the Huo family. We'll grab him with both hands, and never let go of one end."

  Pei Yi turned pale when she heard this, and interrupted almost angrily: "Where do we have so many enemies now?!"

   "As long as the Huo family doesn't do anything that angers people, we, as a part of the world, shouldn't do such anti-imperial things all day long!"

   "What's the use of inciting the patriotism of ordinary people day by day?!"

   "Is it interesting to engage in confrontation?!"

   "A stage has a stage goal!"

   "Our goal at this stage is to deal with political enemies, not the royal family!"

   "The Pei family has so many political enemies, how can they all be treated in the same simple and rough manner without distinction."

   "Now that the political enemies have not been eliminated, you are directly pointing the finger at the royal family."

   "In addition to angering the royal family, what good things can you do?!"

  Pei Yi was really outraged.

  She has always disapproved of constantly hyping up the patriotic sentiments of the common people.

   There is nothing wrong with emphasizing patriotism. For example, when fighting against foreign enemies, there is nothing wrong with uniting a group of ordinary people with patriotic slogans.

   But once it comes to the peaceful era, if some people still chant patriotic slogans all day long, then they have no plans!

  Deliberately taking advantage of the simple patriotism of the common people, and further deliberately leading the common people into deeply feel that "this country is a pathetic weakling who is bullied by all the countries in the Kyushu mainland", that is simply a crime!

  Pei Yi admitted that she overreacted a bit.

   But as long as she thought that the "patriotic eradication of thieves" campaign advocated by Xun Huan might slip into a completely random group of patriotic riots, she couldn't help being deeply angry.

  Neither Xun Huan nor Xiao Junji thought that Pei Yi would be so angry because of this matter.

  Both men don't quite agree with Pei Yi's words, to be exact, they don't agree at all.

   Their ideas are fundamentally different from Pei Yi's.

  Xun Huan frowned, and retorted with some jealousy and anger: "Sanlang, you have to tell the truth. Shouldn't our number one enemy today be the Huo family?"

  Xiao Junji fully agrees with Xun Huan's concept. The latter immediately said, "That's right. Saburo, although it seems that our biggest enemy is a political enemy, isn't our purpose in dealing with political enemies to finally seize the big position?"

"In the final analysis, our ultimate enemy is the Huo family. Now, Sanlang clearly has the heart to aspire to the great position, but he completely excludes the Huo family from the enemy when planning the layout. Isn't this purpose and action completely deviated from each other? ?”

Xiao Junji took a deep look at Pei Yi, and said with a little unknown jealousy: "I don't know if Saburo is angry at the so-called 'expansion of the enemy', or because he accidentally got Huo Yuan involved. angry."

  When Pei Yi heard this accusation, she couldn't help but get angry.

   But when it reached a certain critical point, she suddenly calmed down again.

   Or rather, she woke up with a start.

  She should restrain her emotions well.

   After all, she is a modern person in some respects, and her concept of "common people" is completely different from that of ancient people like Xun Huan and Xiao Junji.

  The era she lived in went through a crazy era when public opinion provoked a world war.

   So, she's alert, she's on high alert.

  She hates all propaganda that constantly arouses the enthusiasm of the people, no matter what authority the propaganda comes from.

  However, as Xiao Junji said, she must be clear about her goals in doing things.

   Now her goal is very clear, that is to aspire to the big position.

   Aspiring to the top position is no small matter.

  Once this kind of goal is established, there is no turning back at all.

Although she hates raising the patriotism of the common people to directly confront the current imperial court, on the other hand, if she thinks about it carefully, if she wants to ascend the throne of the Ninth Five-Year justified, the first thing she has to do is to show herself Is it orthodox, denying the legitimacy of the Huo family today?

  Thinking about it this way, what Xun Huan and Xiao Junji just said about "flowers all over the ground" and "grasp with both hands" are not without merit.

  Pei Yi took a deep breath to calm herself down.

   After making sure that she no longer had any irritability and feelings of fighting boredom, she calmly said: "Actually, what you two just said is correct."

   "Our target today is not only political enemies, but also the royal family."

   "However, when doing things, you still have to focus."

   "Although people everywhere are now revolting, Kyoto is still relatively calm."

   "Generally speaking, the people in Kyoto still support the Huo family."

Pei Yi smiled lightly when she said this, and she said with deep intentions: "Instead of directly publicizing how badly the Huo family is doing now, it's better to find a way to prove that the girls of the Pei family will rule the world legitimacy."

  Xun Huan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

  He looked at Pei Yi with his eyes wide open, and it took him a long time to say three good words in succession, and said with a smile: "Sanlang is a good move."

Xiao Junji also reacted, and said with a smile: "Sanlang's words are very true. The Huo family is not a fool. If we directly and continuously publicize their negative news, the old emperor and his group will soon become vigilant. If If this provoked the old emperor to launch a "cleaning of public opinion" among the people, it would be a complete failure. But if we discuss our own legitimacy from another angle, it will be quite concealed and safe."

  Pei Yi wanted this kind of result.

  She said calmly: "Instead of passively defending, we should actively defend."

   "A group of them are obviously trying to make a fuss about my 'woman' status."

  “Instead of suppressing those remarks that testify that I am a woman one by one, we should do the opposite and directly demonstrate the legitimacy of a woman in power.”

  Xiao Junji deeply agrees.

  Although he is not as familiar with propaganda as Xun Huan, but now that he has opened up his mind, his speech is quite active.

"Sanlang's words should be more focused." Xiao Junji smiled inscrutably, "We want to prove the legitimacy of the girl from the Pei family. In this world, only a girl surnamed Pei has the legitimacy to be in power. , the rest of the girls are not so orthodox."

   These words hit the nail on the head.

   Xun Huan agrees very much.

  If it is simple and generalized to promote that women can be in power, it is very likely to give excuses and theories to those women who also have the heart of the world.

   They don't want to make wedding clothes for others.

  The only person who can ascend to that position is their Saburo.

  Thinking of this, Xun Huan couldn't help but smiled badly, and joked, "Sanlang, look at what you mean, are you ready to be exposed?"

  Pei Yi took a sip of tea and said with a faint smile: "I am a woman, and pretending to be a man is just a stopgap measure."

   "To be honest, I'm still worried that there is no valid reason to go from being a man to being a woman again."

   "But the group of political enemies who have been advocating that Pei Sanlang is a woman all day just gave me a chance."

  Pei Yi gently put down the teacup, and said with a bit of ruthlessness: "However, I guess I will suffer a bit."

  What kind of loss is this? The two men present were very active and thought of going together almost at the same time.

  If Pei Yi's daughter was exposed under the manipulation of political opponents, it would definitely cause strong shock and strong reaction from the royal family.

   At that time, the disaster of prison will definitely be inevitable.

   Moreover, if the royal family reacts violently, it is not impossible to directly send the entire Pei family into the dungeon.

   "It may not be possible." Pei Yi said with a smile, "Our Majesty is not ruthless when he talks about cruelty, and he is not too kind when he talks about kindness."

   "Although he has long wanted to attack the Pei family, he often gets confused at critical moments."

  Pei Yi teased sarcastically: "To put it mildly, his name is not devoid of humanity, but to put it harshly, he is weak-willed and too cowardly."

   "For so many years, Your Majesty has always hated and tolerated my Pei family, but it is because of my father's tough attitude."

  When Pei Yi said this, her heart suddenly became clear.

  She previously simply understood her father's domineering and domineering style in recent years as "self-defilement".

  Looking at it now, why is there no shocking heart in it?

   Today's His Majesty is a person who is strong on the surface but cowardly on the inside.

  Once the subordinates acted too tough, although the old emperor hated him to death, he was actually afraid of everything in action—he dared not strike.

  This really makes people laugh out loud.

  Pei Yi took another sip of tea, thought for a while, and then continued quietly: "At that time, I, the 'culprit' who disguised herself as a man, will inevitably go to jail."

   "However, my father and the others should not have to go to prison for the time being."

  Pei Yi smiled a little relaxedly and said: "The top priority is, you might as well establish a good relationship with the brothers in the sky prison, so that I won't have a good meal when I go to the sky prison in the future."

  When she said this, everyone present actually recalled very bad things.

   That was when Pei Yi was arrested and sent to the county government's prison when she was in Linhe County.

   During that night in prison, Pei Yi was threatened by the head of the patrol, the county magistrate, and the prefect successively.

   "Sanlang, you may not be in this prison." Xun Huan said worriedly.

  Xiao Junji also held the same view. He said firmly: "If it's really the time when the old emperor wants to put you in prison, it doesn't matter if it's the other way around."

  Pei Yi couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

   She was mentally prepared to rebel, but definitely not at this time, okay?

   She didn't think so before, but the more she worked with Xiao Junji and the others, the more she realized that these words hit the nail on the head.

   Xun Huan agrees very much.

  If it is simple and generalized to promote that women can be in power, it is very likely to give excuses and theories to those women who also have the heart of the world.

   They don't want to make wedding clothes for others.

  The only person who can ascend to that position is their Saburo.

  Thinking of this, Xun Huan couldn't help but smiled badly, and joked, "Sanlang, look at what you mean, are you ready to be exposed?"

  Pei Yi took a sip of tea and said with a faint smile: "I am a woman, and pretending to be a man is just a stopgap measure."

   "To be honest, I'm still worried that there is no valid reason to go from being a man to being a woman again."

   "But the group of political enemies who have been advocating that Pei Sanlang is a woman all day just gave me a chance."

  Pei Yi gently put down the teacup, and said with a bit of ruthlessness: "However, I guess I will suffer a bit."

  What kind of loss is this? The two men present were very active and thought of going together almost at the same time.

  If Pei Yi's daughter was exposed under the manipulation of political opponents, it would definitely cause strong shock and strong reaction from the royal family.

   At that time, the disaster of prison will definitely be inevitable.

   Moreover, if the royal family reacts violently, it is not impossible to directly send the entire Pei family into the dungeon.

   "It may not be possible." Pei Yi said with a smile, "Our Majesty is not ruthless when he talks about cruelty, and he is not too kind when he talks about kindness."

   "Although he has long wanted to attack the Pei family, he often gets confused at critical moments."

  Pei Yi teased sarcastically: "To put it mildly, his name is not devoid of humanity, but to put it harshly, he is weak-willed and too cowardly."

   "For so many years, Your Majesty has always hated and tolerated my Pei family, but it is because of my father's tough attitude."

  When Pei Yi said this, her heart suddenly became clear.

  She previously simply understood her father's domineering and domineering style in recent years as "self-defilement".

  Looking at it now, why is there no shocking heart in it?

   Today's His Majesty is a person who is strong on the surface but cowardly on the inside.

  Once the subordinates acted too tough, although the old emperor hated him to death, he was actually afraid of everything in action—he dared not strike.

  This really makes people laugh out loud.

  Pei Yi took another sip of tea, thought for a while, and then continued quietly: "At that time, I, the 'culprit' who disguised herself as a man, will inevitably go to jail."

   "However, my father and the others should not have to go to prison for the time being."

  Pei Yi smiled a little relaxedly and said: "The top priority is, you might as well establish a good relationship with the brothers in the sky prison, so that I won't have a good meal when I go to the sky prison in the future."

  When she said this, everyone present actually recalled very bad things.

   That was when Pei Yi was arrested and sent to the county government's prison when she was in Linhe County.

   During that night in prison, Pei Yi was threatened by the head of the patrol, the county magistrate, and the prefect successively.

   "Sanlang, you may not be in this prison." Xun Huan said worriedly.

  Xiao Junji also held the same view. He said firmly: "If it's really the time when the old emperor wants to put you in prison, it doesn't matter if it's the other way around."

  Pei Yi couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

   She was mentally prepared to rebel, but definitely not at this time, okay?

   She didn’t feel it before, but the more she worked with Xiao Junji and the others, the more she noticed it

  (end of this chapter)

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