After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 511: step by step

  Chapter 511 Every step of the way

  Pei Yi also realized that her behavior was a bit rough, so she quickly withdrew her scrutiny.

  But the doubts in her heart still did not dissipate.

But her father seems to have completely penetrated her heart, and once again said very bluntly: "Being a father is a man of Dazhou, and death is a soul of Dazhou. You are the Pei family, born to be loyal to the country, and you will die." Loyal to the country."

   These words are quite meaningful.

   In the front, he said that he is from "Dazhou", but later he emphasized that his children are from "Pei family", without mentioning "Dazhou".

  Pei Yi is so perceptive that she immediately understood the unfinished words.

In fact, a long time ago, she had estimated that her father should have a rebellious heart, but her father would only be a minister in power, and would not seize the throne by himself, which naturally involved the monarch and ministers. Etiquette and other reasons.

  Now it seems that her father really planned this way—although her father did not intend to overthrow Da Zhou himself as emperor, but her father chose to pave the way for his children to ascend the throne.

  Her father was the number one official of the Great Zhou Dynasty when he was alive.

   In comparison, the Huo family's royal family is getting weaker and weaker.

  In the future, she and her elder brother's Pei family will replace the Huo family, and everything will be logical.

  Pei Yi understood clearly, and asked in a low voice: "Father, then we just wait and see what happens?"

Pei Shu picked up a brush and dipped it in ink on the inkstone, then pinched his wide sleeves and continued to write on the rice paper, calmly said: "As long as this 'Zhen Guo Princess' doesn't pick things, we will let her do what she wants. go."

  Pei Yi understood.

   In a word, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others.

  If Princess Zhenguo couldn't figure it out and wanted to fight against the Pei family, then the Pei family would definitely not allow the princess to live comfortably.

  Another compartment.

  Imperial Palace.

  The old emperor was quite proud of the fact that he had successfully registered his "daughter" as the princess of Zhen Guo today. He happily told his "daughter" over and over again about his majestic feats in the court.

  Yan Luoyu listened to it over and over again, his ears were almost callused.

   She must have discovered that this old man's desire to confide is really strong. He has said one thing upside down many times, but he still enjoys it.

Finally, when the old emperor mentioned "I will overcome all opinions" for the fourth time, Yan Luoyu couldn't bear it anymore and interjected: "Father, you are really wise and mighty for you to oppose all opinions and canonize your son as 'Princess Zhenguo'." .”

  The old emperor was very proud, and decided to continue talking about his great achievements.

  Yan Luoyu had something in his mind, how could he allow the old emperor to continue bragging like this?

  She took the initiative: "Father, my son just saw you asking Qin Tianjian for a good day. I don't know what Father is planning to choose a good day for?"

  The old emperor smiled mysteriously: "Naturally, it is a good thing, and it is a good thing that will benefit you."

  Although the old emperor was so secretive, Yan Luoyu could still guess what the old emperor was planning.

  She said calmly: "If the father wants to choose a good day to confer the title of 'Emperor Dowager' to his son and minister, it would not be a good thing."

  The old emperor's expression turned cold, and he said with concern and a little sullenness: "Why is this not a good thing?"

Yan Luoyu lowered his head, and analyzed calmly and slowly: "Father, you have already made the courtiers very dissatisfied by conferring your son as 'Princess Zhenguo' today. 'Emperor's daughter', there must be an uproar in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. At that time, wouldn't the son-in-law be equivalent to being roasted on the fire?"

  The old emperor felt angry when he thought about that scene.

  He said with an ashen face: "I am the Son of Heaven. Whom should I confer as the 'Prince', why should these ministers judge?"

  Yan Luoyu sighed secretly.

  Although she was very moved by the old emperor's partiality and defense of her, she also had to admit that the old emperor was indeed a little dizzy now, not sober.

  The hall is quiet.

After a long time, Yan Luoyu slowly opened his mouth and said, "Father, in fact, today, I only know that my father wants to canonize my son as a 'princess', but I never thought that my father wanted to canonize my son as a 'Princess Zhenguo'." .”

   "Father has shown great love for his son, and his son is very grateful."

   "However, there is an unwritten rule in the imperial court. People without credit cannot be canonized as 'Princess Zhen Guo'."

   "Although the son said that he was secretly happy for winning the title of 'Princess Zhen Guo', he was actually very worried."

   "This title is not very respectful of the rules, and the ministers are very dissatisfied with the ministers."

   "Under such circumstances, how dare the son-in-law wait for the canonization of the 'Emperor Dowager' against the displeasure of the world?"

   "Father, I know that you are good to my son, but my father doesn't have to give all the good things to my son."

  When the old emperor heard these words, he felt very ironic in his heart.

  This girl is really sensible.

   This is his daughter with Chongdao, how could he allow ministers to bully her?

  The old emperor said resolutely: "Luoyu, you don't have to think too much, I will definitely make you the empress dowager."

  Yan Luoyu heard that the old emperor's attitude was so firm, so he got up and knelt down on the ground to salute, and said with his forehead close to the tunnel: "Although Luoyu has this ambition, he really doesn't dare to take on such a big responsibility now."

   "Father, what my ministers want is not only the status of the 'Emperor Dowager', but what my ministers want is to be justified and to be convinced by the ministers."

  The old emperor sighed, and asked very kindly: "Isn't it justifiable that I canonize you directly?"

Yan Luoyu heard that the old emperor's tone had softened, so he straightened up, looked up at the old emperor, and said loudly: "There are rules in the court, and only those who have done meritorious deeds are worthy of the word 'zhenguo'. Luoyu Go to the front line to suppress the bandits, protect the peace of the people, and be a real 'princess of the town'."

  The old emperor was very surprised, and immediately disagreed: "What are you doing in such a dangerous place as a girl?"

Yan Luoyu smiled disapprovingly, and said inscrutablely: "Father, didn't the imperial court send troops there before. Now that I am going to the front line, I don't have to lead the army to go into battle in person. I only need to hold the title of warlord , just do some good deeds for the common people on the front line.”

  The old emperor suddenly realized, and instantly understood Yan Luoyu's plan.

  The position of warlord can be large or small, it can be an actual title with great authority, or it can be just a false title.

  Now, what Yan Luoyu wants is a false title.

  She only went to the front line in the name of the "overseer" who supervised the imperial army's operations.

   In this way, if the imperial court won the battle, she, the "supervisor", would naturally have a share of credit.

  But if the imperial court loses a battle, the blame for the defeated army will not fall on her head—after all, she is not really in charge of fighting the war, she is only in charge of a supervisor.

  (end of this chapter)

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