After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 515: class teacher back to court

  Chapter 515 Class teacher returns to court

  Qisha felt sweet in his heart, and liked the long knife in his hand even more.

  Sanleng made people encounter another box.

  This box is boxy and looks very ordinary, but it is a bit heavy.

   Qisha opened it and saw that there were strings of copper coins inside, roughly fifty coins.

   San Leng explained very perceptively: "The third master said that copper coins are generally used more in the barracks, and he specially prepared more for Mr. Qilang."

  Although Qisha pursed his lips to try to remain calm, the corners of his lips that could not be restrained still revealed his joyful heart.

San Leng took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom again, and said earnestly: "This is the medicine that the third master entrusted me to deliver to Mr. Qilang. It contains a one-month dose. The third master said that it is best to take it half an hour after lunch. Take it later."

  Qi Sha took the small porcelain bottle, feeling so sweet in his heart, the corners of his lips almost rose up to shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

   Seeing Qi Sha so happy, San Leng couldn't help feeling a subtle sympathy.

  A guard is definitely no match for the princess.

  The third master of his family will definitely get married in the future, and he will also marry the princess of Zhenguo. There is a high probability that this Lord Qilang will only be abandoned miserably.

   Hey, poor...

  With secret sympathy, San Leng asked with concern: "Mr. Qilang, do you have any message for me to bring?"

   Qisha's cheeks turned slightly red.

  He wants to say, he misses Saburo so much.

  But, how can someone convey this kind of words?

   What a shame!

   Moreover, he was embarrassed to write it in the letter.

  Otherwise, Saburo will definitely laugh at him like a baby who hasn't been weaned.

  Qi Sha felt sweet in his heart, touched the small porcelain vase he had put in his purse, then touched the box containing the copper coins, and looked at the precious knife in his hand.

  He blushed and said sweetly: "I have written everything I want to say in the letter."

   Seeing Qi Sha so sweet and shy, San Leng couldn't help feeling more sympathetic to him.

  Thinking for a while, San Leng couldn't help pointing out: "Don't Mr. Qilang have any love words to say to the third master?"

  Hearing this, Qisha's slightly flushed face suddenly turned red.

  He thought secretly: San Leng is San Lang's personal servant, and every word and deed represents Saburo. Now, San Leng took the initiative to ask me if I had any love words to tell, could it be... San Lang wanted to hear my love words?

  Qi Sha couldn't help but feel his heart pounding at the thought of this possibility, and his face couldn't help but heat up.

  After thinking about it, he still felt too ashamed.

   Talking about love is an extremely private matter, and it would be too shameful if there is one person to convey it in the middle.

  Even if he can say love words with the cheek, he can't let the third person convey it with the cheek.

  Why don't you write love words directly in the letter?

   Qisha thought about it, but gave up the idea.

  His literary talent is so poor, if he writes with overflowing emotions, he will definitely be ridiculed by Saburo as uneducated.

  Qi Sha made up his mind, and refused with blushing cheeks: "I have nothing to say about love, and everything that should be said is already in the letter."

   Seeing this scene, San Leng couldn't help thinking that Mr. Qilang was too innocent.

He couldn't help mentioning: "Mr. Qilang, when we should be bold, we should be bolder; when we should take the initiative, we should also take the initiative. As servants, we can't always expect the master to take the initiative to get close to us Bar?"

  Qi Sha blushed and said "uh", and said in his heart: Is this San Lang using San Leng's mouth to beat me up?

  Seeing that Qilang Jun is so innocent, San Leng couldn't help but sighed quietly, shook his head in hatred, turned around and left helplessly.

   the next day.

  Princess Zhenguo summoned two gentlemen, one was Qisha, and the other was Han Jiuxiao, the poor son of a poor family.

  Yan Luoyu took a look at Qisha, and said to himself that this man is really good-looking, no wonder Saburo likes him.

   Then, her eyes fell on Han Jiuxiao.

  Honestly speaking, Han Jiuxiao is pretty good-looking, but standing next to someone like Qisha who is too good-looking and capable of fighting, he seems a bit dull.

  Yan Luoyu's eyes were secretly critical.

  She said with a slight smile: "I heard that Han Langjun is a scholar, but this time he chose to join the army and go out with the army, which is very admirable."

  Han Jiuxiao bowed and said: "This is thanks to Mr. Pei's appreciation, otherwise I would not have this opportunity."

  Yan Luoyu said meaningfully: "Master Pei is indeed very knowledgeable. No matter what his background is, as long as he is a capable person, Mr. Pei will put his talents to good use."

  Han Jiuxiao was noncommittal, but from his expression, he clearly agreed with this statement.

  Qisha glanced at the Zhenguo princess warily, with a bad premonition in his heart.

  Yan Luoyu sat at the head dignifiedly, carefully looked at the two gentlemen standing in front of her, and said with a slight smile: "This morning, I went to the wounded barracks. There are many wounded soldiers."

  Yan Luoyu's voice suddenly sank, and he said with a bit of sarcasm: "On the way to the military camp, I heard some people say that the number of rogues here is far less than that of officers and soldiers."

   "I think that in the case of such a huge disparity in numbers, the court officers and soldiers should have the upper hand."

   "But I see that the wounded barracks are in mourning, and it seems that they are no match for the rogues at all."

   Qisha lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the ground without saying a word, as if he didn't hear anything.

  Han Jiuxiao knew the truth.

  He subconsciously glanced at the little friend beside him, wanting to unify the two of them. Who would have thought that his little friend would hang his head down, as if he didn't want to talk about it at all.

  Han Jiuxiao couldn't help but sighed inwardly, and could only lower his head and pretend that he didn't hear anything.

  Yan Luoyu saw the reactions of the two men.

  She didn't feel angry either, but smiled patiently and said: "This princess doesn't mean to dictate the strategy of the battle."

   "You are people who are protected by Mr. Pei. This princess is very relieved of you."

   "If the suppression of the rogues is successful this time, this princess will definitely recommend the two of you in the success report, and Mr. Pei will be very pleased."

   "But if it is useless, not to mention that the two of you failed Mr. Pei's expectations, this princess also feels ashamed of the people in this place."

  After hearing these words, Han Jiuxiao's first reaction was: Hey, so Princess Zhen Guo is an ally on Mr. Pei's side?

  He turned his head to look at the little friend beside him, trying to find out a thing or two from the other person's eyes. Who would have thought that the little friend still lowered his head and didn't make eye contact with him for a long time at all.

  Han Jiuxiao felt a little anxious, and gently poked his little friend with his elbow.

  Qi Sha was suddenly punched with a stiff elbow, turned his face slightly in disgust, and glanced at this sleazy criminal with a threatening look.

   In front of the princess, Han Jiuxiao couldn't ask directly, so he could only express his inner world by winking.

  However, his friend of the Seven Killers couldn't understand his tortuous and complicated inner world, so he turned his eyes away indifferently.

  Han Jiuxiao felt so desperate.

  Without the support of his friends, he really didn't dare to speak indiscriminately—for fear that making a mistake would affect the plans of the adults.

  For a while, Princess Zhen Guo stopped talking, Han Jiuxiao didn't dare to speak, Qi Sha didn't want to speak, and the room suddenly became quiet.

   After an unknown amount of time, the seven kills who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "The imperial court soldiers have lax military discipline, they are not as good as rogues."

  Han Jiuxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his little friend speak.

  Princess Zhenguo frowned slightly, and asked calmly: "How much worse are imperial soldiers than rogues?"

   Qisha still looked down at the ground, and didn't look up at Princess Zhenguo, as if he was following the rules.

  He said coldly, honestly and without the slightest emotion: "The bandits are very bad, and the court soldiers are very, very bad."

  Yan Luoyu didn't expect it, and couldn't help but feel a block in his heart.

  She originally thought that the rogues were too powerful, so the regular army of the imperial court couldn't beat them.

  Who would have thought that both sides are equally bad, but the court soldiers are worse than the rogues.

  When did the army of the dynasty start to compare badly?

  The current emperor is the founding king of the country. How many years have passed since the founding of the country. Is the imperial court’s army already so corrupt?

  Yan Luoyu couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

At this time, Han Jiuxiao continued the words of the seven kills: "The rogues are not as sophisticated as us, their numbers are not as large as ours, and their food is not as sufficient as ours, but their military discipline is much better than ours, and they are much more courageous than us. Last time, one rogue The people in the squad dispersed more than 2,000 of our soldiers."

  Yan Luoyu was astonished, and asked subconsciously: "How many people are there in a team of rogues?"

  Han Jiuxiao was silent for a while, and confessed in a complicated mood: "Less than a hundred people."

  Yan Luoyu was dumbfounded.

  A mob of less than a hundred people actually dispersed more than two thousand soldiers from the imperial court.

  When did the imperial army become so vulnerable?

   A team of less than one hundred people broke up a team of more than two thousand people!

   Such numbers are really shocking.

  Yan Luoyu's heart sank.

  She asked calmly: "How do you two think you can deal with the current situation?"

  Han Jiuxiao actually had everything in mind, but because the solution to this incident would involve the interests of some military leaders, he chose to remain silent.

  Qi Kill was not silent at this time, but calmly and seriously said: "Change the general."

  Yan Luoyu didn't refute him right away, but looked at him calmly, and asked seriously: "Can changing the general solve the problem?"

  Han Jiuxiao saw that his little friends had made a good start, so he was no longer intimidated.

  Anyway, the friends have already rushed out first, so of course he has to rush forward too.

  Han Jiuxiao bit the bullet, summoned up his courage and said, "As long as the generals you replace are virtuous, you can revive the army with another general."

  Yan Luoyu was a good follower, and Dang Li asked earnestly, "Do you have anyone to recommend?"

  As soon as this question came out, both men remained silent.

Yan Luoyu knew what they were worried about, and said with a slight smile: "I'm just an imperial envoy, and the knot in my hand doesn't have much practical effect. At most, I can only hold chicken feathers as arrows. It's a good token."

  Han Jiuxiao and Qisha looked at each other, and they both understood what Princess Zhen Guo meant. If the current general did not meet the requirements of the clan war, she could change the current general at any time.

   "It's a big taboo to change generals just in time." Han Jiuxiao said worriedly.

  Yan Luoyu smiled and said: "It's not you who said just now that as long as you change to a reliable general, the atmosphere in the army will be greatly improved. I believe that the two of you must have a suitable candidate in your heart."

  Qi Sha did not continue to remain silent at this time, but mentioned a few people to Yan Luoyu on the spot.

  Yan Luoyu was thoughtful, and asked: "What are the official positions of these people you recommended?"

   "There are big and small." Qi Sha said calmly and authentically, "From the deputy general, down to the chief executive."

  Yan Luoyu knew it well, so he ordered Zhichan, his personal maid, to record the names of these people one by one.

  Yan Luoyu looked at Han Jiuxiao again, and asked, "Is there anything you need to add, Mr. Han Lang?"

Han Jiuxiao was silent for a moment, and honestly suggested: "Princess, although we all agree to change generals, it is easy to cause commotion when changing generals before the battle. Now it is time to fight, I am afraid that the matter of changing generals before the battle will affect too much .”

  Yan Luoyu knew it well, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will very peacefully recommend people who you think are good."

  Han Jiuxiao didn't take this to heart, on the contrary, he was very worried.

  He felt that the Zhenguo princess was too romantic and naive by nature, and she was also too confident.

   You must know that all generals in the army have real power in their hands.

  How could such a person with real benefits be willing to give up his current power and abdicate for the virtuous?

  Han Jiuxiao sighed inwardly, secretly thinking that this Zhen Guo princess is still too ignorant of human nature.

  Compared to Han Jiuxiao's worry, Qi Sha is very calm. I don't know if it's because he has great confidence in Princess Zhen Guo, or because he doesn't care about it at all.

  However, on the second day, Han Jiuxiao discovered that the most important training officer had been replaced.

   Not only has the trainer changed, but the other generals have also changed a lot.

  Han Jiuxiao was quite surprised.

  In just one day, oh, to be precise, in less than a day, Princess Zhenguo actually changed the general in such an important position—and quietly.

  He didn't hear any news that the generals were dissatisfied. He thought that the matter of coming to Zhen Guo Princess was handled quite secretly, and it could even be called happy.

  Han Jiuxiao couldn't hold back his emotion and said, "Our princess is really talented."

  Qi Kill was noncommittal, but secretly pondered that there had never been a precedent for a princess to supervise the frontline in this dynasty, but Princess Zhen Guo directly set a precedent.

  In his opinion, this Zhen Guo princess is probably ambitious, and all the things she is doing now are probably paving the way for imperial power.

   Two months later.


  The streets were crowded with people, even the restaurants and restaurants on both sides of the street were full of people.

  Everyone was very excited, stretching their necks nervously and looking around, waiting for the victorious army to enter the city.

  In the private room on the second floor of a restaurant on the side of the street, a group of men crowded around the window, leaning on the window frame, stretching their necks to look out, and some even leaned out half of their body.

  Pei Yi was worried that this person would fall, so she couldn't help reminding: "Be careful, brother."

   "Don't worry, I won't fall." These enthusiastic gentlemen waved at her, and then continued to look at the other side of the street with the window frame.

  Pei Yi shook her head and sighed, Xindao people's enthusiasm is too strong.

  It is really crowded here.

  If she hadn't experienced this kind of scene, Pei Yi would not have realized that Kyoto is a bustling place full of people.

  In such a small private room, in order to be able to see the army returning to the court at the first time, everyone scrambled to squeeze together by the window. The scene was really amazing.


  Xiao Junji sighed, frowned tightly, and opened his arms in disgust to make a small space for his sweetheart, trying not to let the stinky men around him touch his sweetheart.

He looked down at his sweetheart who was protected by him very depressedly, and complained a bit: "I said it a long time ago, we might as well go to Suiyu Building and book a private room on the fifth floor—it's tall and quiet, absolutely It won't be like this crowd of people, rubbing their fists. Look, there are so many people, Saburo, are you sure you can see what's going on outside?"

  Pei Yi thinks she is not short.

  In fact, her height is definitely considered tall among girls.

   Moreover, even if she is placed among men, her height is definitely not short, but she can only be regarded as medium.

  As it is now, a large group of men are crowded together, and the tall one seems to be cast into a wall, blocking the line of sight too much.

  To be honest, Pei Yi already regretted that she went to this ordinary restaurant to experience the life of ordinary people.

  Indeed, as Xiao Junji said, it might be the best policy for her to stay on the fifth floor of Suiyulou.

   But the problem is, now that she is here, it is unrealistic to go any further—because it is really too crowded, and it is not easy to get out.

   Moreover, after quitting, it is not easy to temporarily go to Suiyulou to reserve a room.

  So, after all the calculations, I can only continue to suffer here.

  In just a short time, Pei Yi already felt that she was about to sweat.

  It is now the ninth month of the lunar calendar, and the autumn is breezy, so it shouldn't be so sticky.

  However, there were too many people, and everyone breathed out, and the surrounding area was extremely hot. Coupled with the high mood of the crowd, the temperature seemed to be a little higher invisibly.

   Not only is this room full of people, but the other rooms are also full of people.

  Although the folk customs of Dazhou are open, girls will not be crowded in the same room with a group of men in public.

  So, at first glance, these rooms seem to be arranged in order according to gender. Some rooms are all men, some rooms are all women, but there is no such thing as a mixed room.

  However, if you look around, you will quickly find that among the crowd standing on the street, it is easy for girls and gentlemen to stand together.

  However, everyone still pays attention to the boundaries between men and women. Although people are crowded, there is still a little distance between men and women where men and women meet.

   After a while, someone shouted excitedly: "Here we come!"

   Immediately afterwards, everyone became extremely excited.

   This excitement was so obvious that Pei Yi didn't even need to open her eyes to feel that the mood around her suddenly changed—very high.

  Xiao Junji complained in disgust: "Oh, it's not like we haven't won battles before the Great Zhou Dynasty. When did we see them so excited?"

A gentleman on the side turned his head very dissatisfied and said: "Can this be the same? This time Princess Zhen Guo went to the front line to supervise the battle in person! The princess and a girl's family went through life and death for the people of the Great Zhou. This kind of glory is not worth waiting for a man. Wait here to cheer?"

  His words undoubtedly represented the aspirations of most of the gentlemen, and soon a group of gentlemen were mobilized by him, and everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Junji, expressing strong condemnation to Xiao Junji with their eyes.

  Pei Yi raised her head speechlessly to look at the man blocking her surroundings, and persuaded in a very low voice: "Say less."

  Xiao Junji had a gloomy face. He originally wanted to use his words to kill the Quartet, but when he heard his sweetheart persuade him so, he had no choice but to rest his mind.

However, he was really aggrieved to be asked to stand here and wait for his love rival to return to court. After thinking about it, he still couldn't help complaining: "Sanlang, we can't really see anything standing here. It's impossible for Qisha to see We are here. How about, let's go back? Anyway, Qi Sha will definitely return to the mansion when the time comes, don't you see it more clearly at that time?"

  Pei Yi rubbed her ears helplessly.

  Hey, since going out, Xiao Junji has been whispering in her ears, and she really feels that her ears are getting callused.

  She had reminded Xiao Junji countless times that if he didn't want to wait, he could go back first, but this man left and refused to leave, but kept nagging.

   "Wow, that little man is so handsome~"

  The amazing voices of the girls suddenly pulled Pei Yi out of a depressed mood.

  Pei Yi was surprised, followed the girls' words and looked into the crowd, but didn't see any good-looking young man.

  However, soon, she discovered that something was wrong.

  Because, all kinds of handkerchiefs, purses, and various ambiguous items began to fly all over the sky.

  Xiao Junji smiled and said: "The girls are picking a man."

   This is not a joke.

  Generally speaking, when the army heads back to court, the girls will choose their favorite husband among a group of military masters.

  Military men also know this tradition of girls, so they will definitely wipe their faces clean on this day, just like concubines who enter the palace for beauty pageants, hoping that some blind lady will take a fancy to them.

   Ah, bah bah bah, I hope that some kind-hearted little lady will take a fancy to me.


  Someone screamed, as if they were trying to throw something, or they seemed to be screaming because they were too hard.

  Pei Yi was really shocked.

   "Sanlang, do you want to throw things too?" Xiao Junji joked,

  Pei Yi said depressedly: "What am I throwing?"

  The other girls threw things because they fell in love with Mr. Jun.

   But she didn't see anyone, who was she throwing at?

"Here, isn't that the Seven Kills?" Xiao Junji suggested without hesitation, "Sanlang, you might as well throw the Seven Kills. Didn't you bring a purse? Throw it to him. Although the distance is a bit far, but Saburo, if you use some internal strength, it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Or, I’ll help you, and you’ll definitely be sure.”

  (end of this chapter)

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