After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 521: heartbreaking truth

  Chapter 521 The Heartbreaking Truth

   "What are you thinking?!" Pei Yi slapped the young man on the forehead.

  Qi Sha took a slap on the head and face, followed Pei Yi's force to nod his head down, and then bounced back.

  He slowly raised his hand to touch his forehead that was slapped, and looked at his sweetheart with an aggrieved face, but he didn't dare to complain, just like an angry little daughter-in-law.

   What's more important is that he didn't dare to disobey Pei Yi, and the little "heroic spirit" that he finally showed up just now was taken away by Pei Yi in such a shot.

  Pei Yi strikes while the iron is hot, and lectures confidently: "Hurry up and go back to sleep!"

  Qi Sha kicked his feet and rubbed his shoes off, then put his legs on the bed, stared at Pei Yi, and said firmly: "I won't go back."

  Pei Yi really didn't expect him to come out like this, and couldn't help but choked.

  There is still something she doesn't understand up to now. I dare to say that this kid came to her in the middle of the night just to warm her bed.

   It's really unreasonable!

   Since when did Seven Kills become so promiscuous?

  Pei Yi blamed bitterly: "You learned badly in the barracks. You were not like this before!"

  Qi Sha was very unconvinced, but he was cowardly and did not dare to reply.

  He was facing his sweetheart, sitting cross-legged on the bed, undergoing a training session in silence, and finally mustered up the courage to ask: "Why don't you want to be nice to me?"

Pei Yi folded her hands in front of her chest, tilted her head slightly to look at the young man in front of her, frowned slightly, and teased with a fake smile: "Why should I be nice to you? Where did you go to learn this bad habit?" ? You are my bodyguard, not my lord servant, what's the point of thinking about crawling on my bed all day long?"

   Seven kills suddenly felt aggrieved.

  He looked at Pei Yi full of grief and resentment, half angry and half pitiful, and said: "You obviously got better with me, are you trying to be irresponsible now?"

  Pei Yi looked confused.

   She asked back in a daze: "When did I get better with you?"

   "Hmph!" Qi Sha snorted bitterly and angrily, and said angrily, "You just don't want to admit it!"

  Pei Yi was so depressed, she argued: "No, when will I..."

  Before she finished speaking, Qi Sha said with a face of sudden understanding: "I understand! You just think my job is not good!"

  Pei Yi's eyes were wide open, and she was stunned.

  What is this boss talking about?

  This kind of shameful words about the dignity of a man, don't you feel embarrassed when you say it?

  Pei Yi's beautiful eyebrows were all twisted up, and her heart was really depressed and shocked.

  Seeing that she remained silent, Qi Sha felt more and more that his guess was right.

  He remembered very clearly that the military masters in the military camp said that if the job was not good, the girl would dislike him.

  After Sanlang had a good time with him on New Year's Eve, he didn't want to be with him again. This was obviously because he didn't work well!

   Seven kills are both ashamed and sad.

He looked at his sweetheart helplessly, and complained aggrievedly: "If you don't tell me, how will I know that I am not good enough? Even if I am not good enough, I can still learn and improve. You can teach me .I'm very smart. If you teach me, I'll definitely improve. You can't just let me go like this..."

  Pei Yi has black lines all over her head.

  She could understand every word this boss said, but why couldn't she understand a single word when these words were put together?

  What the **** are you talking about?

  How would she know whether his technique is good or not?

   Besides, what kind of shameful operation is it to let a girl teach him how to play in bed?

   What's more important is—

   "Why should I teach you?" Pei Yi said with a depressed face.

   Qisha seemed taken aback, as if he heard some super shameless scumbag remarks.

  He looked at his sweetheart with a hurt face, and said heartbrokenly: "You really don't want me anymore!"

  Pei Yi felt depressed.

  What do you mean I don't want you anymore?

  What the **** are you talking about?

  I can’t understand a word, big brother!

  Pei Yi was overwhelmed with complaints.

  She was about to ask, who would have thought that the young man in front of her would suddenly turn her back.

Immediately afterwards, the boy moved to the foot of the bed, and then he huddled in the corner of the bed alone, facing the corner, hugging a pair of knees, buried his head silently, with a supercilious look that had been wronged but had nowhere to defend. Poor little look.

  He looks like an angry kitten—a cat pitifully turned its back to its owner, drooping its head, and silently sulking at the corner of the wall.

  Pei Yi suddenly felt both funny and helpless.

  She moved over and patted Qi Sha on the back lightly, then smiled lightly and said, "What are you messing with?"

  Qi Sha was patted by her and tilted slightly towards the wall, and then bounced back due to inertia.

  He still silently sat with his back facing his sweetheart, hugging his knees in the corner, very sad and silent.

  Pei Yi really has nothing to do with this boss.

  She moved to the side of the boy, and stretched her neck to look at him.

  But Qi Sha buried her head in her arms aggrievedly, not letting her see it at all.


  Pei Yi sighed helplessly, and said tiredly: "If you have any grievances, just say it. What's the matter with you shrinking in the corner of my bed like this?"

  Qi Kill raised his head and complained angrily, "You don't see me as a man at all!"

  Pei Yi has one head and two big heads, and a pair of beautiful eyebrows are almost twisted into twists.

  She really didn't understand where the big man's accusation against her came from, and asked very confused: "What happened to you tonight? When did I stop seeing you as a man?"

Qi Sha was extremely sad, and complained with grievance, sadness and sullenness: "You just treat me like a child. Because I am a child in your eyes, so I didn't do well, and you didn't tell me. Me. You don't plan to continue being with me at all, you want to throw me away. You coax me to go to the front to fight, and you want to coax me to go to Chu!"

  Pei Yi was dumbfounded.

   Where the **** is this?

   Forgive her for not accepting any of these accusations.

  What does it mean she coaxed him to go to the front line?

  Why did she coax him back to Chu?

   Is this a joke?

  Aren’t these mutually beneficial and win-win things?

   Besides, what do you mean she doesn't intend to continue with him?

  Is she on good terms with him?

  Why has this big guy been obsessed with this strange question?

  Pei Yi's mind is in a mess.

  Among the bunch of questions, she really twisted out the most critical and important one and asked: "Pei Wujiu, when did I get along with you? Why do you keep emphasizing this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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