After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 535: make her feel bad

  Chapter 535 Makes her feel bad

   After a while, Huo Yuan gradually stopped laughing.

  He looked down at the dark pattern of the four-clawed python on his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid my father is going to do something to you recently."

  Pei Yi closed her eyes and remained silent.

   A few days ago, when Yan Luoyu invited her to meet, she had expected this possibility, but now it was confirmed by Huo Yuan.

   "Sanskrit," Huo Yuan looked up at the person in front of him, and said solemnly, "If you don't want your daughter's body to be exposed, I will cover it for you no matter what."

  Pei Yi slightly pursed her lips and smiled, and said kindly: "Your Highness, you don't have to cover up for me, just let things take their course."

  Huo Yuan stared at her.

   After a while, he smiled lightly and said, "Sanlang, you are taking a big gamble."

  Pei Yi originally wanted to deny it, but the words suddenly turned a corner. She said with a sly smile: "To each other."

  Huo Yuan laughed again.

  The two of them continued to chat for a few words half-testing and half-concerned, both of whom had mixed feelings.


  Suddenly there was a loud thunder outside the house.

  Huo Yuan was so shocked that his fingers trembled slightly, and his face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal.

  But Pei Yi saw all these small actions of the man.

  The aftertaste of this thunderclap was very long, and it took a while for the rumbling and rolling to end.

   "It seems that the rain will not stop for a while." Pei Yi deduced softly.

  Huo Yuan frowned slightly.

  He doesn't like rainy days, especially rainy days with thunder.

   "Did Your Highness take a carriage when he went out?" Pei Yi asked.

  She knew that, as a prince, Huo Yuan went back to the mansion behind her back tonight, but secretly there must be a group of guards following them nearby, and the real means of travel has to be discussed separately.

  Huo Yuan shook his head.

  Recently, in order to facilitate the investigation of cases, he usually walks on foot, or rides a horse, and rarely rides in a carriage.

   But in the rainy conditions like this tonight, it is very inconvenient to walk or ride a horse.

   "I'll let the groom in my residence take His Highness back to the residence." Pei Yi suggested.

   This proposal fell into Huo Yuan's arms, and he immediately nodded in response.

  Pei Yi stood up and personally sent the man out of the wing.

   Then, he took the umbrella and sent the man to the corner gate.

  However, before she walked out of the eaves, Huo Yuan said to her: "Send me here, otherwise, your shoes will get wet again."

  Pei Yi stood on the corridor, looked at the dripping eaves above the zenith, and then looked at the man in front of her.

  She didn't object to what the other party said, but nodded gently and said: "Okay."

  Lanterns hanging on the promenade flutter in the night wind.

  The drizzle from outside was blown in by the wind, sticking to the outer cover of the lantern, softening the halo.

  Huo Yuan took a deep look at her.

   I don't know if it's because the lights are too warm, but this look is extraordinarily gentle.

  She heard Huo Yuan emphasize to her again very seriously: "Fanyin, I will not hurt you."

  The night wind blew from the other end of the corridor, shaking the lantern from side to side, causing the lights to tremble wildly.

  Huo Yuan's face looked a little hazy under the trembling warm lights, and his expression became a bit ambiguous and gentle.

  Pei Yi smiled lightly.

  The smile was gentle, but it didn't reach the eyes.

  She said softly: "I believe in Your Highness."

  Huo Yuan smiled bitterly, and looked at her reluctantly, then turned around and opened the umbrella and walked out of the corridor, stepped down the stairs, and stepped into the rain and fog.

   The drizzle was falling.

  It was pitch black around.

  Pei Yi stood on the wet and cold corridor, quietly watching the man drift away in the rain and mist, and finally merged into a dark rainy night and disappeared.

  She stood in a daze for a while, and when she was about to turn around and go back to the house, she inadvertently saw a man standing beside the pillars of the long corridor not far away.

  A red glazed lantern with tassels hangs just above the vermilion pillar.

  Warm candlelight poured out from the lampshade, dyed warm and ambiguous by the layer of red glaze.

  The man was wearing a light crescent white gown, exuding an indescribable coolness, but being dyed by such candlelight, he showed a bit of warmth.

  Pei Yi couldn't help but be surprised to see this man suddenly in the middle of the night.

  She called out in a low voice, "Ah Heng."

   This person is Xiao Junji.

  He was standing on the edge of the promenade, with dripping eaves on the roof.

Although it is not raining heavily today, the rain has been pouring down non-stop. The rainwater gathers on the roof, then flows down the ridge of the roof along the slanted and sunken tiles, and finally slides out along the dripping eaves. fell to the ground.

  At this moment, the dripping eaves kept dripping rainwater.

  Standing near the dripping eaves, the clothes are easy to get wet if you are not careful.

   Sure enough, when Xiao Junji walked in front of her, Pei Yi found that half of the man's sleeves had been soaked by rain.

   "Go back and change your clothes, be careful not to catch a cold." Pei Yi reminded.

  Xiao Junji brows and eyes were gentle, and he responded in a low voice: "I will change it later when I get back."

  He said so, but his feet didn't move at all, and he didn't mean to go back to the house at all.

  Pei Yi sighed silently in her heart.

   She asked, "How long have you been waiting here?"

  Xiao Junji smiled lightly, stared at her gently, and said without any haste: "San Lang and the third prince returned to the house not long after, and I came."

  Pei Yi was astonished and couldn't help but said, "Waiting for so long?"

  She chatted with Huo Yuan for a long time.

   "It's been a long time." Xiao Junji didn't deny it, and there was still a faint smile on his face, but it showed a bit of bitterness.

  Pei Yi's eyes darkened, and she asked softly, "Why didn't you come in and look for me directly?"

  Xiao Junji clasped his hands in his wide sleeves, and the night wind carried the late autumn drizzle from the patio to him, blowing his wide-sleeved clothes to the brim.

  He exudes a lightness, like a fairy who is about to ride the wind.

  He lowered his eyebrows and looked at his wide sleeves that were blown away by the wind, and chuckled with some regret: "I am afraid that I will delay Saburo's business, so I dare not interrupt."

  Pei Yi's eyes became darker, even showing a bit of coldness.

   She stared at the man in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "Then you shouldn't wait by the dripping eaves."

  Xiao Junji was slightly taken aback, and looked up at Pei Yi in astonishment.

  He heard that Pei Yi was a little angry.

   "Don't make fun of your body." Pei Yi reminded slightly sullenly.

  She remembered that Xiao Junji did not live long in the original book. On the one hand, it was certainly because of the failure of the rebellion, but on the other hand, it was also because of a chronic illness.

   What this unmentionable illness is, is not written in the book.

   These days, she saw that Xiao Junji was in good health, and she didn't take this kind of thing to heart.

  But tonight, when she saw this man deliberately standing by the corridor and getting wet from the rain in order to make her feel bad, a nameless flame suddenly burst out in Pei Yi's heart.

   Then, she remembered the fact that this man might be suffering from a dark disease.

   "I was wrong, Saburo."

  Xiao Junji heard the concern in Pei Yi's words, his heart warmed, and he immediately bowed his head and apologized in a good-tempered manner.

  He knew that Saburo could see through his mind at a glance.

  But things like fighting for favor are what you want and what you want.

  No one can compete for favor quietly. As long as you show your flattery and hospitality, how can others not see it?

  Just like today, he deliberately stood on the corridor to let the cold wind blow and the autumn rain hit, in order to arouse Saburo's distressed and guilty heart?

   Saburo will not fail to understand this kind of thought on the bright side.

   But he didn't intend to do it more covertly, because his heart has been clearly shown, and he can't do it covertly.

   Seeing the man's attitude of admitting his mistakes so well, Pei Yi's sullen anger dissipated a bit, and even if there was anger, she couldn't vent it.

  She turned around and walked into the house.

  Xiao Junji lowered his head and followed her obediently, following her step by step.

  However, when Pei Yi stepped through the threshold, she turned around and blocked the man behind her from the house.

  Xiao Junji stood outside the threshold, looked at her helplessly and aggrieved, and called out pitifully, "Sanlang."

  Pei Yi raised her eyes to stare at the handsome man in front of her, and said somewhat heartlessly: "In the middle of the night, a big man like you is not suitable to enter my wing."

  Xiao Junji felt a bit of resentment, stared straight at her, and said with a bit of resentment: "Didn't the third prince also enter your wing just now? Isn't he a man?"

Pei Yi didn't hesitate at all, she justified half-truth and half-fake without blushing and heartbeat: "Just now, the third prince wanted to discuss important matters with me, so he entered the house specially. If he didn't discuss important matters, I wouldn't He will be allowed in the house."

  Xiao Junji snorted aggrievedly, and complained very dissatisfied: "I think Sanlang is deliberately making excuses, just to prevent me from entering your door."

  Pei Yi teased with a half-smile: "I just made excuses on purpose, what's the matter?"

  Xiao Junji choked, and suddenly felt a sense of irony.

  He stared intently at the sweetheart in front of him, smiled helplessly and teased: "Sanlang, why are you acting like a disciple?"

"Nonsense." Pei Yi leaned against the door frame, and the halo of the lantern on the long corridor slowly coated her body layer by layer, dyeing her with a hazy warm color, making her originally gorgeous facial features show a little bit. It was very soft, and the whole person revealed a hazy and ambiguous beauty, which was even more breathtaking.

  Xiao Junji's heart skipped a beat.

  He thinks that Saburo tonight is as beautiful as a goblin, which is too provocative.

  Xiao Junji has always been an activist.

  Thinking in my heart, I took action.

  However, when he came to his senses, Xiao Junji found in despair that his chest was being held back—his sweetheart just stretched out a hand and held him down easily.

   But he was hindered by this hand, unable to move any further.

  Xiao Junji looked down at his sweetheart in front of him rather sadly, and complained very depressingly: "Sanlang, are you too strong?"

  Pei Yi smiled badly, and joked badly: "This is a necessary means for self-protection."

  Xiao Junji smiled helplessly.

  He let the woman in front of him press against him with one hand, and he stopped trying to move forward.

  He asked very gently and helplessly: "Sanlang, are you really not letting me in?"

  Pei Yi looked at the handsome man in front of her with a smile, pursed her lips and shook her head with a smile.

  Xiao Junji's eyes dimmed a bit, and he asked rather resentfully: "Why?"

  Pei Yi glanced at the half of the man's sleeve that was already wet, and said with a smile, "Think for yourself."

  Xiao Junji was quite a rascal, and immediately responded: "I can't think of it."

  Pei Yi laughed dumbfounded, and joked: "You haven't thought about it yet, how do you know you can't think of it?"

  Xiao Jun gathered the rascals to the end, pouted his lips slightly and said: "My little lady won't let me in the house, I don't have the heart to think."

  Pei Yi snorted lightly, and said in disgust: "Who is the little lady?"

  Xiao Junji immediately fell silent.

  He looked around exaggeratedly, and said with a look of horror: "It's over! There are servants around here! I didn't know how to speak just now, but I really killed someone!"

  Pei Yi stared at the man in front of him with a look of fun, and teased with a smile: "Come on, your acting skills are so exaggerated."

  Xiao Junji also smiled, and leaned in front of her with a face full of credit and said: "I have already sent away the servants in this yard."

  Then, he took another step forward, directly forcing Pei Yi to take a step back into the room.

  Xiao Jun gathered to judge the situation, and took the opportunity to enter the house.

  However, Pei Yi was very vigilant, and immediately supported his chest with one hand, never letting the man enter the wing room.

  Xiao Junji lowered his head helplessly to look at Su's hand against his chest, and asked helplessly, "Sanlang, are you really so heartless?"

  Pei Yi's expression looked a little foolish.

  She said with a fake smile: "I don't talk to those who don't take their body seriously."

  Xiao Junji was stunned for a moment, and then a warm current suddenly rolled from his heart.

  He said with a somewhat satisfied and surprised smile: "Saburo is feeling sorry for me?"

  Pei Yi blushed slightly.

  She didn't realize where her nameless anger came from.

  But now that she heard the man ask this question, she belatedly realized that she had been angry at Xiao Junji for not caring about her body.

   Isn't she just feeling sorry for this man?

  But Pei Yi was too embarrassed to admit it.

  She stiffened her neck, and argued coldly: "I don't want to spend too much time talking to people who are not clear-headed."

  Xiao Junji felt sweet in his heart when he saw her deceptive performance.

  He stretched out his hand to gently hold the bare hand that was touching his chest, and smiled gently: "Sanlang, I am very happy that you care about me so much."

   There was an indescribable pampering in his smile.

  Pei Yi felt that this man was like a seductive lake, making people want to drown in it.

  Her cheeks were a little hot.

  The held hand seemed to be electrified, and a weird feeling spread from the wrist to the whole arm, and finally spread to her body, and then to the bottom of her heart.

  The beating of the heart suddenly became a little irregular.

  She withdrew her hand in a bit of embarrassment, her eyes drooped suddenly, and suddenly she didn't even have the courage to look at the other party.

  She stared at her toes and said in a low voice: "It's late at night, you go back quickly, I'm going to sleep too."

  The man's chuckle came from above his head.

  The voice was so close that it made Pei Yi feel a little numb at the top of her head.

  She had no choice but to raise her head and stare at this profligate dog man.

  Xiao Junji just looked at her dotingly, and joked: "Sanlang, why are you so innocent?"

  Pei Yi's cheeks blushed involuntarily.

  She glared at the man in front of her in embarrassment, and said angrily: "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

   Although Xiao Junji was scolded, he still enjoyed it.

  He gently looked down at his sweetheart in front of him, and his smile suddenly became a little wicked.

  He teased slowly: "Saburo is really strange, he is very promiscuous at one time, and very innocent at another time."

  Pei Yi's cheeks turned even redder when she heard the man comment on her.

  Although she couldn't see what her face looked like now, she knew that her cheeks must be terribly red just because she felt her whole body suddenly heated up.

   She retorted in embarrassment: "Nonsense!"

  Xiao Junji laughed softly.

  Her little look of shame and anger only makes men feel more interesting.

Xiao Junji no longer had the aggrieved and helpless "weak" appearance just now, and instead imitated Pei Yi's posture—with his hands folded in front of his chest, he leaned against the door frame, and said with a casual smile: " Saburo, don't you even know how to swear?"

  Pei Yi's cheeks were flushed, and she said angrily, "I'm well-mannered."

  Xiao Junji looked at her for a while, and suddenly sighed rather melancholy.

   This sigh reveals a deep sense of loss.

  Pei Yi felt rather strange.

  This man just showed his promiscuity, why is he suddenly so depressed?

  She is not so thoughtful as a woman to hurt spring and autumn, but Xiao Junji is so thoughtful and sensitive like the changeable weather in a man? ?

   "Sanlang," Xiao Junji suddenly spoke again, this time, his tone seemed extremely serious. His eyes became deep and complex, and his voice was low.

  Pei Yi heard the man say slowly but firmly: "The more serious you are, the more innocent you are, and the less you care, the more profligate you are."

  Pei Yi was slightly taken aback.

  She never thought about her attitude towards others, nor did she seriously think about her attitude towards these men.

  Now, after hearing what Xiao Junji said, she suddenly realized that she really seemed to have such a tendency.

   However, no matter what, this doesn't seem to explain anything.

  For some reason, Pei Yi suddenly felt annoyed at being seen through.

  A girl's thoughts usually don't want to be seen by men, especially those with a young girl's heart - the girl may not realize it herself, so how can she accept it and let a man see it?

  Pei Yi suddenly had an unknown fire in her heart.

  She stared at the man in front of her, and said in a bad tone: "I see that you have been feeling flustered recently, and you don't know how to spend more time doing business. You only know how to study me all day long."

  Xiao Junji saw her appearance of having no money here, and said with a smirk: "Isn't Sanlang worth studying?"

  Pei Yi blushed and said in embarrassment: "I'm going to sleep, go back by yourself!"

   After saying that, she pulled the door panel and was about to close it.

  But Xiao Junji had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately stretched out his hand to support the door panel, looked at her with a smirk and said, "Sanlang, how can you be so cowardly?"

  Pei Yi was so angry, she blushed and retorted: "Who is cowardly? It's so late now, aren't you sleepy?"

  Xiao Junji said meanly: "I don't believe Sanlang, you are really sleepy now."

This sentence was enough to add fuel to the flames, but he didn't seem to think it was enough, and added another sentence cheaply: "I see Sanlang's complexion is rosy, and I am afraid that his anger is too high. Even if he lies on the bed, he will not be able to close his eyes for a long time." .”

  Pei Yi's little flame that was originally sparked out of embarrassment suddenly became a prairie fire.

  She almost wanted to kick the dog man in front of her.

  But because she knew she was strong, she was afraid that she would kick him badly, so she could only push the man away with her other free hand.

  However, Xiao Junji had been on guard for a long time, but he did not move.

  He was so amused by Pei Yi's little daughter attitude that his chest trembled slightly because of the laughter.

  Pei Yi was extremely embarrassed.

  She was annoyed that she was really worthless just now, why did she push with her hands? For such a shameless dog man, she should kick him away!

   "Little Pei." Xiao Junji suddenly smiled and opened his mouth.

  His voice is very gentle, the kind of voice that feels very gentle when you hear it—even if a girl is not familiar with Xiao Junji, just listening to his voice will give you the illusion of being gentle and cared for.

  Pei Yi was a little taken aback.

   It was the first time she heard a man call her that.

  In the past, in order to show their closeness, these bigwigs either called her "Sanlang" or "Fanyin".

  This different address suddenly made Pei Yi feel a different relationship.

  It seems that there is a special intimate connection between her and Xiao Junji that is not as good as others.

"You are the one who does great things." Xiao Junji looked down at her, his whole body revealed an indescribable gentleness, and his gaze was also very gentle, like the most alluring peach blossom garden, which made people look at her. I want to sink in at a glance.

  His voice is also surprisingly gentle, and every word he speaks carries a silent temptation.

  Pei Yi heard the man say slowly and earnestly: "You are the daughter of Tianjiao, a man should prostrate at your feet."

   "You are not as shy and timid as ordinary women."

   "Which man you fancy, you should shoot directly."

   "You should use your own wrist to conquer the opponent."

   "You want what you want, so you don't care about any ethical constraints."

   "Because you know, those **** ethics are for ordinary people."

   "A girl like you doesn't need ethical guidance."

   "You just need to move from your heart."

   "If someone takes the initiative to throw himself into your arms, as long as the other person looks like you, you will never refuse."

   "Anyway, men are just your servants, just your playthings, you can have them with your fingers - just play with them, why do you care?"

   While speaking, Xiao Junji had already quietly pasted Pei Yi in front of him.

  He said in an extremely bewitching tone: "Xiao Pei, let me be your plaything."

  Pei Yi's expression froze slightly, only feeling that the string called reason in her brain suddenly broke at this moment.

   She looked at the charming man in front of her, and a voice with gritted teeth came out of her heart and said: Damn!

  (end of this chapter)

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