After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 539: take off meal

  Chapter 539 Seeing off dinner

   Mrs. Pei trimmed the flowers and branches in hand, and said slowly after deliberation: "According to what you said, Xun Huan should be the most suitable for you."

  Pei Yi was stunned, she didn't know why her mother came to such a conclusion.

   Mrs. Pei looked at the pruned flower branches and felt dissatisfied, so she started pruning again.

   Now she is no longer as shocked and depressed as before, and her speech has become leisurely: "You said you like young people who can be controlled by you."

   "Xun Huan just happens to be younger than you."

   "He happened to have both parents dead."

   "Although he bears the title of Xun Huan's orphan, Xun Huan actually doesn't have much to rely on."

   "He doesn't have the backing of the royal family like Huo Yuan, Qisha and Helian Linyu."

   "Xun Huan's only and most reliable support is you."

  "He must love you wholeheartedly and plan for you."

   "You can easily handle him, too."

   "He has been in the land of fireworks, he must be good at pleasing you, and he is also very good at acting like a baby in front of you."

   "What's even better is that if you make Xun Huan the emperor in the future, you don't have to worry about the influence of any relatives at all - he must have been implicated in the nine clans back then, and now the only living relative, 'Lu Jing', has a very close relationship with my Pei family."

   "It can be said that Xun Huan is the most suitable for you no matter in terms of family background or personality."

   When Pei Yi first heard her aunt mention "Xun Huan", her first reaction was that it was ridiculous.

   But after listening to A Niang's analysis, Pei Yi felt in a daze that what A Niang said was very true—Xun Huan was indeed very suitable for her and fully met her criteria for choosing a mate.


   "It's impossible for Xun Huan to listen to me, and it's impossible for me to control it." Pei Yi said firmly.

   Just kidding, this is a perverted boss, how could he be attached to her wholeheartedly?

   This boss must have his own ambitions, okay?

   Mrs. Pei naturally doesn't know about Pei Yi's preconceived thoughts.

Mrs. Pei inserted the pruned flower branches into the vase, then adjusted the position, and then joked with a leisurely smile: "Why are you so sure that Xun Huan won't listen to you? This little gentleman is usually dissatisfied. Do you discipline?"

  Pei Yi shook her head and denied it without much hesitation: "No. Xun Huan has never disobeyed me."

   Mrs. Pei raised her eyes to look at her daughter, and asked with a meaningful smile, "Is it 'not so much', or 'not at all'?"

  Pei Yi thought about it for a while, and said 151: "Except for disobeying discipline when he is jealous, he is quite obedient at other times - he usually has no objections, and I say what I say."

   Mrs. Pei came out from the bonsai bushes, and said with a smile: "It's all like this, do you still think he is not obedient enough?"

  Pei Yi was slightly taken aback.

  If it weren't for A Niang's questioning today, she would have never realized that Xun Huan had always been obedient to her.

   Such a strong man actually obeys her so much...

  Pei Yi's mood became complicated.

   It is not very difficult to obey a person in the short term, but if you want to obey a person for a lifetime, it is as difficult as heaven.

  Perhaps Xun Huan was willing to accommodate her in this way before he really got her.

   But when the two of them really develop substantially, I'm afraid this man will turn out to be another face.

  In the final analysis, she didn't believe that this kind of boss from the original book would become an obedient person under her control.

   It doesn't make sense.

  However, Pei Yi naturally couldn't say these reasons.

  She could only find an excuse and perfunctoryly say: "Xun Huan's obedience to me may not be a compromise."

   "He has yet to avenge his grievances, and his family is a well-known prominent family in Kyoto."

   "If he doesn't rely on me, I'm afraid revenge will be difficult."

   "But since you want to rely on me, then naturally you have to be more tolerant and obedient to me."

   Mrs. Pei thinks her daughter's words are quite reasonable.

  She thought about it, and analyzed: "Actually, Xiao Junji is quite suitable for you."

  Pei Yi is embarrassed.

  She felt that her mother's thinking was too jumpy.

  She had just finished dealing with one of her mother's brain holes with great difficulty, but now she has to rush to deal with another brain hole that just popped up.

   "Although Xiao Junji is not as young as Xun Huan, he is not much older than you—he should be at most two months older than you."

   "You two are about the same age, so you might get along better if you think about it."

   "As for acting like a baby, Xiao Junji has always been very good at it."

   "Just now you said that you like watching Xiao Langjun lose his temper and shed tears, then this is simply too easy for Xiao Junji."

   "Although he doesn't like to cry, if he is really made to cry, he will definitely be able to cry, and he can cry beautifully."

  When Pei Yi heard this, she felt extremely embarrassed.

  She actually wanted to refute, when did I say that I like watching Xiao Langjun drop golden beans?

But as soon as these words came out of her mind, a scene appeared in Pei Yi's mind - that was in Linhe County, Xiao Junji lost his temper with her again for some unknown reason, but the man didn't know I just cried.

  At that time, she felt that this man was really good-looking when he cried, and the sense of brokenness was so strong that people couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

   "Sanskrit, you said you like to be obedient."

   "Xiao Junji was taught by your mother and me."

   "If he is willing, he must obey you, and he must do better than other men."

   "You said you needed someone who was completely under your control."

   "Xiao Junji fits this point even more."

   "Although he bears the title of Prince Huainan's son on the surface, in fact he has no status in the Xiao family of Jinzhou."

   "And now that he is staying in the capital for a long time, this behavior is similar to cutting off the father-son relationship with King Huainan."

   "In this way, Xiao Junji can be said to be powerless."

   "Fanyin, you are Xiao Junji's greatest reliance."

   "You can easily control him."

  Hearing this, Pei Yi felt as if someone had pressed the start button, and then the scene of that night emerged in her mind—Xiao Junji said to her, Saburo, let me be your plaything.

  Pei Yi instantly felt a numbness spreading from her heart to her surroundings.

   That feeling is a bit weird, but it's also wonderful.

  Pei Yi took a deep breath, and walked slowly to the window, as if taking a breath of fresh air to refresh her mind.

  However, the moment she opened the window, she saw a handsome man catching butterflies in the small garden in the yard.

   Mrs. Pei leisurely followed the pace of her daughter, and also walked to the window.

  She glanced at the handsome man who was chasing butterflies in the small garden, and joked: "Your man is catching butterflies."

   Mrs. Pei's mood is really complicated.

  She couldn't hide her disgust and said: "I've lived for my mother for decades, and this is the first time I've seen a man catching butterflies—isn't it the only girls who spend time like this on weekdays?"

Whether it was intentional or not, Pei Yi did not deny the title of "your man", but refuted: "Who said catching butterflies is something only women can do? If a man is interested in butterflies, he can still catch them. "

  When she said this, Pei Yi's gaze kept lingering outside the window.

  The young man walks leisurely among the flowers, leisurely catching the nearby butterflies in his hands, it is really like a painting, it is really pleasing to the eye.

  Pei Yi also found out at this time that "beauties fluttering butterflies" is not exclusive to women, and men can do it too—and it's very attractive and seductive.

  After listening to her daughter's defense, Mrs. Pei looked at her profligate smile again, and couldn't help laughing and said, "You are really just like your father."

  Pei Yi shook her head apprehensively, and joked with a smile: "That's right? A tiger father has no dogs."

   Mrs. Pei was amused by her daughter's playful behavior.

  She turned to look at the young man who was still catching butterflies in the small garden.

  Although this handsome young man Lang Pudie is indeed as beautiful as a picture scroll, Mrs. Pei still finds it difficult to accept a man who is so... weak and weak.

  Although she personally cultivated this delicate and soft young man, she trained Xiao Junji with the standard of serving the emperor after all—this is different from the guarantee of cultivating Xiao Langjun as a son-in-law.

   Mrs. Pei is a little regretful now.

   To be precise, it is quite regrettable.

  Knowing that one day Xiao Junji is very likely to become the husband of her daughter, she will never train Xiao Junji with the standard of cultivating a servant.

  Look at Xiao Junji's current style, how can a man look heroic and masculine?

   Mrs. Pei's heart was full of remorse, and when this feeling was put into words, it became a kind of irony and irony.

  She shifted her eyes to her own daughter, and teased with a half-smile: "I mean, you are just as perverted as your father."

  If Mrs. Pei lived in modern times, she would know that her daughter's behavior today can be perfectly summed up by the expression "running the train with her mouth full".

  Pei Yi's face was full of black lines, and she said with a bit of resentment: "Mother, can you tell me something about me?"

  Ms. Pei pursed her lips and smiled indifferently, and then she spared no effort to sarcastically say: "Who told you to like a fair-skinned and beautiful brainless young gentleman? I really can't think of any good words to praise you."

  Pei Yi: "..."

  She thinks that all the bamboo shoots on the mountain may have been pulled out by her mother-Duo bamboo shoots (too much damage)!

   Mrs. Pei glanced at her daughter's face full of grievances and shocks, and said with a faint smile: "You don't need to stay here with me. Go find your man."

  After saying that, Mrs. Pei went to a noble concubine's couch and lay down, closing her eyes, as if she didn't want to deal with the troubles of the world at all.

  In view of this, Pei Yi is not good at staying in the house.

   Besides, she really doesn't want to stay here and be teased and analyzed by her mother.

  Therefore, Pei Yi bowed to her mother and took her leave, then strode out of the small flower hall and went straight to the small garden.

  Xiao Junji noticed that his sweetheart was approaching, and quickly turned around to look at him with a smile on his face. With one hand, he easily trapped a butterfly between his fingers.

   Then, he sent his hand forward, and the butterfly also moved forward.

  Pei Yi glanced at the poor and innocent little pink butterfly.

  To be honest, if she hadn't come to this world, she would never have seen such colorful dancing butterflies in reality.

  The whole body of this butterfly is pink, and the color is extremely gorgeous. It is a very pure pink, without any impurities, and it glows with a trace of luster under the sun. It has an unspeakable and weird beauty.

  However, Pei Yi herself doesn't like this kind of small animal very much.

  Maybe when she was young, she would occasionally catch butterflies.

   But at her current age, she has already lost this thought.

  So, after being amazed for a moment, she chuckled and said, "Let's put it away."

  Xiao Junji is as good as a stream, even if he loosens with two fingers.

  The little white butterfly flew away from his fingertips—two pink wings fluttered in the air, and soon flew away.

  Pei Yi silently watched this scene, secretly thinking that this man is really good-looking, complementing the autumn chrysanthemums all over the garden, he is really as beautiful as a magnificent and famous painting.

   "What was Sanlang talking about with his wife just now?" Xiao Junji walked up to his sweetheart, and said in a soft voice, "I've been waiting for you outside for a long time, it's boring to be alone."

  Pei Yi felt a little numb when she heard the man acting like a baby.

  She thought to herself that she was easily bewitched by beauty, so she immediately calmed down and smiled half-truthfully, "I'm discussing with my aunt what kind of man to marry in the future."

  Xiao Junji's face lit up, and he asked full of expectation: "Then what kind of man does Saburo want to marry?"

  Pei Yi really didn't expect this man to accept the word "marry" from her so naturally, and he himself said "marry" a man without any psychological barriers.

  However, she soon remembered that this man once vowed to marry into Pei's family, and now it seems nothing unusual for her to "marry" a man so generously.

Pei Yi smiled unknowingly, and explained half-truthfully: "Aniang and I both agree that in the future, the interlocutor must be well-behaved and obedient—you don't have to be too good-looking, but you must listen to me. "

  Xiao Junji understood.

  He immediately stretched out a finger to gently hook Pei Yi's light white finger hanging by her side, and deliberately lowered his voice and said softly: "Isn't that simple? I listen to Sanlang the most."

Pei Yi felt that her hooked finger seemed to have been shocked by electricity, and a strange numbness spread all the way along the place where the **** touched, causing her entire hand to have an indescribable strange feeling. And my heart seems to be infected by this feeling.

  She annoyed herself that she couldn't bear to be teased—especially if she couldn't bear any physical contact.

  She found that her body seemed a little too sensitive—it was just such a big reaction when someone hooked her finger so lightly. If there was a little further expression, what kind of situation would she be in?

  Pei Yi's mood suddenly became extremely complicated, and it felt like something strange was overturned in her heart.

  Pei Yi vaguely recalled that when Xiao Junji parted ways with her in Linhe County, he deliberately teased her out of the purpose of probing her.

  At that time, she was still able to bite the bullet and flirt with Xiao Junji.

  But now, it seems that it can't be done.

  Pei Yi couldn't help feeling depressed.

  She couldn't help but think of what Xiao Junji said to tease her that day—maybe, the more she cares, the more reserved she is, and the less she cares, the more presumptuous she is.

   Such cognition can't help but upset Pei Yi.

  She doesn't want to be such a passive and flirtatious person.

  Pei Yi suddenly withdrew her hooked finger, and deliberately said with a tiger face: "When did you listen to me? What I want is obedience, can you do it?"

Xiao Junji looked down at her like a little daughter-in-law, and said obediently: "How can I not do it? Aren't I obedient to Sanlang now? Since Sanlang has such doubts, it must be How can I dissatisfy Saburo. Just say it, Saburo, and I will change it right away."

  Pei Yi is a person who takes soft things but not tough ones.

  Don't look at her pretending to be fierce with a tiger face now, but when she heard Xiao Junji flirting with her so tenderly, she suddenly lost her composure.

  Pei Yi could only bite the bullet and turned her face away, deliberately showing a look of unwillingness to look at others, and said in a hard tone: "I can't think of anything you can correct."

  Xiao Junji took all in on her small appearance of pretending to be calm.

  He couldn't help laughing, and joked: "Since there is nothing to change, it means that Saburo is quite satisfied with me?"

  Pei Yi suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a trap.

   This trap is extraordinarily gentle and alluring. Once you really fall into it, it seems that there will never be a day to climb out.

  Pei Yi suddenly became alert, and quickly said with a straight face: "Nonsense. Can't you be serious when you talk all day long?"

"I'm quite serious." Xiao Junji said aggrievedly, "We are in Pei's mansion, not our own. How dare I be unprincipled? If it was really in our own little Pei's mansion, I would have At once…"

  The words come to an abrupt end here.

  Pei Yi didn't turn the corner for a while, and asked with a straight face pretending to be fierce: "What happened to you earlier?"

  Xiao Junji stared at her with a wicked smile, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I'm going to do something wrong to you."

  Pei Yi's heart trembled suddenly.

  The feeling was like someone took a soft feather and swept lightly on the tip of her heart, tickling her heart.

  She immediately thought it was a bad idea, and forcibly reprimanded with a tiger face: "Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths!"

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and left.

  That appearance is so embarrassing, it is very inconsistent with the strong appearance she pretended to be.

  Xiao Junji laughed softly, chased after him leisurely, and said with a smile: "Sanlang, wait for me."

  When Pei Yi heard the man's laughter, her heart felt more itchy as if she was being teased by something.

  She always thought that she should be a person with good concentration, but the more she got along with Xiao Junji, the more she found that she was so unbearable to be teased.

This man doesn't need to do anything extremely provocative, just get closer to her a little bit, talk a little rough, and she can't stand it—that kind of unbearable, not because she gave up resistance in will, but because she This body can't take it anymore.


  Pei Yi sighed in distress.

  I want to be a frigid person, but physically I want to be slutty. This is really painful.

  The villain in Pei Yi's heart had no choice but to lie flat and look up at the sky, secretly sighing to the sky: Could this be the sad reminder of the Huaichun girl?


  Xiao Junji was tall and burly, with two long legs, he quickly caught up with her.

  Perhaps this man had already seen through that she was just a paper tiger, so this gentleman acted bolder.

  In the past, Xiao Junji only dared to tease her quietly.

  But now, this man's actions became more and more rampant.

   Now that she is still in Pei's residence, Xiao Junji reaches out to hold her again.

  Pei Yi inexplicably felt ashamed and annoyed.

  She slapped the man's hand away, turned her head and glared at him, and said angrily, "Reserve!"

  Xiao Junji is very good at reading people's eyes.

  Seeing that his little lady seemed to be really angry, Dang even withdrew his hand with insight, lowered his eyebrows and confessed his mistake kindly: "Sanlang calm down, I don't want to hold your hand."

  Pei Yi's unexplained anger suddenly disappeared.

  But she was still a little indescribably depressed—of course, she was angry at herself for not living up to expectations, not at this profligate man.

  Just at this time, the little maid ran over and told them to have lunch.

   With such an interruption, the ambiguous and embarrassing atmosphere disappeared immediately.

  Pei Yi felt better, and under the guidance of the maid, she silently entered the dining hall.

Xiao Junji knew how to advance and retreat. In this situation, he didn't have the cheek to go up to Pei Yi and continue to pester Pei Yi. Instead, he followed Pei Yi's side in a calm and orderly manner, with a very well-behaved "husband in the backyard" ".

   Entered the hall, and the whole family took their seats.

  But this meal, Pei Yi ate a little bit on pins and needles.

  Because the atmosphere at the dinner table is really a bit weird.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Pei Yi couldn't help complaining: "What's going on with you? It's as if I'm about to go to the execution ground to beheaded—you're like eating my last meal with me." It's the same as rice."

   "Bah bah bah!" Xiao Junji's complexion changed suddenly, he bawled several times in succession, frowned and stared at his sweetheart beside him and said, "Sanlang, how can you talk nonsense? Hurry up and get out!"

  Pei Yi was inexplicably caught up in the bear, and executed it blankly and stiffly: "Bah!"

   Seeing this, Mrs. Pei couldn't help pursing her lips and chuckling.

Pei Xuanting also frowned a pair of good-looking handsome eyebrows, and educated earnestly: "Fanyin, you can't talk about bad things. Nowadays, the royal family may expose your shortcomings at any time. Isn't today's meal equivalent to a 'send-off meal'? ?”

  Pei Xuanzong closed his eyes depressedly and exhaled.

  He felt a pain in the skull.

  Who is blaming my sister for talking nonsense?

  Who is talking nonsense now?

  Pei Xuanzong opened his eyes, stared at his younger brother with disgust, and corrected depressedly: "Eat as soon as you eat, why talk so much nonsense?"

   Only then did Pei Xuanting realize that his "seeing off meal" just now was very inappropriate, so he quickly "咟咖咖" several times.

   Immediately afterwards, he continued to serve his younger sister enthusiastically, and said worriedly: "Eat more, you won't be able to eat such a good meal when you go to prison."

  Pei Xuanzong: "..."

  Pei Yi: "..."

  Xiao Junji: "..."

  She/him, the second brother/brother/future brother-in-law, really has no way of speaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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