After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 542: dark clouds over the city

  Chapter 542 Dark Cloud Overwhelms the City

  The corners of Pei Shu's mouth curled up.

  But as an elder, he couldn't be too explicit, so he pursed his lips to suppress a smile, and secretly chose silence.

  Really, his niece is worthy of being a good fish farmer—look at how well this is said, it is obviously an irresponsible word that is riding on many boats, but it is said so high-end and elegant.

   Mrs. Pei couldn't help laughing too.

   But she also smiled restrainedly.

  She lowered her voice and complained to the husband sitting beside her: "Our daughter has really learned how to raise a man."

   Isn’t that what it is.

  Pei Shu echoed his wife secretly in his heart: Look at the leveling operation of this bowl of water, it's really stable! There are levels!

  Second son Pei Xuanting was stunned, he was taken aback by what his sister said.

  He even felt a little bit ashamed.

  He felt that his realm seemed to be a little lower.

  It turned out that his group of undecided brother-in-laws were all fighting for their careers, but when he glanced over, he could only look at them from the narrow perspective of talking about love.

  This is really inappropriate.

  Pei Xuanting suddenly felt a little superficial.

   He was ashamed.

  Pei Xuan glanced at his second brother's reaction, and couldn't help feeling amused.

  His younger sister can only fool around with this silly and sweet second child.

   Obviously, the words "everyone wants it and everyone has to coax it" were spun around in his sister's mouth, and it suddenly became a noble act of striving for ideals.

  Especially the last sentence "If others only look at them in a romantic way, it is tantamount to an insult to them".

   This is really beautiful.

   Almost gagged their mouths.

   No matter how much they gossip in their hearts, what else can they say?

   If you continue to talk about it, it is an insult to the gentlemen.

  Pei Xuanzong laughed silently in his heart, secretly thinking that his sister's coaxing skills had reached the point of perfection, and the love words could be said as soon as she opened her mouth, and she didn't get tired of it at all.

   Taking Pei Yi's words as a turning point, the dinner table suddenly returned to a calm state.

  She finally managed to finish this lunch with ease.

  In order to avoid being questioned by her parents and brothers again, Pei Yi stood up in a hurry and said that she was going to run away.

  Her father, mother, elder brother, and second elder brother personally sent her to the gate.

  Pei Xuanting looked at her with great concern, and said very worriedly: "Fanyin, no matter what your plan is, no matter what expedient you do, don't wrong yourself."

  Pei Yi was deeply moved, she nodded solemnly, "Yes" and said, "I understand, second brother."

  Pei Xuanzong stared deeply at her, and said earnestly: "Stop being a doormat."

   This is to remind Pei Yi, don't go to the county government and be bullied by a small captor and county magistrate like she did in Linhe County before.

   These things are tantamount to Pei Yi's dark history.

  Whether it was intentional or not, Pei Yi has already thrown these black histories into the trash can, and she doesn't even want to bring them up again.

  But now that her elder brother insists on dragging out this embarrassing thing that has already gone into the trash can and whipping the corpse, Pei Yi can only express with shame that she has already realized her mistake and regretted it.

  She said in embarrassment: "Brother, I won't be stupid again."

  Pei Xuan laughed and said nothing, which can be interpreted as: depends on your performance. Just talking is useless.

  Pei Yi suddenly felt oppressed by the head teacher's random inspection of homework.

  She said resentfully: "I have to go, father, mother, eldest brother, second brother stay."

   Mrs. Pei couldn't help pursing her lips and suppressing a smile when she saw that her daughter was so afraid of her eldest son.

  Pei Shu also found it funny, but like his wife, he could only laugh secretly.

  Pei Yi felt very embarrassed, and after saying goodbye, she turned around and ran away.

  After getting into the carriage, Pei Yi let out a long sigh of relief, feeling really tired from a tough battle just now.

  Xiao Junji, who was sitting beside her, raised the curtains of the car and looked outside.

  At the gate, the elders of Pei Yi's parents did not leave, but stood on the steps and watched Pei Yi's carriage go away.

  Xiao Junji looked at this scene enviously, and put down the curtains of the car with nostalgia.

  He said enviously: "Little Pei is so happy—your mother, father and brother love you very much."

  Pei Yi's heart was warm, and she joked with a smile: "They love me very much, but they always like to see me make mistakes, and eating makes people feel uneasy."

  Xiao Junji couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help feeling even more envious.

  He said in a low voice, not without emotion: "If only I had such a family."

   This is really sad.

  Pei Yi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

  She comforted very gently: "My mother and the others like you very much. From now on, you can often visit Pei's mansion and treat them as your family."

  Xiao Junji thought about it, looked at Pei Yi with a smile and said: "Then I am also a member of Xiao Pei's family?"

  Pei Yi secretly thought that she just lost her voice.

  But what you say is like poured water, and you can’t take it back if you want to. If you force it, it will become inconsistent with words and deeds.

  Pei Yi had no choice but to say vaguely: "With our friendship, isn't it enough to treat each other as family?"

  Xiao Junji Pili Yangqiu smiled, deliberately broke the casserole and asked the end: "What is the friendship between me and Xiao Pei?"

  Pei Yi couldn't answer.

  It's not that she doesn't know what Xiao Junji is thinking.

  If under such circumstances, she replied that she was an ally or a good brother with a face that didn't realize it, it would be too fake.

  But if you don’t answer with an ally or a brother, what can you say?

   You can't say they are lovers, right?

  Thinking of this, Pei Yi's heart beats faster for no reason.

  She didn't dare to think about it at all.

  She actually didn't want these big shots to think too much.

  Everyone works together in a safe and secure manner, business to business, business to business—whoever should attack whom should do so directly.

   There's nothing wrong with that.

   On the contrary, it is like now, vague and unclear, which makes it difficult for people to do things.

  Pei Yi thought so in her heart, but said nothing.

  Xiao Junji saw that she showed no sign of speaking at all, and did not continue to ask questions.

   After all, there is a limit to taste.

  If you control it well, it's called fun, if you don't control it well, it's called provocation.

  The two of them sat quietly and did not talk much along the way.

  After arriving at Xiaopei's mansion, Xiao Junji got out of the car first, and then stretched out his hand to help his little lady get off the car.

  Pei Yi looked at the man's cautious yet secretly happy expression, and her mood suddenly became complicated.

   After sending her all the way into the wing room, Xiao Junji finally spoke again.

  He exhorted in a low voice: "Little Pei, be careful in everything."

  He knew that his little lady was ready to expose her daughter's body, but it was too dangerous. No matter how well prepared she was, she could not rest easy.

  (end of this chapter)

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