After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 552: completion

  Chapter 552 is over

  A few days later, someone entered the sky prison openly to visit the prison. They didn't give a single penny of bribes, but the jailers didn't dare to show off, and they all let them go obediently like the grandson.

Pei Yi watched her elder brother coming from a distance with a majestic face, and looked at the group of jailers who followed behind her elder brother without even daring to make a sound, secretly thinking that their Pei family is really powerful all over the capital. .

  Pei Xuanzong is tall, and the low prison door is really inconvenient for him to pass through.

  He bent down and entered the cell, but the moment he raised his head, he bumped into the door frame.

  Pei Yi felt that her eldest brother was a bit miserable, but she still couldn't hold back her laughter.

  Pei Xuan rubbed the back of his head that was bumped, and teased: "You know how to laugh at your brother."

  Pei Yi immediately withdrew her smile, and denied it with a straight face: "I didn't."

  Pei Xuanzong didn't continue to flirt with her.

  He glanced at the furnishings in the room, and jokingly said, "You have a pretty good life."

  Pei Yi sighed, and said sadly: "I'm in prison, how could it be good?"

  Pei Xuanzong smiled unconsciously.

  He looked at his younger sister standing in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty has reinstated me and my second younger brother, but father is still at home."

  Pei Yi's mind moved slightly, and she asked prudently: "Your Majesty didn't recover from Father?"

  Pei Xuanzong said without thinking: "No."

   This is funny.

  Recovered both sons, but left the father aside.

   But this father is their famous God of War.

   Thinking of this, Pei Yi couldn't help but feel disdainful towards the old emperor, and clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

  Pei Xuanzong wandered around the cell, then sat down on the high chair, and said leisurely: "Your Majesty has summoned the Huainan King to Beijing, and ordered the Huainan King's second son to get married this month."

  Pei Yi suddenly realized.

   No wonder the old emperor would suddenly restore her elder brother and second elder brother. He dared to let her Pei family charge forward and confront King Huainan's army.

   "Your Majesty's calculation is quite good." Pei Yi sneered, and then asked seriously, "How is the strength of King Huainan?"

  Pei Xuanzong said cautiously: "I have never fought against King Huainan's army."

   "However, judging from the news sent by the spies, the king of Huainan has a good command of the army."

   "His army is very disciplined."

   "On this point, Huainan Wang Xiao's army may not be easy to deal with."

  Pei Yi's heart was full of alarm bells, and she said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty asked our Pei family to fight hard at the front. It's not because your majesty wants to see both the Pei family and Huainan Wang Xiao's family suffer."

   "Judging from the current situation of King Huainan's military administration, if the two sides go to war, I am afraid that neither side will be able to win." Pei Xuanzong said in a deep voice, "This battle is not easy to fight."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Pei Yi's mind, and she asked with a smile, "Brother, since you all expected that Huainan King would take advantage of this opportunity to expand his army, I would like to ask—in case Huainan King's people want to kidnap me in the prison , as a way to deal with the Pei family?"

  Pei Xuanzong chuckled meaningfully: "No one can hijack you."

  Pei Yi smiled and said, "Brother, are you so confident?"

  Pei Xuanzong argued logically: "I have confidence in you."

  Pei Yi's face was embarrassing.

   Her eldest brother sometimes said something that always aroused people's imagination.

  The siblings chatted a few more words.

  Pei Xuanzong has been busy deploying soldiers and horses recently, so it's not always a matter of chatting with his sister.

  So after a few short scenes. Pei Xuanzong got up and left.

  Pei Yi watched her elder brother go away, thinking that the Pei family would have a tough battle to fight in the near future, she couldn't help but feel heavy.

  Kyoto... This is about to change.

   A few more days passed.

  One night, Pei Yi suddenly woke up from her sleep—she sensed a murderous intent.

   Someone approached her on tiptoe in the dark night, but the moment he was about to touch her, a shadow entered the cell as fast as lightning and knocked the person back with a palm.

   Immediately afterwards, a torch was ignited, the cell was illuminated at once, and those people or things hidden in the darkness were exposed at once.

   Looking at the situation in front of her, Pei Yi couldn't help but gasp.

  Although the original cell was not too spacious, it was not cramped either.

  But now dozens of masked black-clothed killers are crowded in the cell, mixed with several hidden guards she secretly arranged, and the cell was completely blocked at once.

   It became difficult for the killers to make shots.

  Pei Yi's face turned cold, she retreated from the cell as quickly as possible, only to find that all the jailers who were supposed to be guarding outside had fallen to the ground.

  But she no longer cared about investigating the situation of these jailers, and just watched her hidden guards fight with the uninvited guests with cold eyes.

  The group of killers on the opposite side is obviously well-trained, even in such an unfavorable space, they are methodical and cooperate well with each other.

   But the hidden guards on her side are not weak. Although they do not have an advantage in numbers, they are more mobile and flexible.

  The more important point is that the space in the cell is really limited, and Pei Yi has no intention of calling out all the hidden guards she arranged in the sky prison—how can I use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken?

  How could she expose all her hidden strength because of the sudden attack?

   This nighttime attack was quite dangerous.

  There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, and if you don't pay attention to every move, you may be separated.

  Pei Yi waited until the outcome was inseparable in the room, and the killers were indeed tired of dealing with it, so she jumped into the cell again and joined the battle with an absolute advantage.

  The delicate balance just now was directly broken.

  The killers are finally defeated—to be precise, they are defeated, but there is no way to retreat.

  Because the cell is too small, and the cell door has been blocked by Pei Yi's simple broken table, it is not convenient for the killers to escape.

  Of course, it's not that they didn't think about cutting the fence with a knife and breaking through.

  Unfortunately, there were several hidden guards waiting for them outside the cell—they were simply caught in a net of heaven and earth, and there was no escape.

  The killers looked at each other fiercely, and reached a consensus almost silently.

  After training, the hidden guards are already very familiar with this silent code, and they can determine what these killers want to do in an instant.

  Several hidden guards escorted Pei Yi out of the cell door, and the rest of them broke the hands and feet of the killers as quickly as possible.

  Pei Yi stood outside the cell, looking at the situation inside, her pupils shrank suddenly.

  The killers whose arms and legs had been broken were all lying on the ground, and they couldn’t even scream—because there was either no tongue in the open mouth, or the tongue was already incomplete.

   All of them had their tongues pulled out and forced to become dumb.

  Pei Yi secretly thought that the people who trained this group of killers were too cruel, but saw her hidden guards lift the clothes of these hidden guards—exposing the gunpowder directly.

   Come on, it's really amazing.

   This means that if she can't be hijacked by force, just blow her up with gunpowder?

   How much do you hate her?

   Seeing that there was no escape and no hope of completing the task, the group of killers planned to take poison and commit suicide.

  The poison is all under their tooth sockets, and if they bite through it, they will die soon after.

  The secret guards of the Pei family reacted extremely quickly, and almost removed the jaws of the killers at the moment when they wanted to die.

  Pei Yi shook her head and sighed faintly.

  She calmly and indifferently said: "Ask them to record a statement."

   A group of killers have already had their legs and feet broken, and their tongues have already been pulled out by the masters behind them. How can they confess?

  The hidden guards didn't understand, and the group of desperate killers didn't understand either.

  Pei Yi just smiled.

  She walked into the cell with a godlike face, and then sat on the chair.

  The hidden guard guarding her side was extremely vigilant, and immediately kicked away a dead man lying beside her.

  Pei Yi ordered lightly: "Put the pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

  The secret guards were very obedient, no one questioned Pei Yi's actions at all, they just quietly and obediently carried out the task.

After a while, the guards moved the table that had been blocked by the fence to Pei Yi, and took out a clean sweat towel from their pockets to wipe the table clean, and then put the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. Put them on the table together.

A group of dark guards each had their own division of labor, those who spread the rice paper laid the rice paper, those who grind the ink grinded the ink, those who placed the paperweight placed the paperweight, and then one person took out a suitable wolf hair, dipped it in ink, and handed it to Pei Yi respectfully. .

  Pei Yi took the wolf hair and wrote vigorously on the rice paper in one go.

  The content above is very simple, and very... Shameless.

  Pei Yi looked calm, picked up the rice paper and blew it, so that the ink stains on it could be dried quickly.

  She handed the rice paper into the hands of the secret guard, and ordered: "Let these killers mark it."

  The killers stared wide-eyed, babbling and refusing with their mouths open.

  Pei Yi believed that if these killers could talk now, they would definitely not be babbling, but yelling at her directly.

  She stood up, looked down at the group of killers, and said with a weak smile: "Are you sent by Huainan King?"

  The killers shook their heads in unison, their faces full of horror.

  Pei Yi nodded slightly, and asked with a smile: "Are you sent by Princess Zhen Guo?"

  The killers looked at each other and nodded in unison, all looking sincere.

  Pei Yi nodded with a smile, and said with a very firm smile: "I understand, you are all from Huainan King."

  The killers opened their eyes wide and stared at Pei Yi in disbelief, as if they had no idea why there was such a person in the world who directly turned black and white—wasn’t this person interrogating them? Why not take their testimony instead of the other way around?

Pei Yi ordered to the hidden guard: "Put the rice paper back on the table, I have to add a few more words - these killers sent by King Huainan not only want to put me to death, but also want to provoke the relationship between the Pei family and the royal family." , actually blatantly slandering and slandering the princess of Zhen Guo."

  The killers were stunned, all of them had big mouths. They never expected that there would be such shameless people in the world—this is completely fabricated testimony!

  Although Mr. Pei guessed it right, they did not confess to King Huainan at all. How could Mr. Pei write a confession like this?

  They refused to accept it!

  They will never recognize it!

  However, Pei Yi doesn't care whether these killers recognize her or not.

  She handed the supplementary testimony to the secret guard again, and ordered solemnly: "Let all these killers be charged. They all confessed to their crimes, and they are big villains with obvious crimes."

  The killers shook their heads again and again, their hearts beeping like a dog.

  They admit that they are villains who have committed the most crimes, but they don't admit that they have confessed to King Huainan!

  This testimony is completely fabricated!

  They refuse to draw bets!

  However, the killers who had been crippled could not resist effectively.

  They could only watch helplessly as the hidden guards cut their thumbs, and then held their thumbs and pressed them forcefully on the rice paper.

  The feeling of watching yourself being used by hostile forces and being powerless to resist is really terrible.

  The killers are in a bad mood.

   They just want to die.

  Really, I just want to die, because there is no way to live now.

   After Master Pei made such a move, the King of Huainan could no longer tolerate them, and they had no choice but to die.

   What's more, as a killer, now that his hands and feet are all abolished, it will be impossible to perform tasks in the future.

  The Huainan Palace does not raise waste.

  In any case, they have no way out.

  However, what made them even more desperate was yet to come.

This group of assassins heard Mr. Pei's cold order: "Tomorrow morning, bring this confession and **** these assassins directly into the palace to report to the emperor—so that our Majesty will know that the capital is already in jeopardy. Even places like Tianlao are already in danger, and any cat or dog can break in at will."

  The faces of the killers were ashen.

  Really, after so many years of carrying out missions—they have killed so many people and completed so many missions, they have long believed in their own strength.

But this Mr. Pei has completely overturned all their previous cognitions—this Mr. Pei is a hooligan at all, he doesn't talk about martial arts at all, he doesn't play cards according to routines, and even the confession and interrogation are perfunctory or even directly omitted. However, the first thing is to draft a confession, and then force them to make a pledge.

   How does this behavior differ from hooliganism?

  This Mr. Pei is really more like a killer than their group of killers.

  They really hate it now—why did they accept this task so ignorantly? This is simply shooting yourself in the foot.

  After dealing with the group of killers, Pei Yi leisurely went outside the cell.

  She ordered people to investigate the condition of the fallen jailers.

  The dark guard quickly replied: "Master, they just fainted."

  Pei Yi calmly walked to the table next to the Eight Immortals and sat down, and said in a cold voice: "Wake them up."

  The dark guards originally wanted to find water to wake up the group of jailers.

  But thinking that it was difficult to find water at this time, he simply grabbed the clothes of these jailers and arrested them, and then beat them down with a few big ear scrapers.

   Only a few crisp sounds of "papa" were heard, and the unconscious prison guards opened their eyes in a trance.

  Pei Yi looked at them with a smile, and asked kindly: "Everyone is shocked tonight."

  The jailers trembled all over, and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

  To be honest, they didn't know what they had experienced at all, they just felt sleepy and fell down immediately.

  Pei Yi silently observed the reactions of the group of people, and seemingly casually reminded: "Tonight, there was a thief in the prison—twelve killers sneaked into my cell and almost killed me."

  The jailers paled in horror.

   Expressing anger and pleading guilty one by one in a hurry.

   "There are such rebellious people?! We must report to Lord Zhongcheng, and we will never let these wicked people go unpunished!"

   "Master Pei, we did not do enough to guard tonight, which caused Mr. Pei to be shocked. Please forgive me, Mr. Pei!"

   "Master Pei, please forgive me!"

  A group of jailers knelt down to her in horror.

  Pei Yi sat on the long bench, looked down at the group of people who suddenly knelt down, and thought to herself: From this point of view, the group of jailers should not have colluded with the group of killers.

   But the killers can sneak into the sky prison so quietly, there must be people in the sky prison behind them to help.

   A suspicious person gradually emerged in Pei Yi's heart.

She said calmly: "Everyone, get up. Pei knows that everyone is dedicated to their duties. It is not easy to watch the night, let alone encounter a group of powerful killers? Fortunately, Pei was so fateful that he killed the number with his bare hands. Ten killers are subdued, and everything is safe and sound."

  The jailers looked at each other.

  What does it mean that Mr. Pei subdued a group of killers by himself?

   Couldn't it be solved by the group of hidden guards that Mr. Pei is following now?

  After a short period of confusion, a group of jailers suddenly came to their senses—Master Pei was hinting to them that they must not confess the secret guard.

  The jailers understood, and immediately responded: "Thanks to Mr. Pei's resourcefulness, he saved the danger with his intelligence and extraordinary courage."

Seeing that the group of jailers were very upright, Pei Yi also changed her words with a smile: "Pei's escape from danger today is of course thanks to the help of all of you. If you didn't protect Pei wholeheartedly, Pei wouldn't be able to escape." Subdue this group of killers. Today's achievement is of course the joint contribution of you and Pei."

  The jailers were overjoyed.

   Not only did they not have to be punished and blamed by Mr. Pei, but they also received a "reward" from Mr. Pei.

   "Thank you, Mr. Pei!"

  The jailers were grateful and thanked one after another.

  If they were guarding other nobles—the nobles also happened to encounter such a dangerous thing tonight, how could they let them go so easily?

  This Mr. Pei is kind.

  Pei Yi didn't know what the jailers were thinking about her.

  She doesn't know whether she is kind or not.

  She only knew that Huainan Wang's shameless family dared to do something to her like this, and she would definitely not make this **** feel better.

  The next day.

  Pei Yi's confession was delivered to an adult of Yushitai as planned.

  That lord is also a wonderful person. Although he was ordered temporarily, he understood it. He talked about it in the early morning, and described an assassination that was already full of bizarre colors as extremely dangerous.

  After listening to his statement, all the courtiers felt as if they were listening to a bookman telling a novel about martial arts.

  The old emperor also felt this ridiculous feeling.

  But the old emperor felt more resentment in his heart at the moment.

  He didn't expect Huainan Wang to be so arrogant—he had already sent killers to attack the girl of the Pei family even though he hadn't arrived in the capital!

   This is clearly contempt for the majesty of the emperor—this is threatening the Pei family, and this is slapping him in the face of the emperor.

  The old emperor smoked from his seven orifices.

  He hates those who disrespect him.

  He is the Son of Heaven, and everyone should prostrate at his feet.

  How could the rebellious King Huainan disobey him like this?

  The most unforgivable thing is that the king of Huainan not only assassinated the Pei family, but also wanted to put the blame on his Zhen Guo princess!

   Really unreasonable!

  Does the dynasty still have laws?

  Does King Huainan still have him as the emperor in his heart?

  The old emperor was furious, and immediately ordered the six ministries of the three provinces to investigate the matter thoroughly with the Minister of Dali Temple.

  The king of Huainan, who was still on his way to the capital, really broke his silver teeth when he received the news.

   "Why is this Pei Yi so shameless?!" Xiao Junlin felt that he had met a hooligan.

   It has always been the Xiao family who cheated others. When did they cheat like this?

   "Pei Shu is a rogue! How can a rogue's daughter be better?" Huainan Wang sarcastically said.

  Both father and son were gnashing their teeth with hatred, but they couldn't do anything about Pei Yi for the time being.

   "Father, shall we still attack Pei Yi?" Xiao Junlin asked in a deep voice.

"Why not?" Huainan Wang said with a sinister smile, "Pei Yi thinks that if you threaten me like this, I will be afraid of her? A bratty yellow-haired girl dares to fight with an axe, so I will tell you to take a good look at her." What is self-eating evil consequences!"

  Xiao Junlin remained silent.

  Although he didn't quite agree with his father's statement, he couldn't refute anything.

   After all, I am not the person in charge of the Xiao family now, and I still have to obey my father's orders in everything.

   And on the other end.

   Sky Prison.

  The first person in charge of the prison, Mr. Zhong Cheng, rushed to the cell early in the morning.

  His face, which had no creases before, has creases due to apologizing.

   "Master Pei, the villain didn't handle this matter well..." Master Zhongcheng apologized tremblingly.

  The king of Huainan, who was still on his way to the capital, really broke his silver teeth when he received the news.

   "Why is this Pei Yi so shameless?!" Xiao Junlin felt that he had met a hooligan.

   It has always been the Xiao family who cheated others. When did they cheat like this?

   "Pei Shu is a rogue! How can a rogue's daughter be better?" Huainan Wang sarcastically said.

  Both father and son were gnashing their teeth with hatred, but they couldn't do anything about Pei Yi for the time being.

   "Father, shall we still attack Pei Yi?" Xiao Junlin asked in a deep voice.

"Why not?" Huainan Wang said with a sinister smile, "Pei Yi thinks that if you threaten me like this, I will be afraid of her? A bratty yellow-haired girl dares to fight with an axe, so I will tell you to take a good look at her." What is self-eating evil consequences!"

  Xiao Junlin remained silent.

  Although he didn't quite agree with his father's statement, he couldn't refute anything.

   After all, I am not the person in charge of the Xiao family now, and I still have to obey my father's orders in everything.

   And on the other end.

   Sky Prison.

  The first person in charge of the prison, Mr. Zhong Cheng, rushed to the cell early in the morning.

  His face, which had no creases before, has creases due to apologizing.

   "Master Pei, the villain didn't handle this matter well..." Master Zhongcheng apologized tremblingly.

  (end of this chapter)

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