Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 101: Gaining A Big Win and Massive Players

Chapter 101: Gaining A Big Win and Massive Players

The first thing I did was to send a team request to all of those who moved forward to join me. In this game they had to be in my team to enjoy the special privilege of killing those players without being punished.

So, as they stepped forth to help me, I stepped in to protect them. amidst all that, my five second protection vanished, and by it I began to suffer some damage. 

A wizard fire skill, a swordsman chop, or an assassin backstab, all kinds of skill descended on me like a rain fire, and I began to lose my HP at an alarming rate.

However, I wasn't worried, because I wasn't alone anymore. In addition to that, there was a big level difference between me and all these players, at least by a couple of levels. That difference gave me some protection as any damage was greatly weakened.

So although I was subjected to many damage, it was only in one or two figures maximum, and in comparison to my three figures HP, I wouldn't get killed this easily.

At the same time, my new teammates began to show their worth, as many jumped over the players attacking me to distract them and even kill some of them. At the same time, many healing skills began to befall over my head, which began to show a crazy race between white, yellow, and green colors.

After the first charge and the successful effect of it in changing the whole situation, many players got more courage and began to join the fun. Some even declared their intention to join me, and I didn't refuse such a spontaneous gesture and added them to my team.

During all this, I didn't stop throwing my spear, and snapping it back before sending it again to claim the lives of more players. I didn't realize that before, but my spear trick was something different from the skills.

The spear needed only to penetrate the player's body to kill him, not even a single figure of damage appeared above any killed players, and there was no player yet who managed to receive my spear and lived.

That was strange, but it was awesome too. One spear could kill them all, that is what I felt right at this moment.

The battle wasn't organized at all, it was simply a mess. Players ran, jumped, and even screamed here and there. there were no lines that I was used to when fighting a big war, instead everything was mixed up in a strange way.

Strange, yet effective, as I spotted many of my team players running in between the enemy players, and some enemy players were doing the same amidst my team. 

I could see swordsmen fighting side by side with wizards, archers fighting with knights and defenders. There was no order, no formation, it was simply chaos, and my team was winning this chaos.

I had any complaints though, as long as we were winning, then I was cool with it. without knowing this, I began to move randomly as players around me, and that wasn't because I wanted to but I was forced by their random attacks.

After ten minutes of intense fighting, the battle result became pretty obvious to everyone watching, even to me. We won, and the remnants of those enemy players began to retreat and escape with their lives.

"Don't bother them, they don't worth it."

Everyone heeded by my words, as they stopped chasing those frightened players and looked to me waiting for my next command.

"What are you looking at me for? Go and clear all the fallen gears, they are all yours."

Every dead player left behind a couple of equipment at the least. Regarding this team was elite of a well known adventure group, their equipment was a notch higher than everyone's, so it was normal to see all my team players moving like crazy snatching any equipment they could reach.

I smiled, as these players really needed some education about manners, or I might need to leave my previous princess life behind me and try to adapt here. I sighed; this game wasn't as simple as I originally thought.

I checked my new team stats, as I created the team on a whim, I didn't even give a name to it, so it was set as default by the system based on my name. When I saw the number of players inside the team, I froze from surprise.

There were over one thousand players here, that was insane, right? I believed there would be no more than five hundred, how come the number doubled like that?

Just as I was about to give another order to enter the adventure hall, I found a large group of players exiting the hall. I looked towards them seriously, if they were another patch of those bastards, I wouldn't mind increasing my team's possession of gears.

I raised my spear and pointed it towards them, strangely they stopped abruptly like they knew how deadly my spear was.

"We are sorry adventure group leader, we were held inside and couldn't exit the hall until now."

Suddenly a knight moved from the crowd of players and stood a couple of steps in front of them. his words were like a thunder in my ears, as I asked to make sure I didn't get him wrong:

"Are you the players who applied to join my group?"

"Yes, my lady. There were more players who wanted to join as well, but they were prevented by that player's blockade. I watched then join your fight at the videos."

I smiled, smiled very widely as a funny feeling seeped into my heart. I began this adventure group with only seven of us, and now I had at least one thousand and half players. I stopped at his last word as I asked with doubt:

"Was this battle recorded?"

"Indeed my lady, this was an epic battle for beginners like us. The forums are literally in fire right now, with many supporting you and others are trying to belittle your hard won victory."

That was great, I didn't think about doing so, but it suited my purposes perfectly. These videos would prove how promising my group was, and coupled with what I intended to do later; I believe hitting five thousand threshold wouldn't be hard anymore.

"Good, you all go inside and apply to join my adventure group. After you finish, come here and prepare to leave. What's your name knight?"

I asked that knight directly, as I liked his strong confidence and he had some charisma, that was one suited to be a leader. I didn't mind adding him to my team, he was handsome and cute as well.

"I'm Rody," he replied.

"Listen to Rody, lead them inside and organize them well until I return."

I said that while I started to leave the place. I heard Rody replying energetically with a positive answer to my order. 

I liked that energetic knight, but I had something else I needed to do, I needed to arrange things with Aria regarding the new development of my growing power. I wasn't the leader of that lonely weak adventure group any more.

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