Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 105: Giving Drina Three Pieces of Silver Grade Magician Equipment

Chapter 105: Giving Drina Three Pieces of Silver Grade Magician Equipment

"So, what is this penetration thing? Is it fun?" Drina asked with anticipation, she was really cute.

"It's simply attacking them but to move diagonally, so in the end we will exit the area of their dominance rapidly as we entered. It's a penetration through their lines."

"Oh, good I got this. It seems fun, let's try it out big sister," Drina returned to her old self as she literally jumped to hang on Aria's arm, who sighed helplessly while saying:

"Ok, we can try that, but the problem is they would be hot on our tail."

"That wouldn't be that dangerous, as we will lead them to multiple places of our hidden groups."

Aria got my idea, as she said:

"Great idea, by this it would be harder to spot our hidden groups."

"That's not enough, after two or three raids like this, we will need to change the places of the groups, even merging some into fewer numbers with larger players."

Aria was silent thinking about my plan, while Drina said excitedly:

"It's more fun that I thought, let's do it big sister, let's go and penetrate their hearts, c'mon."

Aria looked at her as Drina was still hanging over her arm and jumping up and down, she was really a little girl with no brain at moments like these. I began to get accustomed to her fluctuating nature, she was funny and cute.

"Ok, let's split up then. I brought with me the two hundred swordsmen we agreed upon, plus my own one hundred player team. Have you brought the equipment?"

I didn't reply to Aria by words, as I began to take out all the equipment I made for those swordsmen out. Two hundred swords were left to make a small alluring hill over the ground. Drina stopped her playful attitude as she moved couple of steps forward with wide eyes while muttering:

"You are a monster, all these swords are made by you. Oh god, there are silver grade swords here, sis look this is a silver grade sword."

Drina had already reached the hill of swords as she leaned to the ground and took one sword out of them and began to inspect it before yelling towards Aria. Aria was shocked, although her face kept its usual look, but her surprise was evident to me. She took the sword from Drina and began to inspect it with disbelief.

"Is this sword your making?" she asked seriously while pointing to this sword.

"Yes, I forged it," I replied simply, as I already told her I would grant her silver swords as a final reward. Did she think I was bluffing?

"Th-this isn't a standard sword forged by a standard design."

I finally got what she was referring to, I didn't think that making these swords according to my own design was that shocking. How would she then react if she knew I had more original designs than just a sword design?

"I made the design of this sword myself," I replied.

"You are really a monster," she muttered while waving the sword in the air testing it, "I would like to make a deal with you, anything you forge and want to sell, then sell them to me, what do you think?"

I wasn't surprised by her offer, and I didn't really mind it. Aria didn't use the name of her group, and that meant anything she would buy would only serve her own private group of players. that suited me, as I didn't plan to provide any player loyal to that bastard with any equipment of my making.

"It's a deal then. Distribute the swords over your players and let's start moving."

Aria nodded before she went away as she began to relay orders to her trusted aides. I stood away watching her actions as I tried to learn from them. Aria was a natural born leader, with a great personality and strong charisma. She was respected and loved from all players here, and that was one of the secrets of any leader's success.

Aria was efficiently fast, as in less than five minutes every player knew his role, took his sword, and began to move out. Smaller groups were made, and they like the groups I made for my own growing players back at the town.

"We are ready to move, I have spread the players over smaller groups, each formed of ten players. Drina will be responsible for managing and directing them, so she would still be behind us away from the danger," Aria said, however she was interrupted by Drina who shouted with discontent:

"I will come with you, this is fun."

Aria sighed as she looked towards her little wizard sister and said:

"Your role is very crucial for us all, so you better be away to grasp the general picture better."

Drina wasn't satisfied by that, as she stumped her feet on the ground while pouting:

"No way, I will never miss this fun. I will come with you."

I decided to interfere, as I knew Aria was trying to protect her little sister, but how could she reason with her? I never succeeded to convince my little Agatha before with anything once she fixed her mind over it.

"Don't worry, she would be safe."

I then took out three pieces of magician equipment and gave them to Drina, who received them calmly at first while glaring at her big sister. Just as she received them, she froze and her face changed.

"What's wrong Drina?" Aria asked with concern and worry.

"Big sis, it's no it's better for you to see with yourself," Drina said as she pushed the three pieces of equipment towards her. Aria took the staff, the light armor, and the gloves and inspected them for a second, then her face totally changed like her sister.

"How can this be? Three more original designs? Who are you exactly? You can't be a mere princess from a far away kingdom, even our princesses here in Frod can't pull such a move."

Her words made me proud and happy, so I giggled before I said:

"No time for that, give them to your little noisy sister and she will have an extra layer of protection."

Aria was about to say something but she paused before muttering:

"You can't judge a sword in its scabbard."

She then gave Drina the three equipment then she said to her fifty player team:

"Let's move out, we will strike them hard, however we must move in haste. Don't branch out away from the group, any communication is forbidden."

She then turned to look at me while saying:

"I will send an invite to you to join our team."

I nodded as I received a system notification about her invitation.

"System prompt: Player Aria invited you to join her 'Intrepid' group, do you accept?"

"I accept."

Aria then commented:

"Good, everything is settled, let's move now."

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