Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 122: Aria Is In Great Danger

Chapter 122: Aria Is In Great Danger

She replied shortly, in a way that made me have some doubts. I tried to spot her again, however she was nowhere to be found, and that was weird.

'Is Aria alright?'

I sent this message to Drina, as she was the closest person to her. Drina took a moment to reply, as if she hesitated in telling me the truth.

'She is fine, don't worry about her. She told me to take care of things at the front in her stead, don't just tell her that, or else she would reprimand me.'

Now I was sure something was off. I toured the place one last time trying to spot her, even I looked towards the far areas, however I couldn't see a glimpse of her trail. I had some bad omen inside me, so I didn't hesitate to send this message.

'I need your help, URGENTLY!'

'What's up? The front isn't that bad, and the rear seemed fine to me. you should be able to play this nicely,' Rog replied in a way that made me suspect he had some mind reading ability or something. He managed to decipher my whole plan, down to its tiniest details, which was something weird, and scary.

'It's not me, it's Aria.'

'What happened to Aria, wait, why can't I see her?' he sent instantly without any delay or jokes.

'That's what I needed you for, Aria seems to be in trouble.'

Rog went silence for a moment before saying to me:

'That bastard, he is trying to set her up. Listen, you handle this on your own, I have other things to attend.'

When I heard the word 'bastard' I knew he was referring to Rick, and that was surprising. As far as I know, that bastard was busy trying to convince the elders of his group to join the fight against me. What brought him here? And why did Aria suddenly disappear? Something smelt fishy here.

'What brings Rick here? and why did she go to meet him alone?'

I decided to express my doubts and share them with Rog, who replied instantly:

'It's not that bastard, it's the other bastard.'

I took a moment until I figured everything out. I clenched my fist, that bastard was trying to hurt her using her emotions. I didn't need to ask around and gather info to know what was going on between Aria and Sim.

'Do you need me to help?' I sent while trying to control my anger, I really hated manipulative men, especially those who sneaked around like snakes until they obtained your heart and secrets, and then flipped the switch and then revealed their true colors. 

If that bastard was in front of me right now, I would have killed him over and over until he went crazy and quit the game.

'No thanks, I can handle this by myself. I will leave everything here up to you,' Rog replied.

'Fine, but promise me if you need my help, just ask. Aria is like a family to me.'

He paused for quite some time before replying with honest words:

'Thanks, I can promise you that.'

I took a deep breath as I looked towards the front. Up front was two huge mountains, with a narrow valley entrance to it. This was the location which I chose for my final confrontation with my enemies here. I clenched my fist as I decided to wrap things here faster than I intended, I was so worried about Aria, and Rog.

'Start approaching the valley, once you hear the sounds of battle, join and don't stop until you find me,' I sent this order to Shin while I motioned to Drina, who appeared beside me, to take control of this front battle.

I then moved to the back, where the brutal rear battle was about to commence.

'Is everything alright?' Shin felt something was odd, this cool swordsman was like an emotion sensor, even from this far he could feel my mood.

'Nothing, just a friend needs my help,' I simply replied as I passed through the moving players heading to the back.

'Then go and help him,' he replied after some time. Was he jealous or something? He better be, and I didn't correct his misunderstanding, as I didn't have the mood to do so.

'I will first save you, then I will move to rescue that friend.'

'As you wish, princess.'

Oh, he didn't add any nickname to me this time. Was he jealous to such a degree? Despite my bad mood, a faint smile appeared on my face. It was nice to irritate men, especially those who were closer to you. At least this way they wouldn't take me for granted, and jealousy felt really nice.

I loved it.

I reached the rear fast, considering everyone was running against me. Once there, I began to move with everyone, however I used my skill first.

'Penta auxiliary skill.'

I then began to send my spear out, snap my finger every second, so five more shadows would appear. Ten seconds of skill effect added another fifty shadows, so now I had one hundred and seventy spear shadows behind me.

I was really like a monster at this point, if I stood against an army, then give me a healer and a pile of cakes and I would easily crush it.

As I ran with my players, the back was nearly empty with no player to hunt us down. I knew this was a faked peace, as no matter what my enemy would never let such a chance slip by.

We reached the valley soon, where I stopped at the entrance watching the rest of players delving deeper into the valley.

My sudden stop attracted many of players' attention, however Drina played her role as a replacement leader of this group of players, as she sent at team chat:

Leave Agatha alone, she has a mission to do. I just need some players to help her, ten swordsmen, five defenders or knights, five healers, and five magicians. Anyone interested in helping her, move to the back and follow her orders.'

*Thanks for your support so far, 20 chapters are MASS RELEASED today thanks to your support. 

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*Next MASS RELEASE is next week, see you then.*

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