Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 139: The Bloodthristy Dragon Group

Chapter 139: The Bloodthristy Dragon Group

He was kinder after he knew I was the one who accepted that legendary challenge. I stood there patiently while enjoying the good feeling I was having right now.

He didn't keep me waiting for long, as he said with the same kind face of his:

"Congratulations, your group managed to cross ten thousand members in this short period. You are lucky, and you deserve being so. I prefer the brave over smart, keep your good job adventure. Tell me, what is the name you want for your group?"

I began to like this uncle, as he was really nice with me. I replied without much delay:

"I want to name it The Bloodthirsty Dragon Group."

"Hmm, it's a great name. I registered it for you, and now everyone of your group will get a memo about this. Good luck adventure."

"Thank you, sir."

I left the place with a big smile and strange peace inside me. I didn't think naming my young group would feel this good.

I didn't intend to leave here soon, as many things needed to be organized first. I turned to look at my big players as I said:

"Let's have our chat out there."

I pointed towards a corner where no one was at right now. Shin had another opinion, as he said:

"I believe talking about our own private affairs should be done somewhere more reclusive."

I looked to the rest of them, as they just nodded in agreement. I sighed as I said:

"I just don't want to let the players outside like this, we need to organize them fast."

Rody said suggesting his idea:

"I think we can go out there and start forming teams of them. We already have fifty one teams organized with one hundred players each. We can increase the numbers of teams and players in each team for now, then it would be easier for us to organize things later."

I felt his idea was applicable, so I said to all of them:

"You will all do this then, and I will just wait for you here."

"Won't you have your own private team as well?"

I looked at this swordsman who I recall her name was Elyo as I replied:

"My private team will be created by all of you, plus any outstanding player you might find inside your teams."

Goda then asked:

"Wouldn't that make your private team low on numbers? You are our leader after all."

"Quality over quantity, that's my way. I don't need massive numbers of players with weak abilities and low levels. I just crushed thousands of such worthless players in the forest. I need my team to be reliable, as our next mission would be hard to achieve."

Rog spoke this time asking with curiosity:

"Do you mean the dungeon record in your quest?"

This cool assassin knew well about that challenge quest. I just nodded as a reply while he added:

"It's good to have a small, yet effective team then. However, we all need to work harder, as the first dungeon out there begins with level fifteen only."

I smirked as I replied:

"Level fifteen? I'm now seventeen."


A cloud of exclamations and whispers appeared from everyone, even my old team. I smiled proudly as I added:

"Yes, and I intend to hit level twenty before challenging that dungeon. You have to work harder, level fifteen is good however it's not acceptable to me. at least you need to reach my current level if you are really that special."

I needed to set another unspoken rule here, their places weren't permanent. They needed to work harder, challenge themselves more if they wanted to guarantee their current special rank among my group.

Lazy players weren't welcomed to join my upper echelon. The lesson I learnt from my kingdom was simple, yet crucial. Rising to the top was easy, as everyone liked the new things, especially if they were trending in their community.

However keeping any success was hard, especially when people got used to being on top and became overconfident and arrogant. Decline always started when people stopped working on themselves and got satisfied.

I was satisfied right now, and I felt they were too like me, so I needed to push them and push myself further, or else the higher I rose up, the deeper I fell down. That was an utter desperate rule of a thumb of life, how unfortunate.

As I expected from them, the looks in their eyes gave up their desire for the challenge. I liked that, and I hoped this look would never change ever on any of them.

"Go now, and don't take long. Help each other, and Rog you need to apply for the group first, then you can head out after them."

Rog just nodded, as he started to move towards the NPCs there with fixed steps. It seemed this cool assassin had already made up his mind. That was good, as it was really exhausting getting him over.

The first thing I did was to cancel my trick, as my hunger value had reached ninety-four in value, scary!

I headed straight towards the empty corner, sat there calmly as I closed my eyes and enjoyed this rare moment of peace. It was really tense and intense during the last hours, and now I deserved to gain a moment of rest.

However fate didn't intend to give me such a luxury, as I got a call request from someone I needed to speak with right now. I sighed as I accepted the call, as a stunning beauty appeared in front of me while saying with a big smile:

"Oh, our little mighty princess is tired. You deserve to take a day off, especially after that intimidating performance you just did at the town with your players."

I smiled back as I said with a tiring tone:

"I really need some rest, however I can't. Don't make fun out of me, I'm just starting my own path, nowhere close to you, Solaris group new leader."

Aria laughed clear heartedly as she was really in good mood, then she said:

"How did you know I was selected to be the new leader? Only the elders and my little sis knew about it. did she spread the word already?"

"Oh, it's not hard to guess that. Your elders would be really stupid if they didn't choose you."

She suddenly got serious as she said:

"Thanks for your help out there, your sacrifice played the major role in getting my dream fulfilled."

"Don't be silly right now, we are like sisters, and I really didn't need this medallion. I already got one, and this isn't just a dream, this position is your right that you got it back after it was stolen from you back then."

She didn't change her serious face as she replied honestly:

"You could have used it for any member of your new group, so thanks. I really appreciate this, and I'm honored to have you as a sister of mine."

The atmosphere was weird, as I wasn't accustomed to being thanked with all this gratitude before. So, I tried to change the vibe here as I said:

"Ok ok, that being said, where are my cakes?"

I managed to push a smile over her face, as the old Aria was finally back as she replied back:

"You will get none from me, go get your cakes yourself girl. You aren't a child anymore."

"But I'm younger than you," I said, making a cute face.

"Not a chance, I won't spoil you again. My cakes are only for me."

I laughed as I said:

"Then bring me my share of the loot. I believe we killed nearly five thousands over there."

She shook her head as she said:

"No, I won't give you half the loot. We killed over seven thousand players back there, so be ready to receive a tone of equipment."

"A ton?!" I asked with surprise, as I didn't get her point here.

"Yes, I will give you all the loot, not half of it."


"No but, it's the least thing I could offer for you now as thanks. Don't refuse it or else I would feel bad."

I didn't know how to respond to her, she seemed to be quite stubborn. However I really needed these extra shares of equipment, especially most, if not all of them were white grade with some stats.

They would be enough for my group players for now, as I wouldn't be stressed over making equipment for all of them. Right now I could only focus on making gears for my top players only. That made me feel at ease once I thought about it.

"It's a deal then, when can you drop by?"

"Well, I have many things back in town, so it would take a couple of hours to send the things to you."

I thought for a moment, I wanted to go and have another blacksmith spree. I needed to raise my level high enough to feel secured, and my new players needed time to blend in, get to know each other, and level up.

"Ok, however I won't be available at that time, so feel free to contact Rog, he will receive them from you."

Her face suddenly changed as she said with a surprise:

"Rog? Oh girl, you win it big this time."

I laughed, as I literally knew what she was talking about. Rog was an ace that I was proud of gaining, and I didn't just find him like a cheap cocktail. I worked hard to make him join me, so I deserve to feel happy for that and see it as an accomplishment worthy of admiration.

"You need to buy some cakes for me then; I'm the one who introduced you to Rog."

I smirked as I said:

"I have no time now, see you later, bye bye."

I rapidly closed the call before she added any more demands. More cakes? I didn't even get one for myself yet!

I thought about my new players, if they wanted to gain my favor, then they must buy me cakes, especially that red velvet one, I loved it.

As there were no more things for me to do, I just leaned on the back and closed my eyes enjoying my second moment of peace and rest.

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