Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 146: Meeting Merwid The Leader of Greatos Adventure Group

Chapter 146: Meeting Merwid The Leader of Greatos Adventure Group

My words were harsh, I knew that, however they weren't the kids I thought. They were furious, yes, but that fury didn't appear now in front of me.

This wasn't a good sign, as they had a good grasp over this game. That meant I would face cunning foxes not angry wolves.

That would change the whole game, to be honest I hated playing with foxes.

"So, our little kitty is trying to bite however it ends with scratches. She is amusing, what do you think, Artolo?"

The wolf of Obselan, Merad, was the one to speak with a loud laugh. They realized my lousy attempt to drive them to attack me.

"You know what, before we came here, during the meeting with the esteemed ladies, they stressed specifically on not to rashly kill her, right?" Artolo said with a smirk.

"Yes, my ladies said it loud clearly, they want this girl who came from a trash kingdom to suffer. Giving her swift death is mercy that we won't show ever to her," Ory said with a sneer.

"Ladies? Are you now acting as someone else's dog? Then why being so mighty and elegant? C'mon, bark a little for me."

I wasn't planning to let them off the hook yet. I just wanted a single gesture from them, one simple attack and I would make them taste the ferocity of my spears.

However I was destined to be disappointed, as they were only angry with no claws to attack me. I sneered as I added:

"Tell you masters that I received their dogs well, and next time they should show up here themselves so I can solve it with masters, not servants."

"Hahaha, look at her, as if she knew whose ladies we are talking about," Artolo said with a big laugh.

Of course I knew who they were talking about. Those damn girls in that weak crown prince. So far I wasn't sure how Respon managed to beat Shin, however now I realized it.

Shin didn't lose on the hands of Respon, he lost on the hands of those treacherous snakes. If a girl decided to destroy a man, he wouldn't live to tell the tale.

Never let a girl fight a man, always make it girl Vs girl. Who could understand all our complexity, the love of details, the care of everything, and getting mad at anything?

Girls were the destined enemies for each other. If those soft girls back at Repons' harem thought of me like Shin, then they brought this upon themselves.

Let's see how this ladies struggle would end.

I looked at them with mockery in my eyes as I replied:

"Tell your girls that are laid on the bed with my fiance to come here and face me, instead of sending their dogs after me. you are loyal, yet still dogs at the end. C'mon bark a little for me, I might like a dog of you and take it under my care."

I said this with a wink, however they seemed not to like my wink at all. That's strange, I thought I was good enough to allure dogs, or did dogs not have any taste in women? That was interesting.

Before the situation kept going on like this, or escalated to a more complicated level, another group of players came towards here.

They were like this group in number, however they were all walking together like friends, not a boss and follower manner.

'Oh, it's Merwid and his allies, or friends like he likes to call them.'

Aria said this, however she thought I didn't know Merwid. I really didn't know him, however I heard about him before. I pointed towards this approaching group as I said loudly:

"It seems the party doesn't start yet, Merwid the leader of Greatos group is here, welcome my dear friend."

It seemed they were busy trying to make fun of me and neglected their perimeter, or it might be due to absolute confidence. Who would threaten a group of strong players like them?

However they were wrong, and I guessed why Merwid came, as I sent a private at once to Rog.

'It's your doing, right?'

'I only tried to help,' he replied instantly.

I looked at Merwid, who just reached our little gathering. He was a swordsman, however unlike Shin he gave me the vibe of a sword. Sharp, unbendable, and determinant, that what I felt from him, just like a sword.

He moved first to greet me extending his hand while saying:

"I heard so much about you, valiant princess. And today I know for sure that all these sayings weren't an exaggeration at all."

I chuckled as I shook his extended hand with my free one while saying:

"I also heard a lot about you, and it's really my pleasure to meet you finally, although it's not the best place or circumstances to meet."

I gestured towards the group of dogs in front of me. he just glanced superficially at them while saying:

"Don't mind yourself with them; they are just dogs loyal to the wrong people."

His comment was sudden, and it made me laugh, as I said pointing to them:

"Oh, see? It's not my fault then, how could I possibly know that your fame was dogs, really unbelievable. What a coincidence!"

They didn't look at me, however they looked at Merwid, who smiled in return as he said:

"What? Do you want to say something to me?"

Ory moved couple of steps forward to be nearer to him as she said in threatening tone:

"You know what? I got my orders not to rapidly devastate this kitty here; however I have nothing related to you. So after this meeting is over, I will order my players to hunt your pathetic group down and destroy you down to the bones."

I wanted to move to intercept them, to stand with Merwid who came here without any prior relationship to extend the bridges of cooperation and friendship. However, Rog gave me another great way to declare my stand loud enough.

'She is an expelled mystic art user who is hiding her true position here.'

That was all he said, and these words were worth more than a million.

***I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish.

Thanks for your support so far.***

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