Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 162: Forging Fine Gold Swords and Armors

Chapter 162: Forging Fine Gold Swords and Armors

I was surprised by the words and much more with the generosity of Lady Nada. Her help would be really useful for me. one hundred hours of constant forging would bring me a substantial amount of gold coins.

I didn't say anything, as I just looked towards her photo with gratitude. Sometimes silence would be the best to express one's true feelings, even more than any words.

"Now I want to know what you plan to make here? level twenty equipment perhaps?"

Her question was crucial, as I thought long about it on my way to here. I took a deep breath as I said:

"Making level twenty equipment would bring me more money, however it will also raise my level faster than I want."

I saw the doubt in her eyes, so I expressed out my thoughts:

"I heard the sacred grounds of mystic art society is divided by levels, the higher my team's average level is the more difficult test I shall have."

She nodded her head in understanding as she said:

"I see you have misunderstood this concept, it's really confusing especially for those who didn't visit there."

This time it was my turn to look at her with doubt and question. Ignorance and the lack of info were dangerous, however misinterpreting the info was far more dangerous.

"It's normal for you to misunderstand, don't be ashamed of yourself like this. All the sacred lands are the same, so starting with level ten won't be any different than starting with level one hundred.

The difference here would be how far you can make into the sacred lands. Sacred lands are divided according to danger into many areas that start from the lowest towards the highest.

Your starting point will be next to the safest zones there, and the higher your level is the deeper you can go. going deeper will bring you more challenges, and more benefits no doubt.

So, planning your way there by limiting your level is a famous newbie mistake that you should never do. Raise your level to the max, and make your team do the same. You will need every bit of strength you can get out there, so spare none."

Her words were important, very important, however I also understood something else from her. To avoid any misunderstanding, I asked:

"May I ask if this knowledge is well known to players who came from the Frod empire?"

Lady Nada was wise and smart, so she understood my hidden meaning behind this question. She smiled calmly as she said:

"This info is only known inside the mystic art society, and to those who visited the sacred lands more than once like myself. So, your friends, and that crazy exiled prince included, don't know anything about this."

My heart found peace in her words, so I thanked her with deep gratitude:

"Thanks a lot my lady, I will then start making level twenty equipment."

Before she could answer me, I hurried to send a message to my top players' chat informing them of the changes of the plan. Instead of freezing their levels I ordered them not to hold back and go straight towards the secret dungeon in Shin's possession.

The higher their level became, the more chances I would have in that sacred land.

"Which equipment do you want to make?"

Her question once again was on the spot, as the choice of equipment this time wasn't bound with the need of my players, but the need of money. So, I asked back:

"Which equipment would sell higher in price, lady?"

"Weapons are always higher in price than other equipment, then armors. I would recommend you focus on making swords and armors this time. As for the price, I will make you a favor and buy them on a fair price, a higher price than the standard price provided here.

That's of course conditioned with your own costumed weapons, not the system standard," she said.

"That's great, thanks again my lady for your generosity."

"That's nothing, after all you are now my own apprentice. I will show you the sword and armor standard designs and then you can start forging at once."

I smiled as I looked at the two designs which were presented to me, one for level twenty sword and the other was level twenty heavy armor for knights. I didn't delay as I started to read them and study them very carefully.

As before, the trick lied in the letters engraved everywhere on the sword and the armor. This time I managed to spot more than one letter that resembled letters in my own kingdom writings.

That was good, as the last time I changed only one letter and it brought up new modified designs, better designs. I looked forward to the new designs made after changing three letters at the sword and four letters at the armor.

I started with the sword, as I was more used to making them anyway. My first attempt yielded a great result, as I managed to form a fine gold grade equipment, which was the lower half of gold rank equipment, better than silver.

I didn't improvise for its name as I already had one in mind. We were going to the sacred lands of the mystic art society, so I named it the sacred sword.

As for the armor, I did the same too as it also yielded a fine gold grade armor which was named as sacred armor.

Both were fine gold grade, and level twenty, however I felt the armor to be more valuable than the sword.

"You are improving day by day my apprentice, I like that. For you I will buy any fine gold grade sword with twenty gold coins, silver grade with fifteen gold coins, bronze grade with ten gold coins, and white grade with five gold coins.

As for the armor, it was slightly off than dark gold grade, so I will give you five gold coins extra for each grade more than the sword. What do you say?"

To be honest I was taken aback with her offer. Last time I made and sold equipment, the prices were way lower than this time. I didn't doubt that the price was this high because she wanted to support me, and that was something I wouldn't complain about.

"Thanks a lot for your kindness and support my lady, I have no objection at all."

"Good, then start forging, you have wasted half an hour already."

I smiled as I started to make as many swords and armors as I could. Just from my first tries here I sensed how different this studio was from the standard studio that I was using before.

The time needed for me to forge a sword or armor had been decreased by half at least, and in addition to that my ability to control fire became somehow stronger.

I could control five fires before, however now I could control twenty fires. That made me able to melt and prepare a substantial amount of materials in the shortest time possible.

This gave me an advantage, and more confidence for what I was planning to do. To bring one man to the sacred grounds I need to pay a fee of ten gold coins, a fee that would be huge as I intend to bring an army with me, not just mere twenty players.

On the other hand, the presence of three tables has proved it worth here. Starting from the middle table as a centre, the three tables created an ongoing cleansing field that could cleanse the materials once they become liquefied. That was something magical and awesome for me, as that elevated the cleansing efficiency and by turn it raised the quality of my end product.

So, many fine gold swords and armors began to accumulate over the ground of this studio, with much more silver grade and lesser bronze grade and nearly none white grade.

Between me and myself, I hoped I would never leave this studio. I felt I was able to advance as a blacksmith while working in this studio. my level began to rise steadily, and I was getting more rich the more equipment I forged.

However, living in this paradise had to be over, like any sweet dreams anywhere in this life, short lived, long missed, and never forgotten.

For one hundred hours I kept working without taking a single break ever. When I finished, I had over two thousand equipment, with swords much more than armors.

This number frightened me, as I didn't think my yield would be this huge. I looked at my level with some pride, I was now level twenty- two, a level I couldn't reach without making level twenty equipment with this large amount.

Looking at all this pile of equipment made me think twice about selling all of them to Lady Nada. After all I needed around one thousand gold coins to bring one hundred players with me, which could easily be provided if I sold fifty fine gold grade swords or armor.

I had a group then a future guild, so I had to think about arming my players. the idea of having level twenty equipment in my possession began to appeal to me, however Lady Nada suddenly said:

"I advise you not to keep any, after all this all is your making and you can make much more and with higher level designs in the future. However, going to the sacred lands would require you to be ready, and the most important thing there is gold coins.

My advice to you, and my warning as well, is to amass as many gold coins as you can before going there. You will need them desperately at the sacred grounds, take it from me as granted."

That was weird, as I thought I would need gold coins to buy supplies and as fees for more players. This was new to me, and what piqued my curiosity was that Lady Nada was well aware of many things of this sacred land, even better than my lovely exiled crazy prince.

"May I ask my lady, who are you really?"

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