Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 96: Change in Plans, Let's Kill Them All.

Chapter 96: Change in Plans, Let's Kill Them All.

I couldn't deny it, I really enjoyed the look over her face. She didn't expect me to have all these swords ready, as her players seemed not to be.

"I need some time to be ready," Aria finally admitted it.

"How long do you need?" I asked back.

"Give me six hours," she replied after a pause.

"No problem, when you are ready just send me a message and I will move to the reception of the hall."

Aria nodded before she closed the window, I didn't delay as I relayed the news to Shin privately. After a few moments, he sent to me:

'I will try to move the group as near as possible to the town.'

'No, I think they are waiting for you near the town. Stay away from there and avoid that ambush. When the help is ready, I will send them to your location. Try to rest and get accustomed to each other's skills. even with the help from Aria, you will still have it hard.'

Shin didn't reply at once, but he asked at last:

'What about you?'

'I will stay here, as I won't be any help for you right now.'

Shin understood my meaning, as he asked:

'How many swords have you made?'

'Enough, but what about other classes in our group? Tell me the numbers so I can make equipment for them.'

'We now have thirty two swordsmen, twenty defenders, twenty six wizards, thirty assassins, five archers, ten berserkers, sixteen knights, and thirty healers, and that is not counting the main team we already had.'

I froze in my place as these numbers exceeded my expectations. I asked with doubt:

'Have you accepted everyone?'

'Hahaha, no little princess, I nearly rejected double these numbers.' he replied.

'Double?! How come you have all these players?'

'Your fame isn't something to be underestimated,' he replied joking, 'The number of players wanting to join the group was increasing steadily until this war.'

'Hmmm' I thought for a while, as I realized the importance of this little conflict had exceeded my expectations.

'Shin, we need to not only escape from them,' I suddenly said, 'this is a golden opportunity for us.'

'What do you mean?' Shin asked.

'This is a chance for our group name to be more famous.'

Shin realized my idea as he said at once:

'Princess, don't be silly. We don't have the numbers nor the preparations to pull such a crazy act.'

His words made sense, but I wasn't convinced by them. my group was now on verge of extinction at the first moments of its birth, so why not play it bigger?

'We can do it as before,' I said as I referred to our previous strategy when we dealt with Godenal aristocratic family players.

'I got what you mean, but these players are those arrogant Godenal players, they are more wise, far stronger, and well organized. They aren't that easy to be separated and killed.'

I smiled, as Shin's attempts to convince me failed. I became more eager to do this, so I said:

'That wouldn't work unless I joined.'

'I mean no offense princess, but they won't change their strategy for you,' Shin replied.

'Don't worry about that, just scout and look for suitable areas to hunt and kill them. Also don't tell anyone else about this plan, I doubt there are some spies inside your ranks,' I paused for a moment, 'just tell them about the reinforcements coming from Aria, with no details of course.'

Shin didn't reply for a whole minute, then he said:

'As you like, Agatha, but I think this is a rash idea and a risk we don't need to take.'

I laughed while replying to him:

'Don't worry, our situation is very bad already, if we don't raise the stakes, how could we possibly win?'

'I thought it's all about surviving,' he sent with a tone that didn't carry any enthusiasm to my idea.

'Surviving was my first priority, but now after securing that help from Aria, surviving isn't an issue any more. All I want now is revenge, with many advantages that will come with that.'

'Sigh, you are really stubborn and crazy. Ok, let's do it your way, at least it will be more fun than now. We need as much equipment as you can get us, as our players have weak level ten equipment,' Shin said.

'That might take some time,' I replied instantly, as most of the swords I made were taken by Aria, so I need to make more swords, plus other equipment as well. What reassured me was my ability to modify the existing standard equipment and forge them faster.

'You also need to make all of them reach level fifteen,' I added while thinking about the total numbers of equipment needed and the approximate time for that.

'That would take some time, give me a day,' he replied.

'Deal, I will see you in a day,' I said, closed the chat, and started a new one with Drina. This time it was a video chat, where Drina picked up fast as she said:

"Hi, didn't think you will reach me out this soon."

I laughed as I replied:

"I just wanted to inform you and Aria about changing in plans."

"Really? Then let me bring my big sis here, hey Aria, come here fast, I have her here."

I smiled, this girl seemed more energetic than before. In moments Aria was in front of me, as she said with haste:

"Is there any change?"

She guessed the reason for my call, or Drina might have said to her somehow.

"Yes, the schedule will change, I will need your team in a day from now," I said. her eyes shone as she said:

"This is all? I don't think you contacted me to just say this."

This girl was good, I liked her. I explained:

"I want you to be with the team."

"What? You want me to lead the team?" she said with some uncertainty, but I said before her refusal:

"I need you to act as a bait."

Aria remained silent, as her brain began to unveil the mystery of my plan, while Drina said with doubt:

"My sister can't interfere personally, or else that bastard would accuse her of attacking his men to save a stranger, a stranger to our group I mean."

Drina seemed to feel awkward from her words, so she stopped and didn't speak again. Aria stood there looking calmly towards me without saying a word, and in return I did the same.

"You have much courage to even think about doing that," she suddenly said.

"It's worth the shot," I replied.

"It's risky, and a single mishap and I lose more than you think," she said.

I smiled wryly, this girl never ceased to take advantage of every single opportunity. I understood perfectly what she was referring to, so I said:

"I will double the number of silver grade swords to you."

This time, Aria seemed to learn her previous lesson, so she replied instantly:

"Not enough, I want ten for each class, silver grade weapons."

"Your appetite is big, I can only give you thirty silver grade swords, as I don't have any other weapons at my disposal now."

Aria faked hesitation, but I was sure she was literally dancing inside her cold outer shell of hers right now. She gained nearly triple what she gained from our deal from before. I pictured her face after seeing the equipment of my team, she had a funny look that made me nearly laugh.

"Fine, I will be ready with my personal team as a bonus. I will add you as my friend now, so you can easily reach me."

She finally declared her agreement. I wasn't worried about her reply, as I was sure after this day of forging, I would have enough equipment to arm one hundred teams fully.

"That's good, I will tell you when and where we will meet."

I then closed the call, to find a friend request sent by her. I accepted it and then returned to the world of blacksmith again. I need to prepare different equipment for different classes on this day. 

I didn't intend to make only weapons, as I planned to make more than two equipment at least for each class.

I looked at the screen where that useless Nrod had a role to play. I went back to the table as there is still some pots with remnants liquefied materials in them as I asked:

"Senior, I have a question."

Nrod seemed to be gone somewhere as he took quite a while to return to me as he replied with a boring tone:

"What do you need?"

"I want to ask about equipment other than weapons, like shields, armors, bootsetc. do I have to forge special gear for each class like in weapons cases?"

That was very important, as my yield rate was already high, but if I diverted my attention in making different gears, this rate would sharply decline.

"Away from weapons, our standard equipment designs are made for the main classes, like melees, healers, magiciansetc."

His answer was short, and I felt he didn't want even to answer me, but I got what I needed to know. If that was the case, then I could easily make the needed gears for my team. I then said:

"Can you show me the standard designs for weapons regarding defenders, wizards, assassins, berserkers, knights, healers, and archers please?"

"What? You need to learn all of them?" he exclaimed with a shock.

"Not only them, I want the standard designs for armors, boots, and helmets regarding all the main classes as well."


It seemed my answer made him so shocked that he became speechless. He didn't say a word as he provided me with all the designs I requested. Their numbers were huge, but I looked at them with a challenging spirit. If I managed to make this right, I would gain a lot. 

My group would be famous, nearly as famous as my previous dragon spear resisting group, which I hoped wouldn't end with the same fate.

It's time for me to work hard now.

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