Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 98: Forging Elmante Gears for Eight Classes Part 2

Chapter 98: Forging Elmante Gears for Eight Classes Part 2

As I started with the defender heavy armor, I realized the difference between making heavy armor and light armor. Light armors didn't make me feel tired easily, unlike the heavy armors which made me exhausted while cleansing them.

This time the hammer was hardly effective against the thick heavy armor, as I needed multiple times to cause the same effect I had with just one swing of my shorthanded hammer.

That made me somehow frustrated, and as a result the final silver heavy armors were much lower than what I had in light armors. I also began to have white trash grade heavy armors, a grade I hardly met at light armors.

Having a white grade heavy armors wasn't the only setback I had, as the time needed to make them was much more the time I took to make the light armors. I needed around eight hours to make over one hundred and eighty light armors, nearly half of them were silver grade. 

However, during the same amount of time, I only ended with one hundred heavy armor, less than third were silver grade, with more than third white grade, and the rest were bronze grade.

That was frustrating, but I wasn't totally depressed. After all, the number of players in need of heavy armors in my new group was much lesser than those who needed light armors. so, even with these low lousy results of mine, I satisfied the needs of my group, and I still had more than eight hours to forge.

This time, I earned one more level and was so close to rising another one. The amount of XP I gained from forging each armor was really small. I mainly raised fast due to my success in making new designs of my own.

I sighed, it seemed I must forge higher leveled gears from now on if I wanted to gain levels faster. The next thing I did was to forge the weapons. Daggers, staffs, short swords, and shields were accumulating on top of each other on the ground of the studio.

I had no time to waste, so I didn't forge more gears like I did before and tried to stick to the numbers needed by my team. Due to this, even after the passage of the eight hours, I was still lacking some equipment like the helmets and the gloves.

I was nervous, but when the first hour passed without anyone calling me, I felt secure. My team either safely hidden well or they were already found and were killed and now they were in the town waiting for me to finish.

Either ways they were safe, but I hoped they were safe and well hidden instead of being killed.

It took me another four hours to finish, and I had some extras than what I needed. I didn't delay further, as I put everything into my inventory and then contacted Aria at once. I needed first to arrange our meeting, as this was a crucial part of my plan.

"Hi, you finally finished your forging, right?"

The first thing I faced when Aria accepted the call was Drina's voice. This little girl was as active as long she was beside her big sister, just like my little sister. I sighed, as I really missed the real little Agatha.

"Yes, are there any updates?"

The cute energetic face of Drina changed at once, while Aria showed up at the screen as she said seriously:

"There are two unpleasant pieces of news and one good news, so which do you want to hear first?"

"The bad news of course," I replied without hesitation, as I wanted to reassure my team first.

"It's your call, the first bad news is regarding Rick, the bastard who stole the leadership from me. He went to the elders and he is trying to convince them to enroll the whole group in that confrontation with your group."

I wasn't surprised by that approach, but I was surprised that he wanted more help in facing my little group. A mere one hundred newly formed group was able to stand on the face of one thousand elites, and they even were trying to call for more reinforcements. 

I also thought he might have learned about my cooperation with Aria, or even my deal with her, so I asked in a serious tone:

"Have you told anyone about our little deal here?"

Aria understood my meaning at once, so she hurried to say:

"Of course not, it's only you, me, and my precious Drina who know about that deal. Don't over think this, as that was caused by your little group. They hid themselves really well, and so far that bastard couldn't find even a scent of them."

"Good," I muttered in satisfaction from Shin's competence, "then you can interfere and disturb his plans."

"I already did so, but I have my limits too, if we don't act soon then he might win what he is seeking," Aria said, stressing on the importance of time, as it seemed we were running out of it.

"Then what is the second bad news?" I asked straight on the point as we had no time to waste on other subsidiary things here.

"The Lelican adventure group," Aria said, throwing a bomb on my face. I asked with hatred:

"What about that bitch?"

"Aha, you knew her? Then that explains everything. She offered helping Rick to destroy you, and he gladly accepted their assistance. Now there are nearly five thousand elite players of that group looking for your little team."

She then paused before adding:

"Things aren't looking good, if we don't act soon, then I can't consider helping you as an option anymore."

I understood her nervousness, who might not feel the same when they face such two strong groups, but I wasn't fazed by them. I was so confident in my ability to do a good battle with all of them, this wasn't the first time I faced a stronger and bigger enemy than my forces, and I always won.

"So, what is the good news?" I asked casually while I started to move exiting the studio heading straight down stairs towards the reception. Her anxious face suddenly got relaxed as she said:

"The news of this ongoing battle was spread over the forums a while back. That news caused quite a sensational reaction, so more players enlisted themselves to join your group."

"Really?! That's good, how many of them applied so far?" I asked with no interest while descending the stairs. In my best estimate, they wouldn't exceed fifty players. 

Any more help was appreciated at this critical moment, especially when those players stepped in knowing how dangerous the situation was. 

No matter what level they had, I decided to accept them all. Those players would never let me down, no matter what situation I was and whoever my enemy was.

"The numbers are increasing steadily, but the last number I got was nearing five hundred players."

"What?!" I shouted out loud as I nearly stumbled on the stairs and almost fell off. That number exceeded all my wildest expectations. I looked to her with disbelief as I asked:

"Are you sure of these numbers?!!"

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