Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 301: Blue Race

Chapter 301: Blue Race

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

For the past two days, Blue 6 had been in a foul mood. He suspected it was due to the rejection of his proposal.

As sixth heir to the Blue Race’s royal throne, Blue 6 didn’t possess the purest royal blood. In other words, he might be royalty, but he only had claim to zero point something percent of royal blood. One of his ancestors was the attendant of a royal prince and was given a position of sorts for her loyal service. Of course, this didn’t mean that his ancestor was actual royalty; she was only associated to one. In fact, the real royalty of the Blue Race wouldn’t even admit his existence. Even though he had the royal Blue surname, it was no reason for the team captain to offer him a placating smile whenever they crossed paths...

The real reason for this was really simple: at the age of 11, Blue 6 became a cosmic adapter, an S grade adapter at that; a Time Watcher to be precise. With that identity, he was lifted from commoner status and given the prestigious Blue name, and then, within the shortest period of time, his connection to the royal line was unearthed and he was entered into a long, cosmic adapter training period. Finally, when he became an adult at the age of 170, with the approval from the royal committee, he was given the name "6" and thus became the sixth heir to the throne. At the same time, due to his young age, since the five heirs above him were all ancients over 1,000 years in age, as long as he didn’t die, in the next 200 to 300 years, he would be the emperor!

Of course, as a valuable Time Watcher, one that was guarded at all times by more than a hundred second level Transformers, unless there was huge anarchy within the Blue Race or a cosmic catastrophe, he would be incredibly safe. Therefore, him becoming the emperor was already writing on the wall.

Of course, the emperor status didn’t guarantee power. In the history of the Blue Race, there were examples of puppet emperors as well. Therefore, ever since Blue 6 reached adulthood, he started appearing in the public sphere, doing charities, working on policies, and he maintained a good relationship with the royals and was a private friend to many of the fleet captains. He was making himself into a veritable ruler.

However, Blue 6 was still unsatisfied because the military power that he wanted was still out of his reach. Even though the Blue Race might not share the idea of autocracy, without the backing of the military, the highest ruler was similarly powerless. Thus far, Blue 6 was still struggling with accruing his own military force. He was approaching 200 years old and he was getting anxious. Recently, he kept proposing policies, hoping to get the Emperor’s approval in the hopes that the Emperor would gift him the military power he needed.

His biggest chance had arrived!

At about Blue Race calendar’s 200 term, they received a set of weird signals. These signals appeared out of nowhere. At the time, the Blue Race’s fleet was on their way to return to their Shelter after they had assaulted a smaller Shelter with two other level 3 space civilizations. The Blue Race was given about 1,000,000 healthy alien lifeforms as spoils of war. They were going to return to their Shelter to sell them to other civilizations that were on their decline. The profits would be enough to get the Blue Race another level 3 space civilization’s technology. After all, the Blue Race still had 5 cosmic adapters to maintain the civilization’s "soul," so these extra lifeforms were nothing to them but commodities.

On their return way home, the Blue Race received this set of weird signals. The most crucial point was that they were in the middle of warp drive...

This was scientifically impossible because how could one receive external signals during warp drive unless the signal itself had also exceeded lightspeed or used another spatial transference method...

No matter which one, this was a highly sophisticated space technology for the Blue Race. Therefore, in the next few hours, every related Blue Race scientist had mobilized. They had dissected the signal, which was found out to be a prehistoric electrical signal. The reference they had to refer back to was in the Blue Race’s antiquity archives. The signal was similar to the ones used by the Blue Race when they still hadn’t left their home planet.

The contents of the signal was fairly simple: it was the coordinates of the signal’s origin. Even though there was a language barrier, the general idea was understood. The location was not far away from Blue Race’s current location as long as they continued down a star path.

This set of signals created an uproar within the Blue Race. Many thought that this was a scheme by high level civilization to trap Blue Race, but some thought it was coming from an ancient ruin that some level 2 space civilization had stumbled upon. The level 2 civilization probably perished when attempting to enter the high-level space ruins.

In any case, these were the two most likely explanations for this signal, and the Blue Race’s power and influence were split into two parties accordingly. The liberals argued for them to move to the coordinates and wrestle the technology from the ruins, while the conservatives thought this was a trap and that going into it would cause huge damage to the Blue Race.

As a young, ambitious person, Blue 6 aligned himself with the liberals. This was a perfect stepping stone for him. If he could prove his worth during this operation, be it from the aspect of his capability or his Time Watcher power, it would most likely give him the military power he needed. He thus became a highly respected member among the liberals.

As a Time Watcher, Blue 6 was good at detecting danger, and in the future, he might even be able to see into the future. He was the only S grade cosmic adapter in the Blue Race, so with him leading the argument, the Blue Race’s royalty finally agreed to his plan... After all, the moment Blue 6 felt danger, with the size of Blue Race’s fleet, they would just retreat with some losses. The Blue Race was not some random race, they were the strongest among all the level 3 space civilizations and the civilization with the highest chance of becoming a level 4 space civilization. In other words, the Blue Race was already a peak level 3 space civilization. If they could find a high-level civilization’s ruins, then the Blue Race could evolve from a low-level civilization to a mid-level civilization!

Therefore, the operation started. After enough triangulation, the large Blue Race fleet initiated warp drive to travel to their destination. To their surprise, when they took a pit stop at an empty solar system to recalibrate their data, they found the Hope...

An incredibly curious spaceship.

Rudimentary surveillance showed that it had incredibly curious technological value... First, its external metal layer was of the lowest grade and was created within a weighted atmosphere instead of space. From this, it could be seen that the civilization’s technological was only a level 1 space civilization or even lower; this kind of technology shouldn’t even appear in space.

However, the weapons and equipment on its surface were obviously a level 2 space civilization’s electromagnetic products. These were a level 2 space civilization’s tech tree. But why would the people use the most prehistoric metals to create electromagnetic products? Was it possible that the creators didn’t know they wouldn’t last more than 100 year if done that way?

The most curious were the unknown metals found in their electrical circuits... An alloy even the Blue Race, a level 3 space civilization, hadn’t seen before!

Something a civilization couldn’t cover or fake was basic crafting technology, especially those related to metals. Perhaps some low level civilizations could get some high-level civilization’s technology through connections and mass produce it, but due to the gap between technological levels, a low-level space civilization wouldn’t be able to do high-level space civilization crafting. However, in front of them was such an anomaly... A seemingly low level civilization with crafting technology even they couldn’t understand!

Therefore, they decided to stop. After many discussions, the conclusion was... This spaceship was probably another lost ruin, and its technological level was... unknown! Either very low or very high level; it was shrouded in mystery!

Under such circumstances, Blue 6 volunteered to lead an exploration group into the ruins. This was because his Time Watcher power told him there was no danger coming from this ruin!

However, while he was almost close to persuading the royals, a small explosion occurred beside the spaceship, and according to the Blue Race’s analysis... this small explosion caused a disturbance in space!

Thus, Blue 6’s proposal was refuted and arguments between liberals and conservatives began anew. However, everyone knew...

The Blue Race had hit the jackpot! Space disturbance! This was something level 4 space civilizations only began to understand! And to be able to create a disturbance in space, that was a technology limited to level 5 space civilizations!

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