Age of Evolution

Chapter 153 - 153: Entering the Ant Nest (Arriving at Wugeng)

Chapter 153: Chapter 153: Entering the Ant Nest (Arriving at Wugeng)

Translator: 549690339

After chasing for about an hour, the locator showed the target was within 30 meters ahead. Lin Zhen put away the locator and took out his shiny silver gun.

Crossing a branch, there were a few leaves in front, and nothing else could be seen.

But Lin Zhen was still keen to notice that the leaves were arranged unnaturally, and there must be a tree hole behind them.

Approaching the leaves quietly, Lin Zhen held his breath and listened carefully, and indeed he heard Fu Haisheng’s cursing.

The man was quite frustrated at being driven away by Lin Zhen and dared not say anything. He could only vent his anger here, probably hadn’t been here long.

“Damn Lin Zhen, driving me away like that, let’s see how long you guys can last there.”

“That bitch Su Mingyue, what’s so great about that Saintess? Relying on her beauty and flirting around, she doesn’t even want me. Don’t you know that only the people of Sky Dome are the real kings in this Star Fruit Tree!”

“I’m going to join Sky Dome now and find someone to wipe you out. Even if I have to tell them the location of the special star crystal, I’ll annihilate you! Lin Zhen, you wait, I’ll tear you apart!”

“And Su Mingyue, wait till I catch you, keep you by my side for ten years without letting you leave the bed, let’s see if you still remember your Lin Zhen…

Lin Zhen was slightly startled outside, so Fu Haisheng had actually found the special star crystal!

The special star crystal is basically something that can be encountered but not sought, and it is the dream of any martial artist within the Star Fruit Tree. No matter how many, the more the better, never expected Fu Haisheng could find one.

However, from his words, he apparently has no ability to pick it up, instead, he plans to use this information as a bargaining chip to bring the Sky Dome people back to deal with Lin Zhen.

Of course, Lin Zhen would not give him a chance. He suddenly pulled the leaves away, moved like lightning, and nailed Fu Haisheng’s shoulder to the inner wall of the tree hole with one shot!

“Ahhh…!” Fu Haisheng screamed in pain.

Lin Zhen grabbed his collar, looked straight into his eyes: “Tell me, where is the special star crystal?”

In the midst of intense pain, Fu Haisheng’s eyes wavered, obviously not wanting to tell the truth.

Lin Zhen wasted no time talking to him, hit his mind with a mental shock, and asked again: “Tell me, where is the special star crystal?”

“In the center of… Lake Heart Tree.”

Lin Zhen raised his hand, a knife hand strike at his neck, the knife hand infused with golden qi, like iron cutting through Fu Haisheng’s neck in one shot.

Fu Haisheng let out no sound and died on the spot.

After taking care of Fu Haisheng and finding that the kid didn’t even have a space ring, Lin Zhen placed his corpse inside the tree hole, without even leaving him any covering leaves. That night, he would surely become dinner for some mutant insect.

With Fu Haisheng’s hidden danger taken care of, Lin Zhen returned to the ant nest.

By the time he returned, Su Mingyue had basically finished adjusting her breath, but her face had not fully recovered, indicating she had not fully recuperated.

After seeing Lin Zhen, Su Mingyue said somewhat awkwardly: “Lin Zhen, I’m afraid I won’t be able to go with you to the ant nest to pick star crystals tomorrow.”

Lin Zhen walked up to her, touched her hair gently like a friend: “It’s okay, just take a good rest. I can handle picking the star crystals on my own.”

Su Mingyue nodded, blushing slightly and turned away. Without anyone else around, she would no longer play the role of Lin Zhen’s girlfriend. It was impossible for something as wonderful as sleeping in his arms to happen again.

Of course, Lin Zhen never had such thoughts either, as it was just a makeshift arrangement.

Seeing Su Mingyue’s blushing face, Lin Zhen was also taken aback, then smiled softly. Being more familiar with Su Mingyue, sometimes he would forget that she was a girl and needed to be more mindful of that now.

They rested and adjusted their breaths separately in the tree hole, not talking all night. The next morning, seeing that Su Mingyue was still resting, Lin Zhen left the tree hole alone and headed for the branch on the left.

Sun Tie and Luo Zhen didn’t follow him, knowing it was useless to do so. The ant nest was so dangerous that they would only be going there to die.

When Lin Zhen appeared, he attracted many gazes, but people did not tease him like they did yesterday. Lin Zhen had already proven his strength on the stage yesterday, although he won in a strange way, those who couldn’t see through him were even more fearful.

However, there were still many bored people following him, wanting to see how Lin Zhen would pick star crystals.

Lin Zhen didn’t pay attention to anyone and moved forward along the left branch, quickly reaching the end.

Above the branch, the height from the branch to the ant nest was about 50 meters, and there was a vine next to it for non-Spiritual Mind Masters to climb.

At the bottom of the branch, there was a large patch of purple flowers, not the kind that produced star crystals, but another strange kind. These flowers emitted a strange fragrance that repelled any insects, so no ants could be found within dozens of meters.

Further ahead was the ant nest. From this angle, the ant nest was formed by three piles of dead branches and dust, with the largest one in the middle and the smaller ones on the left and right. The leftmost hill was their territory, with a clear boundary in the middle, and people were forbidden to cross the line to search for star crystals in other people’s territories.

On the left hill, there were no star crystals near the branch, as they had all been picked by previous people. To pick star crystals, one had to go further away.

Lin Zhen looked into the distance, and the nearest star crystal was about two hundred meters away. In this segment, countless ants were in the way, making it challenging to pass through.

As Lin Zhen was observing, a martial artist nearby spoke: “Lin Zhen, I advise you to be cautious. This is not a place for fooling around. One misstep and you’ll be reduced to bones.”

“Right, this is where the most star crystals and the bones of the fallen martial artists are. I’ve been here for three years, and hundreds of people enter each year, but fewer than ten leave every year. You better be careful.”

“When you go down to pick the star crystals, try to choose the ones you can use and don’t take those that are unsuitable for you to absorb. For example, you are now a Four-level War General, it’s best to pick Comet Crystals until you reach the Fifth-level Middle Stage, and then pick Satellite Crystals. This way, the effect can be maximized.”

“I’ll tell you a method to temporarily preserve star crystals — cut down the tree trunks at the blooming spots and bring them back along with the star crystals. The residual energy in the trunks can keep the star crystals for two to three more hours.”

“Do you see those piles of rocks in the mountains? They are actually stone caves. If you really can’t avoid danger, hide there.”

These people were kind-hearted and shared their knowledge with Lin Zhen. He nodded his head in agreement. Of course, there were also many who mocked him, but Lin Zhen didn’t care.

Lin Zhen didn’t plan to fly; it was his first time here, so he preferred to take things step by step.

After packing some necessary items and carefully observing the terrain, Lin Zhen planned a route and began to slide down the tree vines.

The tree vines were thick, but also very smooth. Lin Zhen easily slid down fifty meters and landed on the ground.

The ground was different from the hard tree trunks; it was filled with years of accumulated dead branches and dust, making it soft to step on.

After landing safely, Lin Zhen began to walk forward. He looked up at the heights and found that Su Mingyue had followed him unknownly. Dressed in white, she stood among the crowd, staring intently at Lin Zhen. When she saw him looking back, she waved her hand vigorously.

Lin Zhen smiled and turned to walk towards the Ant Nest.

After walking more than twenty meters, the ants entering and exiting began to get agitated.

When Lin Zhen walked another ten meters, the first ant finally attacked him.

It was a flying ant, flapping its huge translucent wings and opening its mouth wide as it swooped down from the air!

Lin Zhen remained calm as the ant approached, and he thrust his bright silver spear like lightning!

A puff of black blood sprayed in the air, and the flying ant’s head was crushed by Lin Zhen’s spear. Its body slammed heavily onto the ground.

“It’s a good thing that these ants don’t have strong individual combat abilities. As long as they don’t come in large groups, there shouldn’t be too much danger.”

Lin Zhen resolutely stepped onto the foot of the mountain peak on his left.

He had already chosen his route — crossing from the waist of the mountain, he just needed to climb over this hill, and there would be star crystals on the opposite side.

The moment he stepped onto the Ant Nest, four or five worker ants rushed towards him from the left and right.

These worker ants were not very aggressive and generally did not attack unless someone got too close to them.

Lin Zhen didn’t take these four or five ants seriously. His bright silver spear struck like lightning, easily killing them one by one.

As he took a few more steps, several more flying ants swooped down from the sky. Lin Zhen once again entered combat mode.

That’s what this Ant Nest was like, with seemingly endless ants. At first, ordinary martial artists could cope with the constant combat, but as the number of ants increased, their abilities would be tested.

As Lin Zhen advanced, ants’ bodies fell to the ground around him. Despite killing a lot, his progress was slow.

During the fight, Lin Zhen not only attacked aggressively, but also shouted loudly, attracting more and more ants.

“Has this kid gone crazy? Once you get here, you should know to be low-key. If he keeps this up, he’ll soon be exhausted.”

“Who knows? He doesn’t look reckless. Why is he acting so thoughtlessly?”

“Young lady, is he your boyfriend? I suggest you find someone else. There’s no future following him.”

Su Mingyue didn’t turn her head and simply said, “I will be with him even in death. ”

The people around were left speechless. They thought this girl was wasting her beauty, determined to tie herself to one tree all her life. That stupid guy certainly found treasure, and any man would be incredibly fortunate to have such a beautiful girl love him unconditionally.

More and more ants were coming, especially the flying ants in a large swarm, surrounding Lin Zhen from the sky and on the ground.

Just when people thought Lin Zhen was done for, he suddenly attacked with full force!


Three consecutive Storm spears flashed, and the flying ants in the sky fell with a crash. The dense blockade was suddenly cleared, and Lin Zhen took advantage of the gap to rise into the air with his shield underfoot.. He quickly flew over the hill and headed straight for the other side where the star crystals were concentrated!

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