All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 199 Take Him To The Dungeon

Miller and Damian were in the captain's room inside the guard's barracks, talking without anyone else around.

"You don't have that many things to do right now, but don't forget about Lucas' training, and to keep all the guards in order," Miller said as she showed the room. "This will be your working place, but I expect to see you walking around the castle to ensure the other guards are doing their job. All right? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to do."

"Of course," Damian said, bowing. "I don't want to take up any more of your time."

Miller left after that, leaving only Damian inside the room, which looked empty after Natasha packed up her things. But Damian preferred it that way.

"At least this place looks organized now," he thought.

There were already a few papers on his desk, those that required his attention. Miller had put them there during their conversation. It was a note, a secret one only the captain would read.


I know you just got your position, but this is an important mission. I have a strong feeling someone is plotting against me, doing shady things during the night. My guards aren't that great, so I ask you if you can take some of your time to do a night patrol and look for strange movements.

Sincerely, Miller

That was what the note said, and Damian was confused. Was it talking about him, the lady he met who stole his wolf, or someone else, perhaps the person who put the poison flask inside his room?

It seemed that many things were happening inside Snowheart's family castle, and Damian was not the only person scheming there. Hell, there was still the mystery about Natasha and the woman behind the locked door.

'One thing at a time,' Damian thought.

He put the note inside his spatial ring so that no one else could read it, and then a guard knocked on his door.

"What is it?" Damian said.

The guard looked a little scared. "S-Someone wants to talk with you. It said it was something about training."

"Training? Let them in," Damian said.

Damian was now responsible for the guard's training, so any guard could want to talk with him, but the person who opened the door of his office was not a guard, but Lucas!

"I knew you would get the job as a guard, but captain? Impressive," Lucas said.

He was genuinely impressed by Damian, a random passerby he found during his trip, someone that kept growing at a fast rate.

"So what do you need, Lucas?" Damian asked.

Lucas felt strange to ask Damian that, but still said, "Can you help me with my training? Natasha was responsible for it, but she vanished."

"No problem. Do you need help now?"

They left the office after that, moving toward an area at the back part of the courtyard. Lucas did not want to use the arena near the barracks because he did not want others to see his training.

"Show me what you learned so far," Damian said.

Lucas had a wooden sword in his hands, and his fighting stance was not that bad. Decent, actually, but when moving around, Damian could already spot a weakness.

"Are you training your body?" Damian asked, swiftly moving from side to side, avoiding Lucas' attacks.

"Not that much, why?"

"Your fighting stance and the way you use the sword to attack are decent. I can tell you have been practicing a lot, but it does not matter how clean your cut is if you cannot hit him. You need more power behind your attacks, more speed," Damian said.

He was not the best person to speak about that considering a lot of his body power came from his bloodline and his system, but even when comparing Lucas to any other guard inside the castle, he lacked.

"So what can I do?" Lucas asked.

From that day forward, Lucas wanted to cry and give up. Damian started a body training program using vests with weight, a lot of body-weight exercises, marathons, and etc.

It was a grueling training, and after only one day, Lucas wanted to give up. But the thought of what he wanted to become in the future kept him going.

Damian had many other things to do. He taught Lucas about the training and how to progress, but Lucas would have to do most of it on his own.

Damian's task was to figure out who was walking around the castle at night, doing suspicious things that Miller had seen.

If Damian hadn't seen all the other mysterious people in the castle, he would have thought that Miller was talking about him. But there was a chance that it wasn't.

'Will I find someone tonight?' Damian thought.

He stealthily walked through the corridors, nodding at a few guards along the way, but not many. Damian had given the guards other tasks, so there were fewer guards patrolling the castle.

This was his plan to lure out the people Miller was looking for, and it worked! Damian walked down one of the corridors that didn't get much traffic. It was close to the library, so it wasn't a place that the guards or castle servants often went.

Damian saw a person wearing a black cloak with a hood. It was the standard clothing for shady dealings.

'Who is it? That woman or someone else?' Damian wondered.

He couldn't tell who it was from a distance, so he tried to get closer without using his cloak.

Damian used the dark corners and his incredible agility to follow the cloaked figure without being seen.

It worked. He followed the figure to the library, where they met someone else.

The mysterious figure had its back to Damian, so he couldn't see their face. But the other person was looking in Damian's direction, and it was the person who had stolen his wolf!

'She?' Damian thought.

All he could hear was the woman say, "Is everything done? Will he get caught? Good, good."

Something about the sentence didn't sound right. And before long, many guards appeared behind Damian. Miller was there too!

"Guards, take him to the dungeon," Miller said.

"Why? I didn't do anything!" Damian said.

"Nothing? NOTHING? What about my son, dead with your sword stuck in his chest? Or the few strands of hair that look exactly like yours? Guards, take him now!"

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