All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 269 Fight

Chapter 269 Fight

After a few moments of intense concentration, Damian's mind began to ache from the strain of maintaining his heightened telekinetic speed. The wyvern, its massive wings propelling it forward with a primal fury, matched Damian's pace, its feral instincts driving it to pursue the elusive prey that dared challenge its domain.

As Damian soared through the air, the surrounding forest blurred into a hazy green mosaic beneath him. The rush of wind against his face was exhilarating, but the impending confrontation with the wyvern weighed heavily on his mind. With each passing second, his resolve solidified, his focus honed to a razor's edge as he prepared for the inevitable clash.

With a final burst of telekinetic energy, Damian brought himself to a sudden halt, hovering in mid-air as he turned to face the oncoming wyvern. The creature's menacing form loomed closer, its primal instincts driving it to unleash a barrage of deadly strikes upon its solitary adversary.

"Take this, big boy," Damian declared, his voice infused with a mix of determination and adrenaline-fueled bravado.

Drawing upon the dark power of his blood spells, Damian channeled his energy, weaving the very essence of his being into a formidable weapon. With a swift motion of his outstretched hand, a massive spear materialized, its form pulsating with a sinister crimson hue as it took shape in the air before him.

The wyvern, caught off guard by the sudden manifestation of the blood spear, attempted to veer to the side, but Damian's precision was unfaltering. The spear hurtled through the air with deadly accuracy, its tip finding its mark on the wyvern's outstretched wing with a sickening squelch.

A deafening roar of pain erupted from the wyvern as it staggered mid-flight, its injured wing causing it to lose balance and momentum. The once graceful creature now struggled to maintain its airborne dominance, its movements becoming labored and erratic.

Damian seized the opportunity, his mind racing with strategic calculations as he planned his next move. With the wyvern's movements hindered by the grievous injury, he could now capitalize on its vulnerability, turning the tide of the battle in his favor.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Damian's veins as he prepared for the inevitable clash that would determine the outcome of their perilous duel. With his telekinetic powers poised for swift retaliation and his blood spells pulsating with dark energy, he readied himself for the wyvern's inevitable counterattack, knowing that victory would demand every ounce of his skill and determination.

Undeterred by its injury, the wyvern's primal instincts drove it to retaliate with renewed ferocity. With a deafening screech that reverberated through the forest, it surged forward, its massive form hurtling towards Damian with a relentless determination.

Damian, his mind a whirlwind of focused concentration, braced himself for the oncoming assault. With a sharp twist of his body, he narrowly evaded the wyvern's snapping jaws, his telekinetic reflexes allowing him to swiftly maneuver out of harm's way. However, the wyvern's cunning was not to be underestimated. In a swift and calculated motion, it lashed out with one of its formidable wings, its powerful strike connecting with Damian's body with bone-shattering force.

A cry of pain tore through the air as Damian was sent hurtling through the forest, the impact of his collision with the unyielding trees shattering their ancient trunks like brittle twigs. The force of the impact reverberated through his body, each collision with the unforgiving terrain intensifying the agony that pulsed through his veins.

As he tumbled through the underbrush, the surrounding foliage blurred into a chaotic whirl, the earth and leaves becoming an indistinguishable mass of green and brown. Damian's mind struggled to regain focus amidst the haze of pain, his every instinct screaming for him to rise and resume the battle against the relentless wyvern that still loomed above.

The wyvern, sensing its advantage, circled back with a primal triumph in its fiery gaze, its scaled form casting a formidable shadow over the broken forest floor. With a thunderous beat of its powerful wings, it prepared to unleash another devastating assault upon the vulnerable Damian, its primal instincts driving it to obliterate any semblance of resistance in its domain.

Damian, his body aching and his mind a tempest of determination, fought to push through the pain and rise once more, his telekinetic powers surging forth with renewed vigor as he steeled himself for the next round of their deadly duel. With the scent of blood and earth thick in the air, he prepared to face the relentless wyvern once again, his unwavering will the only thing standing between him and the jaws of a merciless adversary.

As he closed the distance between himself and the wyvern, a fleeting thought crossed his mind, contemplating the strategic advantage that the dense forest could offer.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea, recognizing the peril that such a diversion could pose. If he allowed the wyvern to break free from their confrontation and set its sights on the vulnerable carriage and its occupants, the outcome would be catastrophic. No, he couldn't afford to let his focus waver, not when the lives of those within the carriage depended on his ability to subdue the relentless beast.

The wyvern, sensing Damian's unwavering determination, let out a thunderous roar that reverberated through the forest, its massive wings creating a tempest of wind that sent leaves and debris swirling in a chaotic dance. With an ominous glint in its eyes, it prepared to launch another devastating assault, its primal instincts driving it to eradicate the impudent challenger that dared to defy its dominance.

While that confrontation happened, Morgana, who also knew how to fly, went after Damian and the wyvern. She would soon arrive where the fight was happening.

'I hope he's ok,' Morgana thought, worry stamped on her face.

Back to the fight, Damian stared at the wyvern, his body tall. "Your roar does not scare me, little beast. Come, let us end this fight!"

The wyvern roared again. Did he understand the provocation? Either way, Damian was not feeling like losing!

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