All-rounder Artist

Chapter 23 - 21: Ace Composer_1

23 Chapter 21: Ace Composer_1

Translator: 549690339

The next day.

Eight in the morning.

Lin Yuan had just arrived at the company when he was summoned by Ol’ Zhou to his office, “Qi Continent’s Dragon Fish Dance order is done, they’ve officially chosen your composition, and they’ve also scheduled their movie for release next week.”

“Next week?”

Isn’t that too fast?

Ol’ Zhou explained, “Normally they wouldn’t rush it, but the film market in Qi Continent is too competitive. They probably rushed to avoid clashing with a blockbuster, so they hastily rescheduled. According to their perspective, the movie’s post-production is all set and the promotion has never stopped. They just needed a good theme song, so now that they have it, it’s only natural for them to rush the release.”


“Once the movie premiere is over, the company will also officially arrange for “Big Fish” to go online. I’ll speak with the resource department to get you some good recommendations. Regardless of how the movie does, I think this song can be a hit.”

“Thank you.”

Lin Yuan left the office.

Twenty minutes later, Ol’ Zhou also came out of his office, clapping vigorously, successfully attracting the department members’ attention.

Someone asked, “Boss, what’s up?”

Ol’ Zhou was all smiles, “The order for Dragon Fish Dance, Qi Continent has signed a contract with us, so you guys don’t need to force yourselves on composing.”

“Sealed the deal?”

The crowd was surprised, and chatter broke out:

“Who did?”

“That’s intense!”

“He managed to get the order that even tens of ace composers couldn’t handle?”

“Moreover, wasn’t the composition speed too fast? How much time has passed since then?”

“Which big shot in our composition department did it?”

“Could it be that Maestro stepped in?”


Someone teased Lin Yuan, “Student Xian Yu, your five million is gone. Seems like the Dragon Fish Dance order is not in your luck”


Wu Yong also gave Lin Yuan a pat on the shoulder, teasing, “Keep up the good work.”

Everyone burst into laughter.

Then everyone turned to look at Ol’ Zhou, hoping to get an answer from him, “Who in our composition department is so awesome? Boss, don’t keep us in suspense.”


Ol’ Zhou paused slightly to build up the suspense, but before he could speak, a voice came from outside:

“Who ordered the coffee?”

Lin Yuan raised his hand, “Me.”

He had placed the order when he came out of Ol’ Zhou’s office.

A few delivery guys had shown up at the same time, each of their hands filled with coffee.

One of them told Lin Yuan, “There are a total of eighty-six cups. Please check.”

Eighty-six cups.

That’s the total number of people currently in the tenth floor Composing Department.

Lin Yuan nodded, “Thank you.”

Seeing so many coffees, Wu Yong was surprised, “Lin Yuan, why did you order so much coffee? Do you own the coffee shop?”


Lin Yuan curtly replied, “To treat everyone.”

Wu Yong immediately broke into laughter, “What’s this all about? Suddenly being so generous and treating us to coffee… Coffee?”

It seemed like he thought of something.

Wu Yong’s laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone else also stopped laughing and looked at Lin Yuan in disbelief.

Apparently, they also remembered that someone had joked to Lin Yuan that if he gets the order from Qi Continent, he would treat everyone to coffee… Could it be?

“I promised earlier.”

Lin Yuan resolved everyone’s doubts. He was a man of his words even though these coffees were really expensive.



The members of the composing department on the tenth floor looked at each other in awkward silence.

“What are you waiting for?”

Ol’ Zhou said, “Why are you all stunned?”

Even though the atmosphere he had been building up got ruined by the delivery guy, the scene in front of him was incredibly amusing.

“Holy shit!”

After the utmost silence came the ultimate uproar. Lin Yuan became the focus, and the entire composition department was filled with exclamation.

“Is that really Lin Yuan?”

“Did your calculator malfunction?”

“Isn’t he a newbie? He’s more like a god!”

“Lin Yuan…no, Teacher Admirable Fish, I bow to you!”

“Who the hell said Lin Yuan was an idiot! Stand up, he’s obviously the new god of our composition department.”

“Stop pretending, Ol’ Wang, it was you.”

“I didn’t…you…how can you tarnish my reputation…you’re the idiots, your whole families are idiots!”

“Admirable Fish, forever a god!”

The way everyone looked at Lin Yuan had changed. No one could see him as just a lucky newbie anymore.

This newbie was too strong!

Of course, everyone still remembered to get their coffee.

Lin Yuan was hurting. These coffees had maxed out his bank card, how to survive the rest of the month was a problem. Of course, the main reason was that Lin Yuan forgot to plan ahead, he forgot how much he would have to spend this month. He must learn from this.

The “Dragon Fish Dance” order from Qi Continent was a tough bone for the entire tenth floor composition department.

What if the order can’t be resolved?


While Ol’ Zhou wouldn’t resort to asking other companies for help, he would definitely get other floors involved in the end.

After all, Ol’ Zhou was not only the boss of the tenth floor but also the whole composition department. He had to consider the department as a whole.

No one on the tenth floor wanted this to happen.

Although the composition department is a whole and Ol’ Zhou is everyone’s leader, there is competition between different floors.

“Dragon Fish Dance” from Qi Continent was an order for the tenth floor. To let the other floors handle it would show the incompetence of the tenth floor.

At that time, the members of the tenth floor composition department wouldn’t be able to hold their heads high in front of other floor’s composition department members.

In this regard, Lin Yuan was the hero of the tenth floor.


When it was time to get off work in the evening.

The senior Zheng Han from Lin Yuan’s school, who had been friendly to Lin Yuan during the meeting, invited Lin Yuan for a meal, and then personally drove him back to school.

“Thank you.”

Just as Lin Yuan was about to get out of the car, Zheng Han suddenly spoke up.

Lin Yuan was startled.

Zheng Han smiled: “At the last meeting, I told you that on our tenth floor, more than ten ace composers have had their orders cancelled, but there was something I didn’t tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I was the fourteenth one to have my order cancelled.”

“I took your order.”

“If you grab an order I could handle, that’s theft, but if you take an order I couldn’t handle, that’s on me. However, I don’t want orders from the tenth floor to be completed by other floors, so I’m thanking you for everyone on the tenth floor.”

Lin Yuan told the truth: “I did it for myself.”

Zheng Han’s smile didn’t fade: “We’re all doing it for ourselves, but if the order failed, the number of orders coming to the tenth floor would decrease, and no one’s days would be easy.”


So this was the real reason the tenth floor wasn’t willing to easily give up the “Dragon Fish Dance” order. Everyone was not only looking out for the honor and face of the tenth floor but also for tangible benefits.

In other words.

The more orders each floor receives, the more chances the composers on that floor get. If the “Dragon Fish Dance” order was initially assigned to another floor, Lin Yuan wouldn’t have had a good chance of getting the order, unless other floors also couldn’t handle the order.

But, the composition department is overflowing with talent.

Every floor can handle the orders they get most of the time, and there are few orders that an entire floor can’t digest.

Zheng Han said: “This is why many floors have a Maestro at their helm. Some floors may not have a Maestro, but they have more ace composers… Therefore, in terms of average strength, all floors are more or less the same.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

It appears the competition within the company is quite fierce.

Seeming to see through Lin Yuan’s thoughts, Zheng Han said: “It’s not that our company is competitive, it’s the entire industry that’s competitive. There are too many people in the Qin Continent involved in music. We’re looking forward to you becoming one of the ace composers on our tenth floor.”


Lin Yuan nodded again.

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