All-rounder Artist

Chapter 37 - 34: Finding Inspiration !

Chapter 37: Chapter 34: Finding Inspiration !

Translator: 549690339

Lin Yuan’s new song topping the chart in January did not only draw attention from the outside world.

It also caused quite a stir in the music department at Starlight.

Not that this achievement is all that impressive.

Lin Yuan’s exceptional performance, the ace songwriters on the tenth floor essentially all have the achievement of season’s championship songs.

Many non-ace songwriters have achieved similar results, so this isn’t the most brag-worthy.

What is truly brag-worthy!

Is Lin Yuan’s three wins in three matches!

Most award-winning songwriters take a year or so to produce a good piece, and the quality inevitably varies. But Lin Yuan churned out three great songs within three months, and the results of each one are extraordinarily high –

This is something most songwriters can’t even imagine.

Take Wu Yong, for instance, he has been with the company for about ten years and only won the season championship once, and that was a season with no top line singers participating.

Comparatively, Wu Yong was saddened to find that Lin Yuan’s achievements in the three months since his arrival almost equaled his twenty-some years of hard work.

01′ Zhou had been keeping an eye on the “Big Fish” December chart.

Lin Yuan himself didn’t know, but on the last day of December, “Big Fish” had actually rushed to the tenth place in the season.

Entering mid-month, making it to the top ten in the deadly December group! The performance of this song “Big Fish” can only be described as brilliant!

But before 01′ Zhou could get over the previous song, Lin Yuan had already topped this month’s chart with “Easy to Ignite and Explode”.

And he did it by knocking down two top-tier competitors

A ruthless method to say the least.

Am I not giving him enough attention? For a moment, 01′ Zhou felt like he couldn’t keep up with Lin Yuan’s pace.

Need to get more involved in the growth of the newcomer!

Hence, he quietly appeared in the tenth-floor composition department.

As soon as he walked in, 01′ Zhou spotted Lin Yuan from afar, working hard at his computer.

“Sure enough, no one’s success comes by chance.”

01′ Zhou stopped the greetings from the surrounding people and headed toward Lin Yuan with pleasure.

But when he approached Lin Yuan, 01′ Zhou realized that Lin Yuan was not working hard, he was actually reading a novel on his computer.

H ii

With so many eyes staring, it wouldn’t be appropriate for 01′ Zhou to play favorites, so he couldn’t help coughing as a reminder, “Lin Yuan, you’re still on the clock, what are you doing?”

“Looking for inspiration.”

Lin Yuan promptly replied.

01′ Zhou:”…” He started again! He started again!

There is a prevailing practice in the music department.

No matter whether they are caught playing video games while on duty, or watching a movie, or doing something else, the group of songwriters will confidently explain it as:

“Looking for inspiration.”

Just like how the Maestro’s are always off-duty, their reason is always “outdoor research”.

Looking for inspiration is the foolproof solution of the music department against the leaders.

So 01′ Zhou often feels like this bunch of songwriters constantly rub their intelligence against the ground.

It’s one thing to say you’re watching a movie for inspiration.

Does it count as finding inspiration when you’re battling in the summoner’s canyon?

Does it count as finding inspiration when you’re passionately shooting in games?

And the most outrageous, chatting with their girlfriend about going to a hotel at night, also counts as finding inspiration?

Really now.

Now reading novels on duty also counts as finding inspiration.

Lin Yuan has only been with the company for a short time, yet he’s already adept at this

It must be the fault of his colleagues, no matter how you look at it!

If it weren’t for these people constantly using this tactic, Lin Yuan wouldn’t have picked up such bad habits so quickly.

So 01′ Zhou shot a fierce glare at the surrounding people.

The surrounding colleagues suddenly looked innocent

Lin Yuan is clearly self-taught! What does it have to do with us! We’ve never done such a thing in front of him since he joined!

Not to mention.

Even if we pull this trick, most of us would feel guilty, who could be as confident as Lin Yuan?

But no one dares to defy boss Zhou, they could only bear the blame reluctantly.

Looking at Lin Yuan, 01′ Zhou resumed his smile, “So, have you found your inspiration yet?”

He’s even more attached to Lin Yuan now than his own child, too reluctant to scold or hit, and maybe Lin Yuan was indeed looking for inspiration when reading the novel.

Lin Yuan shook his head.

He only has one song left.

And he doesn’t plan to release it now.

Today at work, everyone was discussing his three wins in three matches, proving that his recent performance was too outstanding, he needs to cool everyone down a bit.

“No worries, take your time.”

It was within 01′ Zhou’s expectations that Lin Yuan couldn’t produce a new song.

He’s just made three consecutive hits, not even the Maestro’s juicing machine could take such a squeeze, let alone Lin Yuan who’s still a newcomer.

After 01′ Zhou left, Lin Yuan continued to peruse the novel website.

Actually, Lin Yuan wasn’t reading a novel, he was just submitting his work to Super Nova, this morning, Super Nova officially opened its submission channel.

When at work,

Doing nothing is still doing nothing.

Why not develop a side hustle instead.

Following the process, Lin Yuan submitted the ready System’s “King of the Net” to the official email of Silver Blue Books.

After the submission.

Lin Yuan suddenly had a doubt, “System, there is a lot of professional tennis knowledge written in “King of the Net”, is it all to deceive the readers?” “No.”

The System answered in Lin Yuan’s mind, “The tennis knowledge in the original anime of “Prince of Tennis” is indeed mostly bluffing, and for the sake of making the scenes look good, it has become heavily distorted in the later stages. After all, the original author is not a professional national team tennis player. But the System is very strict, so the novel adapted by the System is also very strict. The tennis knowledge depicts in the novel are all highly professional, although many moves may seem mystifying, they are professional moves that can theoretically be completed by real-life tennis players.”


Lin Yuan was mainly worried that the scenes depicted in the book would be too fake and would be questioned by some people who know about tennis, which would affect the collection of literary category reputation points. With the System’s guarantee, he no longer needs to worry about this problem.

Right then.

The System suddenly said, “Friendly reminder to the host, future novels will be put into the host’s mind, the host will have to write them out by himself, reaping without sowing is not a good habit.”

“My typing speed is rather slow.”

“The System will enhance the host’s typing speed.”

Lin Yuan frowned, but didn’t strongly resist. He’s after all the author of a novel, he can’t always rely on mental writing.

But this would mean sacrificing his office hours.

Don’t ask why he would write a novel during office hours, he would say it’s all for inspiration.

At this moment.

The morning work ended, and Lin Yuan went to the cafeteria for lunch.

Today, the company paid the salaries, so Lin Yuan no longer needs to worry about meals.

He’s also planning to contact his sister tonight.

Lin Yuan hasn’t forgotten what he promised, he must buy a new phone for his sister. By the way, he can also send some money to his sister.

The rest of the money, he’ll keep some for himself and then send some to his family.

There are still a lot of debts at home that are not yet repaid.

This month, Lin Yuan has made quite a bit of money, including the commission for the “Big Fish” order, compared to last month, it’s a bumper harvest..

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