All-rounder Artist

Chapter 41 - 38 Alliance Hierarch [Jianhui] Additional Updatesi

Chapter 41: Chapter 38 Alliance Hierarch [Jianhui] Additional Updatesi

Translator: 549690339

“The opening uses a side imagery to arouse readers’ anticipation about the protagonist’s abilities. Then in this anticipation, it directly shows the protagonist’s skills with an exciting tennis match where he is retaliated against by his opponent, but still chose to respond through tennis. This scenario does portray the protagonist’s personality to some extent…”

YangFeng was summarizing the plot.

After summarizing the plot, he read the rest of the story again.

After finishing reading the ioo,ooo-word submission, YangFeng was pleasantly surprised to find out that this novel was an ensemble drama!

The members of the Youth Academy’s tennis team each had their own character traits and skills, and the main line of the story was focused on describing the growth of these characters through various matches.

In the genre of youth fantasy novels, there were not only themes like conquering harems and conquering different worlds.

There is also a theme called chasing dreams!

However, not many people currently write these types of novels.

And this novel titled “King of the Net” tells the story of young people chasing their dreams and striving to become professional tennis players

YangFeng loved it!

However, YangFeng was a little hesitant.

While “King of the Net” perfectly catered to YangFeng’s taste and was novel enough, the choice of theme and direction of the story did lean toward a niche market.

And different editors had different tastes.

Stories YangFeng found brilliant might only be average in the eyes of other editors.

Should he endorse it?

After hesitating for about a minute, YangFeng decided to stick to his judgement—


Editors had the right to endorse works they found acceptable after reviewing them.

Works endorsed by the editor would be reviewed by the chief editor and deputy chief editor of the publishing house.

If the chief editor and deputy chief editor also feel like this novel works, it means that this novel can be scheduled for publication.

That being said.

If they were unable to pass the chief editor’s review, it would mean that YangFeng’s achievements were in vain. Only a successful endorsement would count towards the editor’s performance.

Of course.

Despite his desire to recommend it, YangFeng had to finish reviewing the other manuscripts in his hand first, otherwise it would be unfair to other applicants.

But YangFeng had a premonition.

Among the remaining manuscripts, perhaps none would be more satisfying to him than “King of the Net”

With this thought in mind, YangFeng flipped through the information of the author for “King of the Net”

This novel was well-paced, and he wondered if it might have been a submission by some relaunched novelist using a pseudonym?

This was also a very normal occurrence.

Some published novelists in the industry who are not performing very well might participate in competitions like “Supernova” under a pseudonym.

But most of them wouldn’t hide their identities.

Since they all had editors they are familiar with, they would directly send their works to a familiar editor at the start of the “Supernova” competition.

After all, it’s an industry rule for oldies to participate.

Considering that this novel was not specifically submitted to him or other editors, the chance of “King of the Net” being written by a novelist under a pseudonym is not high.

Just as he thought.

Based on the submission information, this is the work of a newcomer, and the pseudonym of the newcomer was unfamiliar:

“Chu Kuang”

Novelists have quirky pseudonyms, so to YangFeng, the pseudonym Chu Kuang seemed quite ordinary.

The only thing that surprised him was that the information showed that this Chu Kuang was actually a college student. Do college students nowadays know so much about tennis?

Just like how “Lin Yuan envies the fish but better to withdraw and cast the net” used the word fish.

The pseudonym that Lin Yuan chose for his novelist identity, Chu Kuang, was actually a two-word phrase taken from the poem by Li Bai, “I am a madman of Chu, who sings and laughs at Confucius.”

The only regrettable point is that there is no Li Bai in this world, so no one understands the meaning of Chu Kuang.

After picking this pseudonym, Lin Yuan was somewhat looking forward to the results of the submission for “King of the Net,” since this novel is linked to the reward of his three prize boxes!

He also analyzed it.

This novel is quite faithful to the anime plot, and it even patches up a lot of things.

Speaking of the original anime, the early parts were fine. The tennis moves are basically those that can be performed in reality.

For instance, the sliced serve that Long Ma used at the beginning, and the snake ball, crouching dunk, Yan Hui Flash, etc., all can be done by some powerful professional players.

Of course, the effects can’t be as flashy and exaggerated as shown in the anime, and generally speaking, they are not very practical.

The original author certainly had a foundation in tennis and understood the sport much better than ordinary people.


By the later parts, in order to keep drawing, the author made the style of the anime more and more bizarre, to the point of directly turning it into the widely-criticized “murderous tennis”.

It’s likely that even big shots like Nadal and Federer wouldn’t be able to stand their ground in the world of the “Prince of Tennis”.

The System also understood this.

So to avoid the story from becoming fantasy, “King of the Net” stopped abruptly at one million words, and all the moves in this one-million-word novel were based on reality, at least they were theoretically executable by humans.

On the subject of integrity, the System is better than the original author.

A similar situation can also be found in “Captain Tsubasa”, which is also a competitive sports theme.

Although the story gets more and more exaggerated as it progresses, the initial moves such as Tsubasa’s impulsive shooting are nothing more than Cristiano Ronaldo’s elevator ball in reality.

Shaking his head.

Lin Yuan decided to patiently wait for the result.

He had to go out today, because senior Sun Yao Huo wanted to take him out for a meal.

To Lin Yuan, it would be considered foolish to reject someone’s invitation to a free meal, unless you really disliked the person.

Lin Yuan didn’t dislike Sun Yao Huo.

So he readily accepted the invitation.

Sun Yaohuo was just testing the waters by inviting Lin Yuan. He didn’t expect Lin Yuan to agree so readily. He was both surprised and delighted!

Junior Lin Yuan was indeed approachable!

Since Lin Yuan was now so successful, he likely wouldn’t be longing for a meal, so his acceptance was undoubtedly giving a lot of face. Therefore, Sun Yao Huo attached great importance to this meal.

The restaurant where they planned to eat was located outside the school.

Sun Yao Huo made a point to pick Lin Yuan up from school in his new car.

This new car was bought by Sun Yao Huo from the income he got from “Life Like a Summer Flower” and his recent commercial performances.

When he initially went to record “Life Like a Summer Flower”, he had been delayed by taking a taxi and got stuck halfway, nearly missing his debut opportunity, hence he readily bought a car, learning from his mistake.

As for the reason for inviting Lin Yuan to dinner—

It was because Sun Yao Huo only found out today that Lin Yuan had been looking for him at the artist’s department.

At that time, Sun Yao Huo happened to be out and missed him.

This bothered Sun Yao Huo for quite some time.

He was worried that Lin Yuan would be upset about this and has been contemplating how to make amends.

Of course.

Sun Yao Huo also wished that if Lin Yuan was happy enough, he would take him on another flight. This was an optimistic wish of his.

He knew that this was unrealistic.

As Xian Yu was becoming more and more popular, the singers he would collaborate with would only become bigger and bigger. For Sun Yao Huo, who was essentially a tool person, he likely didn’t carry much weight in Lin Yuan’s heart anymore..

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