Almighty Devouring System

Chapter 28

C28 – Use Demon Suppressing Ring!

Dou fixed his gaze on Peng Gengkun with a smirk that wasn’t quite a smile.

“So, you’re the one who took down Yan Xinheng? It seems you’re quite capable.”

Peng Gengkun offered a slight smile in response. “Hardly an effort.”

Despite Peng Gengkun’s seemingly casual demeanor, he was inwardly on high alert. Dou’s abilities were clearly not to be taken lightly, and Peng Gengkun knew better than to underestimate him.

Observing Peng Gengkun’s nonchalance, Dou introduced himself, “I’m Dou Yuanke, an elite disciple from the Outer Sect of the Flying Cloud Sect. I’ve come to seek a lesson from the one who bested Yan Xinheng!”

Lin Huaqiao’s face shifted at once.

“It’s him! I’ve heard he’s from the Dou family!”

“Among the Outer Sect’s elite disciples, Dou Yuanke is truly exceptional. His prowess surpasses even Yan Xinheng’s!”

A look of concern crossed Yue Yun’s face as he whispered, “Senior Brother Lin, do you think Senior Brother Peng can stand up to Dou Yuanke?”

Lin Huaqiao let out a wry laugh and replied, “It’s hard to say. Junior Brother Peng may have defeated Yan Xinheng, but I witnessed how close he came to death that day. Junior Brother Peng’s strength doesn’t quite measure up to Dou Yuanke’s. He might not die today, but he’s likely to face humiliation.”

Wang Jingfu, Yue Yun, and Sun Yue fell into a heavy silence.

Then, breaking the quiet, Wang Jingfu spoke up, “Senior Brother Lin, we can’t just stand by and let Dou Yuanke make a move on Senior Brother Peng! I must confess, I misled you all. Without Senior Brother Peng’s Spirit Stones, we wouldn’t have had the chance to sit on the third floor today!”

“Exactly. We arrived as a group. Now that we’re facing trouble, we can’t just abandon him!”

The others exchanged glances before all eyes turned to Lin Huaqiao.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Huaqiao rose to his feet and declared, “I may not be the strongest, but abandoning friends is not in my nature!”

He then positioned himself before Dou Yuanke and announced, “The situation today arose because of us. We will take our leave now. I hope you won’t press the issue.”

Lin Huaqiao paused, then added firmly, “Should you insist on being overbearing, then the fault will not lie with us!”

The others quickly positioned themselves in front of Dou Yuanke, declaring, “Absolutely. We came here together, so naturally, we’ll leave together.”

“Let’s not be too confrontational, shall we?”

Dou Yuanke’s face twisted with emotion as he watched them take a stand, and then he let out a menacing laugh.

“You come from humble beginnings. You stand united. But sadly, that unity is worthless. You have no right to stand before me! Out of my way!”

His voice escalated to a roar on the last word. In that moment, Dou Yuanke channeled his Astral Energy and delivered a slap to Lin Huaqiao.

But then, a separate surge of Astral Energy shattered Dou Yuanke’s own.

Peng Gengkun spoke up, his tone measured, “All of you are my brothers in the sect. I won’t stand by and let you fight! Just wait here a moment. The feast isn’t over yet.”

He stepped forward, gave Lin Huaqiao’s shoulder a reassuring pat, and cast a glance at Wang Jingfu, Yue Yun, and Sun Yue.

Noticing their anxious expressions, Peng Gengkun offered a comforting smile. “Yan Xinheng couldn’t best me. And even if Dou Yuanke is stronger than Yan Xinheng, he won’t be the death of me! Rest easy.”

The group wavered, but ultimately, they all took their seats once more.

Dou Yuanke tightened his grip into a fist, remarking, “You seem quite confident. A pity, though, that defeating Yan Xinheng doesn’t guarantee you can defeat me!”

He summoned his Astral Energy and launched a palm strike at Peng Gengkun.

The wind roared, sending tables and chairs tumbling, scattering everything upon them across the floor.

“That’s the Upper Grade Two Gale Palm Technique! Outside, it could blow away a stone as large as a millstone.”

Lin Huaqiao recognized the technique and quickly alerted Peng Gengkun. But before he could finish, he was stunned to see the fierce wind die down.

Dou Yuanke’s Astral Energy had vanished without a trace.

“How can this be?” Dou Yuanke exclaimed in astonishment. “Where did my Astral Energy go?”

Peng Gengkun offered a faint smile, opting not to offer any explanation.

Typically, when two streams of Astral Energy collide, they trigger an air explosion, resulting in secondary damage. But the Leviathan-roc Astral Energy that Peng Gengkun had acquired from the Leviathan-roc System possessed the unique ability to annihilate other forms of Astral Energy! When these forces met, they would cancel each other out, leaving no chance for further harm.

“Now that you’ve had your turn, it’s mine,” Peng Gengkun declared.

With a flick of his wrist, a tendril of Astral Energy quickly took the form of a rope and shot forward.

“That’s the Wei family’s Demon Suppressing Ring!” Wei Pengxing recognized the technique instantly.

Before anyone could react, the Demon Suppressing Ring had ensnared Dou Yuanke.

With a scoff, Dou Yuanke said, “He’s only had the Demon Suppressing Ring for a few days; there’s no way he’s mastered it! Break free!”

Dou Yuanke’s command was followed by a burst of wild and unrivaled Astral Energy from his body. The walls crumbled in an instant, and diners nearby hurried downstairs, unwilling to remain in the vicinity.

Lin Huaqiao and his companions were taken aback, ready to intervene once more.

To their amazement, Dou Yuanke remained trapped.

“How can the Demon Suppressing Ring be so resilient?” Dou Yuanke exclaimed in surprise.

“It can’t be!” Wei Pengxing was in disbelief. “I’m not even qualified to train with the Demon Suppressing Ring. How could he have cultivated it to such a degree in just a few days?”

Peng Gengkun’s smile remained, his silence a calm refusal to reveal his secrets.

Though he hadn’t relied on the system, he had indeed mastered the Demon Suppressing Ring, a testament to his considerable martial arts aptitude.

Dou Yuanke bit down hard, struggling in vain to free himself.

Peng Gengkun approached Wei Pengxing with an amused grin.

Now without his strongest ally, Dou Yuanke, Wei Pengxing was visibly shaken. As Peng Gengkun advanced, Wei Pengxing backed away in fear, ultimately collapsing to the ground in a humiliating heap.

Peng Gengkun towered over Wei Pengxing, his voice calm and assured, “Rest easy, I have no intention of striking you. You’ve lost the privilege of being hit by me. Relay that to Wei Mingzhi.”

He enunciated each word deliberately, “I’m well aware that he’s an Inner Sect disciple and outranks me. However, taking my life won’t be as simple as he thinks. It’s time to put an end to this. I challenge him to a duel in the Death Match Arena!”

Wei Pengxing’s eyes widened in astonishment; he never imagined Peng Gengkun would dare to utter such a challenge.

The gap between Inner Sect disciples and elite disciples might only be one level, but in terms of power, they were on entirely different planes.

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