Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 106 The Hunchback

Chapter 106 The Hunchback

At this time, several hooligans gather together to catch Li Yong. They want to press Li Yong on the ground.

But they catch nothing after blinking.

Li Yong is clearly in the middle of them but suddenly disappears. Just when they feel strange, the man with a beard screams and suddenly falls to the ground. When they look over in a hurry, they see a man standing behind the man with a beard. It is Li Yong. Moreover, Li Yong lifts his foot and steps on the man with a beard rudely.

“It’s not easy to catch me.” When these hooligans are stunned, Li Yong directly rushes up, waves his fists, raises his feet and directly knocks these hooligans down on the ground.

The sound of fighting immediately shocks the people inside. More than 50 people run out together and surround Li Yong. They all hold controlled knives in their hands and shout wickedly.

After surrounding Li Yong, they suddenly quiet down. They consciously make a way.

“Young man, you dare to make trouble here. Do you want to die?” A hunchback comes out of the road and says angrily, “Why did you hit these people? If you don’t give me a reason, you won’t leave today.”

“They are too annoying. I am sorry. I couldn’t bear for a while.” Li Yong says happily. He steps on the man with a beard who tries to climb up. The man with a beard falls to the ground again and dares not to move again.

But he can open his mouth, “Boss, he’s the one who got our people out of here.”

“You wanted to poach our people. You are too bold!” The hunchback sneers and shouts angrily.

“I didn’t poach your people. I’m here to find Hu. You guys release Hu quickly.” Li Yong says faintly.

“You dared to ask the Tianhu Gang to release people. You court death.” The hunchback raises his skinny big hand, waves forward, looks around and shouts loudly, “Catch him.”

Immediately, four tall and sturdy men raise their steel long sticks, shout loudly and rush to Li Yong. Li Yong smiles slightly and kicks the man with a beard at his feet away. The man with a beard flies up and knocks two of them down directly. The rest of them stop and are stuck there as if they are frightened by Li Yong.

Li Yong takes this opportunity. He rushes up and jumps forward immediately. When he is still in the air, his body comes sideways, punching and kicking at the two men about two meters apart. His movements are quick and sharp. The two men both fall to the ground at the same time, screaming miserably.

Everyone is shocked by Li Yong’s ability. Even the hunchback squints and takes a deep breath.

Li Yong is a strong man and he is also a tough man.

The hunchback doesn’t speak but he observes Li Yong carefully.

However, these hooligans become angrier when they see their own people being knocked down. Some of them rush to Li Yong immediately because there are so many people.

“Come on, catch him together.”

“We have so many people that we don’t believe he can knock us all down.”

“We’ll let him die of exhaustion.”

“Let’s fight and kill him.”

These people shout and call for more hooligans to rush to Li Yong from all directions with great momentum. They are like soldiers on the battlefield and they have some courage.

However, these people are still too naive in Li Yong’s eyes. Since he practiced the fourth level of the Reviving Method and realized the fourth level, his strength has not been the same as before.

Even Li Yong can feel that his internal strength has become stronger and more vigorous.

Faced with the crowd’s siege, Li Yong is like an adult facing a group of children’s pursuit. He also has to be careful not to hit them heavily, avoiding killing them.

In Li Yong’s eyes, although these people are hooligans and often bully the weak, they can’t be killed. Besides, he is also a law-abiding citizen. He thinks that he has no right to end other people’s lives.

Even the most heinous people have the basic right to live. They are not born to be absolute villains. It is the rulers of society and country that make them become hooligans.

When dozens of people surround Li Yong, Li Yong moves quickly just like a shadow. Then wherever he goes, there will be a miserable scream. At the same time, some people will be beaten far away.

When Li Yong knocks down more than 20 people in a row, the hunchback suddenly stops the following frightened hooligans. They feel a sense of relief and stop immediately. They even take the initiative to step back and give way.

At this time, Li Yong is a devil in their eyes. They didn’t even touch Li Yong but were hit by Li Yong. Moreover, Li Yong was very merciless. Some were thrown away by him and some were knocked down by him. All of them are seriously injured and can’t stand up.

“You are powerful. Why are you making trouble at our Tianhu Gang?” The hunchback who was angry just now suddenly calms down. He has never been so friendly to anyone at the headquarters of the Tianhu Gang.

By this time, the hunchback has clearly realized that Li Yong is extraordinary.

“You caught my employee and hit me. You’re making trouble.” Li Yong smiles and walks towards the hunchback. Now, Li Yong knows that the hunchback is the leader here.

It is said that the gang will collapse after destroying the leader. Li Yong decides to beat the hunchback first and then the matter will be easy.

“Sorry, I apologize on behalf of the Tianhu Gang.” The hunchback suddenly becomes cowardly and shows a flattering smile.

“It’s too late.” At this time, Li Yong comes up to the hunchback and punches him directly.

The hunchback is shocked, but after all, he is experienced. When Li Yong stretches his hand, he also moves. When his unstable body once moves, it suddenly bursts into terrible force. His body ejects towards Li Yong directly like a ball. He wants to fight back and accidentally defeats Li Yong.

The hunchback is a smart person who is good at taking advantage of every opportunity.

When people start fighting, they always don’t try their best. But the hunchback is ready to do his best at the beginning. In his eyes, although Li Yong is stronger than him, Li Yong will be hurt by him first.

When they start to fight, Li Yong is forced to retreat by the hunchback. Those hooligans cheer together.

However, when Li Yong gradually becomes familiar with the hunchback’s movements, he immediately fights back and attacks the hunchback by using a kind of subtle unnamed boxing. The hunchback has no time to dodge so he suffers terribly. When he is hit by Li Yong, he screams occasionally. Li Yong’s fist is as hard as iron and steel. Every time the hunchback is punched by Li Yong, he feels that his flesh is rotten and his bones become soft.

All the people around them are dumbfounded and can’t shout anymore. Their leader, who is invincible, can’t beat a young man.

After fighting with more than 20 movements, the hunchback screams miserably again and then he is kicked away directly by Li Yong.

Li Yong jumps forward and comes to the place where the hunchback is going to fall first. Then he kicks the hunchback’s body and the hunchback screams again. The hunchback flies high like a football. Then his speed of flying slows down and he finally stops. Then he begins to fall down, and the speed becomes faster as if he is going to smash into the soil.

But Li Yong waits below again, so the hunchback flies up again.

After so many times, when the hunchback can’t make a voice again, Li Yong finally stops.

Li Yong doesn’t look at the half-dead hunchback at all. Instead, he looks coldly at the hooligans around him and says with a fearsome smile, “Your leader has been beaten by me. I’ll ask you again, where is Hu?”

The hooligans look at each other. Some of them don’t know so they keep shaking their heads. Some of them know but dare not to say, so they also shake their heads. There is silence all around for a moment. Only the breeze blows gently and the moonlight shines.

“I know. Hu is my eldest brother. He wanted to leave the Tianhu Gang but the hunchback didn’t let him go. So they quarreled and finally fought. Hu was seriously injured by the hunchback and then he was locked up.” Suddenly, a skiweinny young man stands up and shouts out the whereabouts of Hu.

Li Yong walks to the hunchback and looks at his miserable look. The hunchback’s mouth and nose are bleeding now. Li Yong has no pity on him because the hunchback’s reputation is very bad. The hunchback has committed all manners of crimes and is one of the scums of society that the police in Zhonghai City want to remove most.

But because of his deep background, the police also can’t do anything to him.

Therefore, the hunchback is still at large. He always gathers people to gamble and fight, harming society.

“Where did you lock Hu up?” Li Yong kicks the hunchback and asks.

At this time, the hunchback becomes calm. He was almost kicked to death by Li Yong so he is deeply afraid of Li Yong. He is afraid that Li Yong will continue to torture him so he hurries to say, “He’s in the basement.”

Li Yong smiles at the brave skinny young man and says, “You go to the basement and pick up Hu, dare you?”

“I dare.” The young man shouts loudly, takes two companions and runs excitedly to the basement.

Soon they lift out Hu who is scarred. More than a dozen badly injured hooligans follow behind them. They help each other and even can’t walk steadily. They are all faithful brothers of Hu. They wanted to follow Hu and leave the Tianhu Gang together so they were abused by the hunchback.

Every gang must have a large number of people if it wants to grow. Hu is not only a powerful little leader but also the vice president. If he leaves with his faithful brothers, the Tianhu Gang will have less influence.

The hunchback was reluctant to see it, so he became angry and forced Hu to stay here.

When Hu sees Li Yong, he immediately shows a surprised expression. But then his face darkens and says sadly, “Yong, I’m sorry. I lost my word.”

“It’s good that you are alive.” Li Yong laughs and says, “Since you choose to follow me, I will not give up you. Let’s go.”

Li Yong takes Hu and his fifteen brothers out of the Tianhu Gang and arranges them in a hotel. He treats them one by one and finishes treating until three o’clock in the morning.

Hu was badly injured. Although Li Yong has treated him carefully, he still has to rest for at least ten days.

Li Yong leaves Hu 500,000 yuan as medical expenses and then he leaves. When Hu recovers, he will take these brothers to him.

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