Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 503 Sure Enough, It’s You

Chapter 503 Sure Enough, It’s You

“Ah…” Han Lu screams in pain and rolls off the bed, “Fei, you want to make me die from falling, don’t you?”

Li Yong, who wakes with a start in an instant, hurriedly jumps off the bed and helps Han Lu up. Luckily, Han Lu doesn’t hurt her arms and legs. Even so, she doesn’t feel good either, sensing that her right hand hitting against the ground hurts a lot.

Li Yong can’t bear to watch his wife endure the physical pain. So he immediately inputs a wisp of spiritual power into Han Lu’s body, making Han Lu feel physically comfortable in an instant. After that, the pain in Han Lu’s right hand immediately alleviates. Soon, she doesn’t feel any pain at all.

Han Fei hurriedly apologizes, “Lu, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.” She looks at her hand and simply can’t imagine that her strength will become so much greater. With a gentle push, she, who usually can’t even push Han Lu at all, unexpectedly pushes Han Lu directly off the bed this time, making her fall.

Han Lu, who doesn’t hold a grudge against Han Fei, puts on her clothes and walks out.

Han Fei pulls Li Yong’s hand and says excitedly, “Brother-in-law, the power in my hand seems to be stronger.”

“That’s for sure. Otherwise, wouldn’t I have worked for nothing last night?” Li Yong smiles and says, “Take your time to get used to it! As long as you are willing to work hard, the path of practicing will bring you many surprises.”

“I’ll try this.” Han Fei jumps off the bed and reaches out to move a table made of solid wood under the windowsill. This table is an antique bought by Han Dongtao. After being repainted, it has a modern look. Although the table isn’t a large-sized one, it weighs more than one hundred kilograms. On usual days, Han Fei can’t even move the table a bit.

And today, she clenches at a side of the table and lifts the table to have a try. To her surprise, she lifts two corners of the table. After that, she lifts the third corner in success. Moreover, during the whole process, she doesn’t use her full strength, thinking that she can move the whole table.

She, who couldn’t even hold something weighing forty kilograms previously, can hold something that weighs more than one hundred kilograms now.

This is the most basic difference between the strength of ordinary people and that of martial artists who have cultivated internal strength.

Han Fei is just a weak woman. But her strength has been doubled. If it were a strong man who has cultivated internal strength, he, who could only hold something weighing one hundred kilograms before, can hold something weighing five hundred kilograms now.

Coming downstairs, Han Fei finds Han Lu and says excitedly, “Lu, you should also practice with me!”

Han Lu refuses outright, “I don’t have the leisure time.”

“Lu…” Han Fei wants to persuade her again.

Han Lu, however, directly interrupts her and says seriously, “Don’t be engaged in irrelevant business anymore. What’s good about fighting and killing? In the current society, what is the use of practicing martial arts well? Anyway, those practicing martial arts well will have to act as bodyguards for the rich. If you have time to practice martial arts, you’d better go and make money, manage the company well, and make a lot of money, which is what you should do.”

Han Fei pouts her mouth. Then she can only keep the words to herself and dares not to persuade Han Lu anymore.

Over breakfast, Li Yong receives a call from Hu, who says that he found Chu Jianghe and that he brought him back to the medicinal materials base, asking Li Yong what to do next.

Li Yong thinks about it and decides to go there in person.

After hanging up the call, Li Yong tells Han Fei that he is going to the medicinal materials base. Han Dongtao and Sun Xiaomei are there all the time and rarely come home. Han Lu and Han Fei, who miss their parents, prepare some gifts and ask Li Yong to take them with him by the way, thinking that they can sort of fulfill their filial piety by doing so.

After the gifts are ready, Han Lu and Han Fei go to the company. And Li Yong takes Wei Fangxia to the medicinal materials base in Chahua Town.

The car has been loaded with beautiful gifts for Han Dongtao and Sun Xiaomei.

Han Lu and Han Fei don’t prepare many gifts. Most of the gifts are newly purchased by Li Yong after stopping the car on the road.

Seeing Han Lu and Han Fei send gifts to their parents, Li Yong, who is a son-in-law, surely can’t be overshadowed by them. When it comes to treating the father-in-law and mother-in-law, a son-in-law should be more filial and respectful than his wife, which is what a genuinely capable man should do.

In fact, in terms of being filially respectful to Han Dongtao, Li Yong is sincere. Han Dongtao is willing to give both his daughters to Li Yong, making Li Yong very grateful to him. And in terms of showing filial respect to Sun Xiaomei, his mother-in-law, Li Yong somewhat intends to ingratiate her.

Because when it comes to the relationship between Li Yong and Han Fei, Sun Xiaomei is the biggest obstacle to it.

Only if he pleases Sun Xiaomei in success can he be likely to convince her and have a beautiful ending with Han Fei.

“Yong, why did you bring us so many gifts? Speaking of this bottle of wine, it seems to be a collection! I won’t even bear to drink it.” Han Dongtao holds a bottle of fine wine, bursting with joy.

Knowing that Han Dongtao loves drinking, Li Yong bought him the most expensive wine in Donghai City.

“Well, what is this? It’s so beautiful!” Sun Xiaomei picks up a string of Buddha beads, feeling overjoyed. Because she, who believes in Buddhism, is particularly fond of any items related to Buddha. Li Yong caters to her pleasure and gifts her with a string of Buddha beads.

Besides, Li Yong purchases the most on-trending clothes and shoes for Han Dongtao and Sun Xiaomei. Moreover, he brings them food, drinks, and items which will be of use to them as well as items for having fun.

In the shopping mall, Li Yong purchases almost all the items which he thinks Han Dongtao and Sun Xiaomei will take a fancy to.

For this reason, Wei Fangxia, who carries things behind Li Yong, starts to complain, saying that other people who are going to pick up their brides won’t have to do something so troublesome. Li Yong teases, “When I go to your home to visit your mom and dad, you surely won’t think so.”

Wei Fangxia glares at him, “Why will you go to my home?”

Li Yong says with a vicious smile, “Because I’m going to take you as my wife and you’re going to bear children for me!”

However, to Li Yong’s surprise, Wei Fangxia doesn’t get angry. She neither scolds him nor kicks him.

Wei Fangxia’s reaction makes Li Yong feel hopeful. And on the way to the medicinal materials base, he keeps asking Wei Fangxia about the information of her parents, including how old they are, where they are, what they do, what they wish for, and so on.

But Wei Fangxia doesn’t say anything. And after she is annoyed by Li Yong’s questions, she yells, “It’s none of your business!”

After arriving at the medicinal materials base and sending the gifts, Li Yong sees that Han Dongtao holding the bottle of fine wine aloft is reciting some words and reading the instructions on the bottle over and over again. Then he sees that Sun Xiaomei affectionately takes Wei Fangxia’s hand and pulls her into the living room, who is smiling happily and chatting about gossip that no one else can understand.

Fortunately, none of them is paying attention to him. So he quietly leaves and goes to find Hu.

Turning on his clairvoyant vision and sweeping a glance at the dormitory building accommodating the staff in the medicinal materials base, Li Yong sees Hu in the canteen by the river, who is drinking with Chu Jianghe along with a few of his trusted subordinates by his side.

“Hu, it takes a fight for us to know each other! I admire the way you behave and get things done. Come on. I will toast you.” Chu Jianghe raises a full glass of wine quite boldly and drinks it up in one go.

Hu is also very happy. After putting down the glass, he says, “We are bound by fate. However, let me warn you first, Brother Yong will come over here later. I hope that for the questions Brother Yong asks you, you should answer them honestly. Don’t make things difficult for me.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been hanging around in the martial arts world for so many years. And I have been sticking to my bottom line.”

“That’s good. Hahaha… Cheers.”


Seeing this, Li Yong is a little surprised. Originally, he thought that after Hu brought Chu Jianghe here, Hu would lock him in a small dark room without giving him any food and drink, intending to make him live to suffer it! It is so unexpected for him to see that Hu and Chu Jianghe get along with each other after the fighting instead.

Li Yong walks over with a smile. Only after he stands in front of the table does Hu notice him all of a sudden.

“Brother Yong, you are here. Please have a seat.” Hu suddenly stands up and gives up the left-hand seat to Li Yong.

He moves speedily and looks natural. It seems that his practice has made some more progress, making him vaguely look like a strong martial artist.

Even so, Li Yong won’t take Hu seriously at all.

Hu’s trusted subordinates all stand up as well, neatly line up behind Hu, and salute together as they shout, “Brother Yong, thanks for coming to visit us despite your tight schedule. We are so grateful for it.”

Seeing this scene, Li Yong, who is empty-handed without bringing them any gifts, feels a little embarrassed.

Chu Jianghe also follows their suits and stands up. And after a glance at Li Yong, he hurriedly lowers his head and dares not to look at Li Yong again.

Li Yong sits down at the left-hand seat before waving his hand, indicating that everyone should sit down.

Then he says to the cheerful Hu, “In the future, don’t let them act like the ones hanging around in the martial arts world. You are my employees and I am your boss. We are in a cooperative relationship. Being grateful to me? Your words sound so hypocritical!”

Hu thinks about it and inquires, “Brother Yong, then next time, we will say “Boss, hello!” Is that okay?”

Seeing Li Yong nod, Hu waves his big hand and says, “Let’s practice it first. Be prepared. Get it started.”

“Clatter! Clatter!” Hu’s trusted subordinates put down their glasses and chopsticks and stand up in unison. After that, they stand in a row regularly and neatly and shout at Li Yong as they salute him, “Hello, Boss! Thanks for visiting us despite your busy schedule. We are grateful for that.”

Again, in such a joyful atmosphere, they are saying that they are grateful to Li Yong.

Li Yong thinks that their words sound discordant.

What they are doing is nothing but putting on a show. And the staff in the government loves to do this kind of thing most, including holding a welcome or farewell ceremony or other things, which Li Yong doesn’t like at all.

Although Li Yong senses that their words sound so hypocritical, he doesn’t say anything else at all. Seeing that these trusted subordinates are so enthusiastic, Li Yong can’t bear to discourage them as well. With a slight smile, he tells everyone to sit down, picks up a glass of wine, and drinks the wine up with everyone. Only then does he ask Chu Jianghe, who is restless, “Do you still remember Xiao Xiaopan?

“Xiao Xiaopan?” Chu Jianghe frowns, thinks about it carefully, and finally shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”

Li Yong reminds him, “It happened ten years ago. In a remote village in the mountains, you pretended to be a businessman and went there to buy medicinal materials…”

“Oh. There is such a thing.” Chu Jianghe slaps his head and is suddenly enlightened, acting like he isn’t pretending at all. However, he doesn’t remember anyone named Xiao Xiaopan. However hard he tries to think about it, he just can’t recall who it is.

“There was a girl named Xiao Xiaopan, who kindly took you to the mountains to gather herbs. And you pushed her off the cliff instead.” Li Yong roars in a deep voice, “Didn’t you?”

Chu Jianghe’s face suddenly changes. His body trembles. And one of the chopsticks in his hand falls. Then he opens his mouth, trying to say something, only to fail to say anything in the end. Xiao Xiaopan. It turns out that the girl he pushed off the cliff was named Xiao Xiaopan, which he never expects.

With a pale look on his face, he hangs his head even lower, saying fearfully, “Yes.”

“Sure enough, it’s you.” Li Yong’s face is cold. And his killing intent permeates, startling Hu. Those subordinates are so scared that they dare not to move at all. They have never sensed such a horrible killing intent.

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