An Extra's POV

Chapter 151 Meeting With Ralyks [Pt 2]

Chapter 151 Meeting With Ralyks [Pt 2]

"W-what do we want…?"

Conrad found himself stuttering for a moment due to the suddenness of the question, but he quickly corrected himself.

He never expected this man to be so straightforward.

Even for an Adventurer—one whose name wasn't even well-known—he was being quite bold.

"I believe I already told your guard over there the details of my actions. I also informed him that I do not need any reward." Ralyks said very calmly.

His voice wasn't imposing, but it wasn't respectful either.

He was just terribly blunt—saying things without a filter, or regard for who he said them to.

Conrad didn't realize when he started to respect him.

"The reason you two, esteemed members of the Royal Council, would want to meet with me is because you want something." He emphasized his point and drew closer.

"So what do you want?"

Conrad felt pressure unlike anything else he had ever experienced until now.

He indeed wanted something, but the fact that Ralyks had taken the initiative meant he no longer had the advantageous ground.

It was taking him longer to articulate his intentions and present them in a way that suited the current context better.

"First of all, we'd like to thank you for your help. For finding those two for us…"

"As I explained to the guard, I was only doing a job. I was paid by a kid who happened to be desperate. I would normally not have accepted it, but since I could sense his sincerity, I decided to take the job."

The way Ralyks said it made everything seem like common sense.

He—a very capable Adventurer—just happened to be around to help a desperate boy.

However, no one could fault him.

In cases like this, a Truthseeker would be most useful, but Conrad didn't dare bring such a thing before a guest whom they owed so much to.

'He doesn't even have any reason to lie. He clearly seeks no reward with us, else he would have tried a different approach.'

This was especially why Conrad was so on edge.

'I find this too unbelievable. Does such a good-natured person really exist? Surely, he must want something!'

But, judging from how Ralyks spoke, it was certain that the script had been flipped.

It wasn't he who desired something… but the Royal Council.

In essence, they needed him.

'Well, he's not wrong.'

At this point, Conrad gave up trying to cut corners and simply decided to get to the point.

"Haaa… I understand." He made a heavy sigh.

Judging by the personality of the man before him, being as honest and open with his intentions was the best thing he could do in the current situation.

Once that settled in Conrad's mind, he decided to follow the path and see where it would lead him.

"How would you like another job, Sir Ralyks?"

The moment Conrad said this, his face completely changed from the fake smile he constantly had on.

For the first time in a while, his mask fell before a stranger, revealing his concern and desperation.

The Grandmaster knew that, just like the boy who hired him—Rey most likely—he had to be sincere.

"A job? What kind?" The dark-cloaked Adventurer asked with a deep monotone.

Nothing about his voice indicated that he had a special interest in the job being offered, but his crimson eyes glowed a tiny bit brighter.

At least, that was what Conrad thought.

"It's in the Royal Dungeon. It's a rescue mission."


Conrad could sense something akin to surprise in Ralyks' tone, and he could understand why.

The Royal Dungeon was off-limits to Adventurers, so only those working for the Royal Council got access to it.

Since it was a national treasure, and contributed a large share to the Alliance's economy, it wasn't a place for private mercenaries.

… Until now.

'We're desperate. Brutus' team hasn't been rescued, and even the Rescue Team that went in hasn't returned!'

Lucielle was supposed to send some kind of message to the Royal Council once they were done with the Rescue and were on their way out.

However, so far there was nothing.

'It's been over 12 hours since they ventured in, yet we've not heard a word.'

It was more than enough to drive the Royal Council to the very brink of desperation.

The strongest in the Alliance—their Grand Mage and Head Warrior—were unaccounted for.

However, that wasn't all.

The Otherworlders—the Hero and the most capable of them all

—also shared the same fate.

The only good news they had was the return of Alicia and Billy, but those two wouldn't be enough for the task ahead.

Without the Hero, and the other immensely talented and powerful forces that were currently trapped in the Royal Dungeon, the United Human Alliance was as good as screwed.

The entire Royal Council meeting, which spanned for hours, was all about finding a solution to the issue.

In the end, the only viable option was to hire Adventurers.

By hiring only the most capable, and sending them into the Royal Dungeon, there was a chance to save the ones trapped within.

However, there were a lot of disadvantages and dangers associated with this plan.

The most glaring issue was the simple fact that Adventurers could not be trusted when it came to National Matters.

It was possible they would only take on the Quest for personal gain and quit half-way once things got too difficult.

They could also steal resources from the Royal Dungeon and bail on the real mission.

The Adventurers could also kill the Monsters meant for the Otherworlders to grow, thus removing tons of EXP from the board.

A bunch of other factors made this plan's efficacy doubtful.

Then, among the myriads of disadvantages, there was the very obvious problem of competence.

Even if they risked it all and put their trust in the most capable and honorable Adventurers…

… Could they reach the 99th Floor on time?!

Was it possible for the Adventurers to rescue the Hero and the other valuable assets to the Alliance before it was too late?

That question remained unanswered.





Thanks for reading!

This chapter was shorter than usual, and I apologize for that.

… I have no excuse.

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