An Extra's POV

Chapter 166 Ralyks Arrives

Chapter 166 Ralyks Arrives

The stale air in the 99th Floor slowly moved as the warring parties both gazed upon the stranger that had interrupted their battle.

… Or rather, the execution.

The man in question was coated in darkness and crimson.

He looked strong, and his imposing build made it clear that he was no ordinary man.

As both the humans and Dragon saw him, they only had one thought.

"Who is he?!"

As if listening to their internal questions, the man of darkness stepped forward and gave a slight sigh.

"My name is Ralyks. I am an Adventurer, and I was tasked with rescuing you people."

The one called Ralyks was currently looking in the direction of Adonis and his comrades.

The weight of the space above them had lessened, but it was heavy nonetheless.

They couldn't let up for even a moment, but their eyes beamed the moment they heard of a rescue.

However, they soon dimmed once they remembered the true nature of their adversary.

Not even an Adventurer stood a chance.

"You can't—!"

"Before you say anything, though…" Ralyks interrupted Adonis and stretched his hand towards the space above them,

"… Let's get rid of that, shall we?"

In a single pulse of energy, Ralyks easily caused the crushing space above them to relax.

The seven gasped in relief and awe as the unbearable burden on their bodies were removed so easily.

They turned to thank him, but he was no longer in his previous position.

"I'm here."

Their gazes landed right in front of them, and there he stood,

The Adventurer Ralyks!

Whether it was teleportation or not, he had gotten right next to them without anyone even realizing it.

His speed and strength were something else.

"S-Sir Ralyks… about what you said…"

"We'll talk later." His words interrupted Adonis, and the speaker didn't even bother looking back.

His gaze was on the silent Dragon Commander.

"Right now the enemy is in sight."

The moment Ralyks said this, Adonis' eyes widened, his face slowly conforming into that of realization.

"Y-you're right!"

He struggled to stand, but Adonis did so anyway. Lucielle also rose to her feet, staggering as she tried to find her balance.

"L-let us fight by your side." Adonis said, taking a step forward.


Ralyks took a small glance back, his crimson eye barely looking at the two who resolutely wanted to keep up the fight.

"Y-yeah! We can surely help!" Lucielle's voice echoed next.

Both of them were ready to protect their friends and defeat the beast that hovered above them.

… No matter the cost!

"Sir Ralyks, you're strong! I can tell! If we combine our might, then surely we'd be able to defeat that Dragon Commander!"

"Dragon… Commander… huh?"

That word was enough to strike fear into many, but the way Ralyks spoke of the title felt a little too… irreverent.

It almost seemed like he didn't care.

"Let us help and—!"

"No. There's no need." Ralyks raised his hand and stopped the duo from approaching him any further.

Tension spread about the area as his cloak danced behind him.


"The both of you are exhausted. You've also nearly depleted your Mana. Am I wrong?"

The hesitation on their faces the moment Ralyks said this made it clear that he was spot-on.

They were both in very bad shape.


They couldn't just sit still.

This was a foe that the Hero himself could not defeat on his own. He couldn't even do it with the assistance of the strongest Mage in the United Human Alliance.

Even the Head Warrior was defeated very easily.

The only way they stood a chance was if they all worked together to take it down.

At least, that was what they thought.

"There's no need to involve you two—or any of the others. You've done well to hold out until this very moment."

The words of Ralyks did not pose arrogance or conceit, but there was an otherworldly confidence that was being displayed.

"You opened the gateway that led me here. You survived up until this point…"

At this point, he fully turned towards them, his crimson eyes as bright as the stars in the night sky.

"You did well. Stand proud, you two."

Somehow, hearing the words of an absolute stranger—

shrouded in mystery—made the two extremely flustered.

They went weak in their knees, and before they realized it, they collapsed to the ground.

Their exhaustion was now clear for all to see.

However, rather than scoff at them for being weak, the man called Ralyks seemed to imply the opposite.

While he didn't tell it to their face, it was clear what he implied by his words.

"You are strong!"

And that was enough for the two.

They watched him from their low estate—with expressions of worry mixed in with hope.

"Y-you're confident you don't need any help? What if you—"

"Nah, I'd win."

That was all that needed to be said.

At this point, Adonis remembered the words of someone—a comrade he held in high regard.

The words he was told by that person

"Don't lose..."

He couldn't see what was under Ralyks' mask, but Adonis somehow felt the man was smiling underneath.

No more words proceeded from his lips, and he simply stepped forward, leaving Adonis and his friends behind.

Somehow, they all felt they were safe.

After all… Ralyks was here.


'I'm not sure this will work, but…'

Rey's gaze narrowed as he stared at the floating being before him.

'[Absolute Appraisal].'


- Name: Jer'ard

- Race: Dragon (Dark Species)

- Class: Commander (C-Tier)

- Level: 50 (91.34% EXP)

- Life Force: 500/900

- Mana Level: 300/1,200

- Combat Ability: 450

- Stat Points: 0

- Skills (Exclusive): Nil

- Skills (Non-Exclusive): [Absolute Spatial Magic]. [Greater Mana Recovery]. [Greater Regeneration]. [Claw Attack]. [Dragon Breath:Dark]. [Draconic Flight]. [Draconic Resistance]. [Draconic Power].

- Alignment: Neutral Evil

[Additional Information]

A Dragon Commander who is one of many tasked with mining and delivering mineral resources to his Lord. He's pretty average for a Dragon Commander, but a powerful enemy regardless.

He is currently in humanoid form, so he is not at full power.

[End Of Information]

'Ahh… I see.'

Rey found himself smiling wryly.

As the enemy's Stats and abilities manifested right in front of his eyes, he could feel the entire world coming to a grinding halt.

'So this is how it's going to be…'





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Do you still think Rey has a chance against his enemy? I don't think his Stats are that high.

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