An Extra's POV

Chapter 177 Aftermath [Pt 4]

Chapter 177 Aftermath [Pt 4]

"Sha! Looks like I got them all."

Rey could see that he got pretty much all the Dragon Commander's Skills, and that definitely brought a smile to his face.

His dark hair was crumpled on the shiny floor as he looked at the System Window in front of him, swiping up and down like a child who had just found a new toy.

He couldn't hide his excitement no matter how hard he tried to.

"Seems I've gotten much stronger than I expected." He grinned within himself.

Of course, he knew he couldn't get too complacent, but Rey was honestly very proud of himself.

'I've come so far already…'

With that thought in mind, Rey decided to look at the one thing about his Stats that had changed so much.

"Class details."

[Class Information]

- Name: Anomaly

- Tier: A-Tier

- Cause: You have defied the norm of this world and have successfully tilted the balance. What will come out of this new change?

Hope… or Horror?

[Class Privileges]

~ 10+ Base Stats addition for all your major Stat Areas

~ 3+ Subsequent Stat Point for every Level Up

~ Natural Enemy Effect can be activated (When facing someone much stronger than you, your Bonus Stat Points will double)

~ Naturally suppresses the effects of any 'Appraisal' cast on you. (If the Appraisal is weaker than this Effect, you can influence its results)

~ Near-Death Effect can be activated (As long as you don't die immediately, you can recover from a fatal attack—can only be used once a day)

[End Of Information]


Rey found what he was looking at to be insanely awesome.

The first one hadn't changed from his last Class, and the second was an upgrade that he already suspected after looking at his Stats.

'The fourth also hasn't changed…'

However, the third and fifth were real game changers for him.

'So I won't die by a fatal blow as long as it's not instant, huh? And I'll recover? That's great.'

This was literally going to be his life saver.

'Then, there's the fact that I can increase my Stats if I'm facing a stronger opponent.'

Rey smiled to himself with satisfaction.

'This Class really suits me!'

He knew Classes like Grand Knight and Grand Tamer were also in the A-Tier, but he doubted that they would provide stuff like this to him.

'That said, I'm definitely missing out on some of their own cool perks.'

Rey had no complaints here, though.

'I'll miss the Natural Mask effect, but since I usually use an actual mask as Ralyks, there's really no need to have it.'

"There's a lot to explore with my Stats and Skills, and I should try to avoid procrastination, so let's do it now.'

As such, Rey sat upright and decided to explore his Status Window, Skills, and all his current abilities, a little more.

By the time he was done, his System Window looked quite different from before.


"I should probably take a look around."

Once Rey was done setting things up for himself, his attention returned to his surroundings.

This vast space, filled with nothing but Mana Crystals, shattered earth, and piles of Monster Cores, couldn't be all there was to the 99th Floor.

At least, that was what Rey thought.

'I'm sure Adonis and the others didn't get a chance to explore. If I find something special, then I'm keeping it!'

Rey felt like he had contributed enough to society to warrant a little selfishness on his part.

Besides, finders keepers.

'With all of these resources, chances are that the Alliance won't need much else for a while.'

Besides, investing in himself was indirectly tied to the entire United Human Alliance.

No… even the whole world!

With these thoughts wrapped around Rey's head, convincing him that he was doing all these things for a righteous cause, he decided to begin his search.

"Please let there be treasure! Pretty please!"


Rey searched high and wide for stuff, but all he could see were empty rooms.

They looked like storage areas, so it must have belonged to the Dragon.

'From what I saw in his Stats, he mines and delivers mineral resources. He must have been using this place as his storage area.' Rey thought to himself.

Now that he thought of it, with the Spatial Magic of Jer'ard, doing such things would be remarkably easy.

'I wonder why he chose to come to a Top Floor, though. From what I can see, he has yet to exhaust the proceeds of the lower ones.'

And everyone knew which one had better materials.

'Could it be because of me? Did my entire ruckus pique his interest?'

If that was the case, then Rey found himself grateful for the entire Trial scenario.

Thanks to the House Arrest that he suffered, he was prevented from heading into the Royal Dungeon.

'I would have lost for sure if we met back then…'

Thanks to the House Arrest that he suffered, he was prevented from heading into the Royal Dungeon.

He found it a bit silly now that he thought about it—all the paranoid thoughts he had concerning the mastermind.

'I even thought they were the ones who stole the Monster Cores, but I guess this makes a lot more sense.'

The market wasn't saturated with Monster Cores because there were none to begin with.

'It was the work of a third party this whole time.'

Still, Rey didn't know whether to be relieved or not.

On the positive side, the mastermind he was searching for was not as formidable as he gave him credit for.

He probably didn't even know all of Rey's capabilities; though the latter knew he couldn't be too sure about all that,

However, the negative side still plagued Rey's mind.

'If this guy is a miner, and he mines to his Lord, then…'

If there was no inflow of resources, it was only a matter of time before the Dragons struck.

'I'll have to be on my guard for that moment.'

In any case, with the mystery of the Royal Dungeon being solved, and Rey's expectation of the threat of the Dragons on his mind, there was only one final thing he had to solve.

'The issue of the mastermind.'

As Rey had this thought, he stopped in front of a huge door made out of Dungeon stone.

'This is the last place.' His thoughts trailed.

He could already sense something powerful within, so he didn't waste any time before shifting the door open and seeing what lay beyond.

The moment he did, Rey found himself grinning gleefully.

Within the white room, encased in pure Mana Crystals, was a massive pile of Monster Cores.

Of course, this pile was not as bountiful as the ones the Hobgoblins kept in store, but they were plentiful regardless.

The Monster Cores looked much larger than the red ones Rey was used to, and these ones had a frosty white appearance.

Rey could also perceive the energy they emitted, and it was incomparable to the Grade 6 Cores that the Hobgiblins had.

'Could they be Grade 5? No… maybe even Grade 4?'

Rey could see a particularly gleaming one that stood at the precipice of the pile.

It looked much bigger than the rest.

'That's the Boss' Core, huh? It's just a guess, but these are probably the Monster Cores of the beasts in the 99th Floor.'

And if that was indeed the case, then Rey knew he had hit a jackpot.





Thanks for reading!

Our boy is about to be a rich man again!

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