An Extra's POV

Chapter 193 Good And Evil [Pt 2]

Chapter 193 Good And Evil [Pt 2]

Rey knew there were good people in the world.

He considered Alicia a good person, and to an extent… he thought he wasn't too bad either.

Perhaps he had a few gray areas in his life, but he knew for sure that people like Alicia would not stand for evil actions.


'When push comes to shove, we sometimes have to make certain decisions that could be considered evil.'

There were quite a number of people in the world he came from who argued for the rights of animals, especially appealing to the fact that some were highly intelligent and sentient.

This group of people proved that animals indeed felt emotions and pain; and in fact, we're capable of feelings like love and attachment.

They were highly complex beings.

Yet… people killed them every day. They did so for various reasons—like sustenance, enjoyment, or dietary requirements.

Genuinely nice and downright pleasant people would consume the very animals that were said to be sentient.

Rey didn't know which path was right or wrong.

He only knew one thing.

'This is just the way life is.'

And so, as he looked at the girl before him, truly empathizing with her for the horrors she suffered, he couldn't help but feel a little numbness inside him.

'I don't think I would ever go that far with humans, but…'

If intelligent Monsters were happily living in their territory—without bothering anyone—he wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

His reason for doing so would be justifiably simple.


Just as people consumed animals to survive, Rey didn't mind killing Monsters to get stronger.

It was unfair on the Monsters who—if left alone—would have lived out their lives in relative peace.

However, Rey didn't care.

'The same Monsters would do the same under similar or certain circumstances.'

As he looked at the girl before him talking about Good and Bad people, he wondered what it would take for her to take a life or torture someone.

It was a terrible thought to have—especially when looking at Esme's adorable face.

But he couldn't help but wonder.

"… I don't know what became of the others, but that's how I found myself in there."

As Rey watched her stop talking, he realized he had to say something soon.

"You don't think they were among the batch of slaves I saved?"

"No." She slowly shook her head. "They took them to a different Warehouse."

"I see…"

As Rey rubbed his chin, he felt a slight pinching sensation in his chest.

'If that's the case, it's probably already too late for them. They would have already been sold as slaves. Or…'

If Rey assumed that the schedule for their sale was the same as Esme's, then by capturing Evals Redart, it was possible that the sale was delayed.

In that case, there was a chance they were still at the Warehouse.

'I just have to get the addresses and connect the dots.'

Rey was sure he could just ask the Royal Council for the information they had gotten from Evals, and it would be good to go.

'I don't even know why I am thinking of going so far for her. Maybe it's because of the System…?'

"What do you want now?" He blurted out, staring straight into her eyes.

For a few seconds, she kept quiet.

It seemed like the question caught her off guard, so she was taking her time to properly articulate her thoughts.


"I just want a proper home. To be with my family."

—She gave her response.

'Her family, huh? I'm guessing she means the Orphanage members.'

Rey already suspected she would say such a thing, so he recognized that aiding her with this task would make the System satisfied.

'And then I should get whatever rewards are waiting for me once it's done.'

"Don't get me wrong. The people here have treated me kindly, and they've done everything to make me comfortable. Even though I don't speak to them, they always seem to know exactly what I need."

Rey felt a smile tugging at his lips as he imagined Asher ordering all of Esme's attendants to do their jobs perfectly.

'That guy…'

"This place also looks amazing. I've never seen such luxury in all my life. But… I don't feel comfortable here."

Rey felt his smile build up as he saw her honest face speak to him without hints of fear or nervousness.

Throughout their conversation, she hadn't shown even the slightest hint of intimidation.

'Is it because she's convinced I'm trustworthy?' He mused.

"I feel uneasy here. I want to reunite with my friends and family that were separated from me. I want to rebuild that orphanage and live there with them. That… is what I want."

It was a simple task; not too ambitious.

'That doesn't mean it'll be easy. The tough part is finding her friends.'

Rey wasn't sure about finding all of them, but if he could get most of them—maybe half—then that would be fine.

Maybe they would mourn the loss of the rest of their friends and move on.

'Unfortunately, don't think I can half ass this."

He had a feeling that unless Esme was satisfied, he wouldn't be successful.

'I'll just have to find all of them. Hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle…'

It wasn't like he was a cold-hearted monster or anything, but Rey had learned a long time ago never to be optimistic.

He genuinely hoped he could find all her friends, but there was always the possibility of tragedy.

'… And it would be dangerous if I set my hopes too high.'

"I'll try my best to find them." The moment he said this, Esme's face brightened up.

"You just have to be a little patient, but I'll definitely try my best."

"I trust you." She smiled at him and nodded.

For a few seconds, none of them said anything. They only stared into each other's eyes.

Crimson… reflecting Azure.

It felt as if the world held its breath as the two of them remained still.

"I should probably excuse myself. You want to continue your conversation with that man, don't you?"

"Yes, thank you."

Esme rose to her feet, bowing slightly to Rey, who kept his position.

"Thank you for saving me, Rey. And thank you for choosing to help me."

Rey felt his heart skip a beat as she called him by name. He remembered the first time he saw her; as she called for him weakly.

The girl back then was so different from the one who stood in front of him.

"I don't know why you are interacting with these people, but I trust and know you're a good person."

Rey wanted to tell her she wasn't completely right, but he kept his mouth shut and watched her walk to the door.

"Please be careful. Don't… don't be like them."

Rey slowly nodded upon hearing those words.

He didn't know an ominous feeling rose from within him, but he somehow felt her words went beyond mere advice.

It was a warning.

Esme gave him one more smile as she left the room, causing Rey to be only one there.

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, thinking about everything that just happened.

… All he had just heard.

And after mulling over them, only one word could come out of his mouth in a croaky whisper.






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