An Extra's POV

Chapter 202 Strategy Against The Undertaking

Chapter 202 Strategy Against The Undertaking

"So… tell me your plan."

In the exclusive lounge that only Ralyks and the appropriate authority from KariBlanc to enter, the man of darkness sat comfortably as he spokeX

He had a teacup in his hand, sipping its contents through the tiny spatial rupture he created on his mask's surface.

It led directly into his mouth, so despite having a Mask, Ralyks had no issues with enjoying the fine beverage that was placed before him.

Before him were Rebal Blanc and a Asher—both taking on the same position they had the last time.

Rebal was seated, and Asher stood beside him, silently watching over the conversation with his hands firmly placed behind him.

Ralyks had just told them to explain their plan, so Rebal was already placing a large parchment on the center table.

It didn't take long before he began to speak.

"Things have escalated since the last time we spoke." The man began by saying.

He went on to explain what he meant by how the Black Market had been influenced greatly, and how the value of certain items had gone up while others plummeted to the ground.

The KariBlanc Group was barely above water at this point.

It was strange to think that such a monolith in the Black Market could experience a crisis as dire as this one.

"They've taken over more territory, and at the rate they're going, it won't be long until they swallow up our region."

The parchment that Rebal showed Ralyks was a map of the entire United Human Alliance—though this was a bit special from the ones that existed in mainstream libraries.

This map showed all the shady spots; including Black Markets, Warehouses, and Hideouts that all tied into the Criminal Underworld.

It was an Item exclusive to the higher-ups of the Criminal Underworld.

This was to ensure there was 'Check and Balance' within the Triumvirate. After all, if everyone had dirt on one another, either side would be too wary to make a move.

So far, it seemed to work out well.

Until now…

"The marked spots are the places they've taken over already, and as you can see, they've encircled the parts where we occupy, advancing as we speak."

If they did nothing, in a few weeks, their entire undertaking was going to be complete.

"I see. And even though you have the maps that also display their spots, you can't afford to attack them to slow them down or as retaliation?"

As Ralyks asked this—practically rhetorically—Rebal nodded as his face became even graver.

"If we attack them or make any careless moves, they'll have more of an incentive to rush and pull us down."

Rather than their slow and steady assault, they would see any kind of action on the part of the KariBlanc Group and any other kind of resistance as an official declaration of war.

"We do not currently have the manpower to handle their forces. We'll have to enlist more forces from the Mercenary Gang."

"And you're sure they've not sidesd with Scylla and your other colleagues?" The moment Ralyks asked this, the face of Rebal darkened even more.

He had a conflicted expression on his face.

"I'm no fool. I know that is certainly a possibility, but this isn't the first time we've had skirmishes as a whole, and every single time they've stayed out of the politics and refused to take a stand."

From a logical and business perspective, it was the best move to make.

If the Mercenary Gang chose a side and the skirmish finally died down, they wouldn't be trusted by the people they sided against.

This would make them lose customers, and since the winning team was already on top, they wouldn't have much use for the Mercenary Gang's services.

To balance things out, they had to stay neutral and simply offer their services to those who desired it.

That way, anyone could be their customer.

"So you say, but… none of your skirmishes have reached this scale before. Am I wrong?" Ralyks said with a grim tone.

Rebal had to swallow hard as he responded.

"No. You're right. But, we currently have no evidence that suggests the Mercenary Gang has taken a side. Plus…"

At this point, Rebal Blanc's face turned into a mask of sheer anxiety and fear.

"… If the Mercenary Gang has taken their side, then all of this would be pointless. It might be wishful thinking, but we can only make plans like this and have hope for victory if they stay out of this."

Ralyks finished sipping his tea and dropped it on the table, causing it to make a clacking sound.

A small sound of amusement echoed from behind his mask as he folded his arms.

"Are they that strong?" He asked.

Rebal didn't hesitate to nod his head.

"The Nine Heads Of Destruction—Executive Leaders of the Mercenary Gang—are all extremely strong."

"How strong?"

"W-well… it is said that they've all killed Dragons multiple times, and that if they work together, not even a Dragon Commander is a problem for them." As Rebal said this, his tone trembled a little.

He didn't have any doubts about his strength, but the Nine Heads were simply on another level.

"I don't know how much of it is true, but I hear that they're all individually on par with the Head Warrior and the Grand Mage of the United Human Alliance."

Ralyks crossed his legs and rested his back as soon as this was mentioned.

"Oho…?" His voice contained hints of amusement.

"And their leader… he is said to be thrice as strong as an individual member."

"So that means he can easily take on both the Grand Mage and Head Warrior? Interesting…"

Rebal didn't know what else to say. The words he was uttering would make any man tremble, yet Ralyks only found them amusing.

Grand Mage Lucielle and Head Warrior Brutus were considered invincible by human standards.

If there existed other humans who could defeat them, then those would be considered invincible too—especially if there were nine of them.

'I know he dwells in the realm of the [Absolute], but I'm not sure even Sir Ralyks could come out of a fight with them unscathed.'

There was a reason why the Mercenary Gang was so well renowned despite having hardly any political influence or business power.

They simply did whatever they liked, making violence their sole occupation.

Those were the most dangerous kind of men.

"Don't worry. I understand the situation now. I'll adhere to your discretion." Ralyks shrugged, though his tone still had hints of amusement.

"Thank you, Sir Ralyks."

"What is your plan, then? You've identified the problem, so I believe you've worked around a viable solution."

The moment he was asked this, Rebal nodded and began to explain.

"The plan is quite simple. We are currently outnumbered, but so are others. If we can get the two other members of the Obsidian Council to ally with us, and you assist us with your strength, we should be able to stop the advance."

"Will it be that simple?" Ralyks asked, his tone containing skepticism.

"No. Not really. We will have to reach out to the Mercenary Gang and also buy some of their strength so that we can spread our forces far and wide. If they see us working together, and you display your power by defending us from their current undertaking, we can halt their progress."

"And then… you'll launch your counterattack. Correct?"

As Ralyks said this, Rebal nodded and smiled.

"That's the plan in a nutshell."





Thanks for reading!

Alright… we'll soon be stepping into the action territory.

Ahh… I'm so excited!

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