An Extra's POV

Chapter 217 It’s A Dragon!

Chapter 217 It’s A Dragon!

The KariBlanc Eastern Warehouse.

It existed beyond the standard definitions of a warehouse, instead taking on a completely different form.

Ten snow-capped mountains clustered together, with secret entrances spread all around them, as well as passageways locked underneath the earth that led to one another.

It was a labyrinthine path ensured no outsider could ever comprehend the complicated activities that went on within it.

Inside this mountain, which had been drilled so that caves and caverns could be used to safely store valuable resources that were to be distributed to multiple areas within the Eastern Region.

However, this was merely one function of the warehouse.

Only half of it was used for storage, while the second half was used for production.

The products made within the Eastern Warehouse included many things, but due to the recent business with the Elves, they mostly consisted of Enchanted Items necessary for warfare.

Living quarters existed in both sections of the mountains, specifically for the workers there.

As a result, the Warehouse was self-sustaining, and more importantly, it was safe.

… Until now.



Screeches filled the chambers of the Warehouse as the very interior rumbled as a result of whatever was happening outside.

Just a minute ago, they were busy with their activities, but once the alarms rang from the watchtowers, and they realized what had come, everyone ceased their activities.

This was no time to work.

It was time to run.


Screams filled the air as grown men and women cried like babies.

They trembled as they tried to find their way out of whatever center they were assigned to.


Echoes of desperation filled the entire Warehouse, and before long there was a stampede.

Even those who had time off, or were resting in their rooms, heard the noises and jumped to their feet.

There was only one thing on everyone's mind.



More volleys of what they presumed to be Dragon Breath caused portions of the ceiling to collapse.

Thankfully, no one suffered fatal injuries.

They all took the emergency escape tunnels and fled for their lives, leaving behind whatever they could.

No one dared go outside. They would take the hidden tunnels and journey through them for at least a mile before exiting through a cave that was considerably far from the Warehouse.

At the very least, they would be able to preserve their lives that way.

With everyone in a frenzy, no one dared to even think of coming back or fighting back.

In the presence of a Dragon, there was nothing anyone could do.



A yawn echoed from an extremely handsome man as he rose from his bed.

He was being tapped by two young maidens who shared his bed and sat at both his left and right.

"Hmm?" He raised his brow as he noticed the distraught look on their faces as their naked bodies greeted his sight.

'What's going on?' The looked around his grand room—a place fit for a king—and noticed that many things in it were vibrating.

'I can hear shouts and screams too…'

He had been feeling tremors and hearing noises, but he simply thought he was dreaming.

However, now that he was awake, it seemed the commotion wouldn't die down.

"Would you just shut up…" He grumbled as he itched his head.

His long black hair fell on his shoulders and scattered all over his face, and he stroked his bald chin gently.

As his sharp black eyes fell on the maiden beside him, he slowly opened his lips and asked his question.

"Why did you wake me up from my sleep? Haven't I told you that I don't like being disturbed?"

"W-well, sir…" The naked girl backed away, her hands trembling as she pulled them back.

Her moist eyes were filled with fear, and her face was pale with fear.

The reason was simple.

The man before her was one of the 9 Heads Of Destruction, and he had been placed as a guard of this place.

He had two personal rules when it came to his affairs.

One: No woman he called in was allowed to leave his presence unless he said so.

Two: No one was to wake him up when he was asleep.

Any who broke these two rules had to die.


Blood sprayed from the young lady's head as her head practically exploded.

"ARGHHHH!!!" A scream came from the lips of the second one as she watched splatters of blood rush from the gaping neck of her friend.

Why… why did she have to die such a brutal death?

It wasn't their fault that this pervert of a man summoned them to his room and had his fun with them through the night.

They wouldn't even have dared to wake him up, but they had no choice.

"L-Lord Phobio… w-we had no…"

"… Too loud…"


The destruction of the other girl's head caused the ringing in the handsome young man's ears to stop, and he smiled in satisfaction once it happened.

The blood that splattered from both girls were not floating in the air, like liquid bubbles in the air.

Not a single drop had splashed on his body.

Instead, more began to rise from the necks of the women until they became nothing but dried-up corpses.

All the blood gathered together to form one large sphere of blood.

"Haaa… finally some quiet." He whispered, ignoring the sphere that was floating next to him.

"So, what exactly happened? What's causing the commotion?"

Unfortunately, there was no one in the room to answer him.

"Tch. Why did I kill them? Am I still asleep, or…"

Lord Phobio, as he was called, rose from his bed with a lazy groan.

He was naked, so his lean, but well-toned body was exposed in all its majesty. He put on a white robe and a pair of sandals, leaving his bedroom for the Living Room.

As he did so, the sphere of blood followed him.





Thanks for reading!

Guess this is like a marathon or something. We're going to see another Mercenary Gang Head flex his power.

Sorry for all the info dump…

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