An Extra's POV

Chapter 227 The Destroyer [Pt 2]

Chapter 227 The Destroyer [Pt 2]


Laughter of chaos filled the air as Anukus stretched both hands out and grinned with utter malevolence.

"Look at your face… the despair written all over it!" He beamed at Asher's shocked expression.

It was comedy gold to him.

'Should I go a step further…?'

Anukus could see the man before him was on the verge of breaking down, so he opened his lips to say more.

"I wonder if you had any relations to the four men that went scouting around the compound."

The moment Asher heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at Anukus' face, hoping it was just a joke.

But, the face he saw on the man before him said all that he needed to hear.

'T-they're dead…?!'

"I butchered them up and roasted them really well. They had that particularly tender odor that only weaklings have."

As Anukus went into further detail about how they screamed and writhed in pain, Asher could not help but feel disgust.

Sure, he had done his fair share of interrogations.

He had also been involved in torturing enemies, as it came with Black Market territory, but it had never been to such a despicable extent.

And it wasn't like he boasted about his feat too.

In the end, torturing people was merely a means to an end. He only did it because of a particular benefit that the action would bring to the KariBlanc Group.

But this monster was different.

'He tortures because he truly enjoys it. He's not someone I can reason with.'

Now that all four members of his entourage were gone, there was no longer any need to remain.

'I have to run!'

He had to hurry and inform his father of the terrible news that had befallen the Criminal Underworld.

"You're thinking of escaping? Don't bother. The moment you turn your back against me is the moment you die."

Asher didn't think the man was joking based on his tone.

'Damnit… what should I do?!'

He had tons of Enchanted Items, but he had his 'Equip Limit', and even if he was armed to the teeth, Asher doubted he stood a chance against someone who was famed to have killed a Dragon.

'Is there no way to escape? Any way at a—?'

As Asher was about to complete his thought, a certain sound echoed from his trouser pocket.

It was the Communication Device that connected directly to his father.

'This wasn't the agreement. Has something happened in—?!'


Before Asher could reach for the Item, a slashing sound radiated through the air, and barely a second later… a large tear appeared in the location of the ringing sound.

The Communication Device was slashed into two, now spilling out of his torn trouser pocket.

It was a swift, instantaneous strike.

Asher was too shocked by what had just happened to even think of moving.

'Just now… what if it was my throat he targeted?'

It would have been the end.

"Do you understand now? Killing someone is no fun if you can do it so easily and quickly."

Anukus placed both hands in his pocket as he keenly watched Asher's trembling form.

"I'll admit it, kid. You're pretty strong. It's just that we're on totally different levels."

Anukus wasn't wrong.

Asher was a genius among humans. He was already in the Max Level available to those who had a C-Tier Class.

Compared to normal humans, he was very strong—especially considering his real age.

But that was where it ended.

When monsters like Anukus came out of their dwelling place, it was no longer a contest of strength.

This was simply a slaughter.

"Now that I've made it perfectly clear that I can end your life very easily if you choose to run or stand still, there's only one thing you can do to prolong your life."

Asher knew it already.

'He wants me to fight him!'

"You're going to have to fight, kid. Fight until you can no longer do so anymore." His wicked grin intensified.

"Only then will I kill you."

How was this a fair deal—or any kind of deal at all? Asher knew there was no chance he could beat a monster like this.

However, he also didn't want to die.

'Is there a way that fighting him will somehow buy time for a rescue team to come?' He wondered.

No… it was better for him not to think down that line at all.

His father would have definitely felt something was off with the way he didn't answer the call, but what then?

Did they have anyone in the KariBlanc Group that could defeat a member of the Deadly Three?

'Sir Ralyks is already occupied with transporting our goods, and there's no telling when he'll be done.'

Other than him, there really was no one else.

Even his father, Rebal Blanc himself—while possibly being strong and smart enough to hold his own against one of the Heads of Destruction—could not stand a chance against the Top 3 of the Group.

Anukus was just too powerful.

'Even if we gathered the best attack squad, it would take them too long to get here. Even if I last for hours upon hours—which I doubt that I can—they'll only come here to meet their deaths.'

It was all pointless.

Despite all that, though… Asher had a fire burning in his eyes.

'I don't want to die. Not after everything!'

He knew it was inevitable to try and preserve his life. In the end, only the most painful demise awaited him no matter how hard he was about to struggle.


'I won't give up.'

All of Asher's Skills were passive, so there really was no need to activate anything.

He simply had to rely on his Spells and Enchanted Items to live.

His opponent stood before him, wearing a mask of utter amusement and deep wickedness.

'I won't let you have your way so easily.'

Crouching even more and forming fists with his hands, Asher prepared himself for the fight of his life.

"With this Sacred Word, I summon…"





Thanks for reading!

I know what you want to say. I know… hahaha!

By the way, I know the pacing has been sucking for the past couple of chapters, so I'll try to be better in it.


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