An Extra's POV

Chapter 257 Reaching An Agreement

Chapter 257 Reaching An Agreement

"Is there any progress with finding any member of my Orphanage?"

Rey shook his head at the question.

To be honest, he hadn't even gotten to that issue yet. The Criminal Underworld was vast, and there were a lot of things to settle first.

If he didn't, things could spiral out of control.

"I figured." She heaved a sigh.

It wasn't one of disappointment or frustration, but more like her reaction anytime she got something off her chest.

"Thanks for all of this, Rey. I appreciate it greatly."

He shrugged, smiling under his mask.

In the past, he only really bothered because it was an imperative given by the System. But, at the moment, his disposition had changed a little.

'I genuinely want to help her.'

"I'll keep searching, don't worry." He gave her an exaggerated thumbs-up, which made her giggle a little more.

He still couldn't believe that the same girl he thought was an emotionless doll could display such emotions.

'I wonder what face she makes to Asher and the staff at KariBlanc.' Rey found himself thinking amusedly.

He quickly shook off the distracting thoughts and returned his attention to the serious present.

"Is there anything I can do to help, though?"

'Hm? Where's this coming from?' Rey wondered as he stared at Esme upon hearing her abrupt question.

"I don't want to keep on being a liability. Besides… things are pretty boring and uneventful here."

Esme explained how she never really did anything but stay in her room all day.

She was also lonely and tired of having to stay quiet. Plus, her unease was building up every time she had to be with the 'bad people.'

There was also the fact that she felt anxious about her friends and family, yet she wasn't actively doing anything for them.

"I know it's selfish, but I really want to help in the search."

Ray instantly raised his hand and shook his head in disapproval.

"It's better you stay out of this. The current situation is very dangerous. It's too… gory and unfit for you."

Rey didn't want Esme to see him killing people, or experience bloodshed with her eyes.

She looked too pure to be sullied.

"You don't have to worry about me, Rey. I have seen my fair share of brutality."

Rey was still not convinced.

'She probably feels like a burden and is trying to be tough about the whole thing.'

"Have you ever watched someone's four limbs dismembered as they're raped in front of you. And as the man climaxes, he decapitates her head?"

Rey felt sick the moment he heard such a graphic description.

More shocking was the calm look on Esme's face as she said all of it.

"I have seen things worse than that. The Mercenary Gang… what they did in my town was truly awful."

Rey felt conflicted.

On one end, he understood Esme's request, and he genuinely wanted her to be by his side.

However, he also recognized the dangers.

'What should I do?'

"I should have mentioned this last time, but you have no way of knowing what my friends look like. I know them, and they know me. Wouldn't it be better if I came with you on your search for them?

That was the last nail on the coffin for him.

Rey no longer had any concrete excuse to keep her away from the battlefield at this point.

"Huu… fine." She appeared excited, almost like a little child, once he said this.

"After considering everything, I suppose you're right. You'll follow me on my next expedition."

Her smile grew bigger and her blue eyes twinkled bright.

It almost made Rey squint just to look at her face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll try not to get in your way!"

Esme seemed too excited about his decision—to the point that Rey was convinced there was some other reason she wasn't telling him.

He was too tired to address it at the moment, though."

"I'll have to talk to the relevant people in this place to outfit you in something appropriate."

That way, she could conceal her identity when they were on expeditions.

'Enchanted Items should also allow her to somehow keep up with me. I should consider her protection as well.'

Once Rey thought a little, he realized there was no real reason for him to worry too much.

'It'll be fine. If I can let Alicia and the rest go on the Raid, there's nothing stopping me from letting Esme find her friends.'

Both ventures had their risks, but they also had overriding benefits.

"I have a question, Rey."

Rey snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Esme, who now had a curious look on.

"Why do you still wear your mask around me?"


"You know I won't betray you or anything, right? Plus, you're pretty much acting like yourself now, so there's no need to keep it on."

Rey felt a bead of sweat form on his face as he digested the question he was asked.

Esme wasn't particularly wrong in any sense.

She pretty much already knew enough to render his Ralyks identity obsolete.

It would be more comfortable if he just took off his mask and addressed her like a normal person.


"I would prefer to keep it on."

"Ahh… I see."

"I hope that's fine. I just… don't wish to show you my real face." Rey murmured.

He had gotten quite comfortable with his real appearance, but someone like Esme would probably consider him ugly.

'I'm also short. Shorter than her.'

Of course, Rey didn't logically believe that Esme was that petty and superficial, but he honestly couldn't help feeling that way.

He was truly the superficial one; and he merely didn't want a beauty like Esme seeing his completely average appearance.

"I understand, Rey. It's fine."

He heaved a sigh of relief, strangely glad that she didn't press on the matter any further.

"I should leave now." Rey said, rising to his feet.

He felt like he could spend forever in Esme's room, but this was time for such.

"Asher and Rebal are back already. There are things to discuss, so I have to leave."

Esme nodded, still seated.

"Okay. Thanks for coming today. It was… fun."

Rey chuckled and mirrored Esme's gesture.

"Yeah. I had fun too."


Space around him became distorted, and he gave another thumbs up as he vanished.

"I'll come get you when it's time to move out."

In all honesty, Rey was still worried about bringing Esme along.


'Somehow, I also want her by my side.'





Thanks for reading!

Well… that certainly took its time to resolve.

Special thanks to everyone who purchased my privilege chapters, sent Golden Tickets, as well as Gifts and Power Stones.

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