An Extra's POV

Chapter 292 Splitting Up

Chapter 292 Splitting Up

"You will all be splitting up now."

The sudden announcement caused an uproar among the Otherworlders, but Ralyks explained the reasons behind his decision.

"The Centipedes have burrowed several tunnel-like openings throughout this Floor, and as a result of this, the path ahead separates into multiple corridors."

'That's a lie.' Rey smiled internally as he silently watched Ater.

Rey knew he was lying due to their Bond, but from a normal standpoint he could see how the story could sound convincing.

In the first place, Ralyks had no motive to lie to any of the Otherworlders, so they were predisposed to believing everything he said.

Also, since he was stronger, smarter, and more experienced than all of them, they had to take him at his word.

Plus, he mixed in certain truths with lies.

It was already obvious that they all ate up the lies he fed them, and that allowed him to proceed without much need to explain himself.

"Considering their numbers, and how they'll drastically reduce if they're isolated per corridor, it's safer to take them out one corridor at a time." He continued, crafting a scenario out of lies.

"But, if we all attack one corridor at a time, the process will be slower. The goal of today is to conquer three Floors, so we have to hurry."

And so, the plan was to split the entire group into three.

"There are a total of five corridors. I'll take two of them, and I'll leave the remaining three to you. Don't worry, I'll summon guardians to protect you, just in case."

Everyone shivered the moment he said that. They already knew what he meant by 'guardians.'

He was talking about his Undead Summons.

No one could complain, though. In the end, his method was the fastest way to clear the Floor. The sooner they cleared the Floor, the faster they could advance even deeper and complete their mission.

Sure, they would lose some EXP to Ralyks, but it was already part of the deal he made with the Royal Council.

It was all fair.

"Now then… for the team matchups."

The first team consisted of Eric, Clark, and Justin.

They couldn't have been more perfectly matched, considering how close the three of them were.

Everyone knew them to be inseparable for the most part.

The second team had Belle, Alicia, and Trisha as teammates.

It wasn't strange to see all the girls centered in a single group, but there were no complaints from anyone. It was just strange, considering the fact that they were from totally different social circles.

As for the final team, it consisted of Rey, Adonis, and Billy.

Adonis' smile, Billy's awkward silence, and Rey's unassuming expression, showed this team to be the most balanced of the bunch.

"Now then… Come Forth."

Once again, just like last time, Ralyks—or rather, Ater—summoned ten Undead creatures.

He assigned one per group, and he told the other two to take on the remaining two corridors while he would supervise everything.

The last five were going to pick up Monster Cores and mine whatever they could—just like the previous day.

With everything set, the teams advanced and prepared for their time apart from everyone else.

Strangely enough, despite the chills running down their bodies as a result of the Undead that served as their escorts, they didn't feel any sense of dread at all.

They simply kept moving forward.


[Moments Later]

"… And that's why I chose the Assassin Class!"

Eric and Clark began to laugh as they walked down the eerily large corridor.

There were many tunnels that led in and out of the corridor, and while the three boys were initially very cautious when they started their journeys, they eventually lowered their guard.

Justin still had his [Perception] Skill active, and the other two were passively looking out for an enemy, but for the most part, they were just talking.

When Eric mentioned how they were supposed to be on proper lookout, Justin pointed to their Undead guardian—a Skeleton who wore full-plated dark armor—and said the guy would definitely protect them.

"Besides, even if we screw up… it's totally normal, right? Sir Ralyks will surely protect us!"

This easygoing comment made the other two boys laugh, but also ease up.

Before long, they became invested in their conversation.

They broached topics that no one really tried to discuss after arriving in H'Trae.

"Hey, do you guys miss your life on Earth sometimes?"

The one who asked this was, surprisingly, Justin.

He no longer had his playful smile on, but instead he wore a slight grimace.

"The truth is… I have a girl back home. I've liked her since we were kids, and we only started dating a month before the whole Summoning happened."

Justin's clenched fists and the way he narrowed his eyes in pain showed just how serious everything he said was.

"I try to be all laughs and jokes to forget about it, but sometimes… I want to go back. I want to go back so badly, guys."

Sure, it was cool to have powers and be on a quest to save the world.

But Justin just wanted to see the ones he cared about again, and he wasn't sure he would ever be able to.

"I just… I can't even start thinking about my single dad and everyone else I left back home. Is it the same for you guys? Am I the only one who feels this way?"

Justin looked at the two who walked alongside him. Their lips were shut in silence, and Eric especially had a guilty expression on his face.

"Sorry for bumming you guys like this. Sometimes, it just gets too much, you know?"

Justin rubbed his eyes despite hardly any tears coming out. He must have held them in pretty well.

"Forget about it, haha! I just—"

"I don't want to go back." Eric's voice echoed within the corridor.

It sounded almost confrontational, the exact opposite of Justin's earlier words.

"Earth… and my life there, I've already thrown all of those away."

Both Justin and Clark looked at Eric with surprise, watching as he tilted his glasses and looked away into the distance.

"This world of Magic feels more like home to me than Earth ever did." Leaking out a small smile, he turned to the two.

"Sorry, Justin. But I don't have anyone back home like you do."





Thanks for reading!

I really enjoy exploring side characters like this. Adds more depth and spice to the story.

At least, in my opinion.

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