Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 216 - Part Two: Clearing Levels

(From Zack's Perspective)

Inside the seventh floor,

After defeating those monster at the sixth floor, I eventually appeared at the seventh floor. I immediately gripped my black sword and held it forward. In an instant, I felt two distinct auras appeared at the same time. I activated perceptual ability to lock them.

The other hand two huge Ape manifested and immediately locked the target. Two apes dashed forward while smashing their chest.

Seeing the two giant apes at the level of class one, I decide to kill the as soon as possible. This time I released the lightning energy, as I gripped my sword and made downward slash.


I roared as my black sword filled with lightning energy ready for an attack. Small thunderous sound resonated inside the place. The other hand black penetrates the air and the tip of blade drilled inside ape's chest.


The deep injury accompanied by lightening energy caused much more damage. This made the ape to get furious in anger. So, it let out a huge roar. The other hand, I also smashed my fist against the other ape.


The second ape staggered backward, using this chance I gripped the sword and made further attack on the first ape. The blade penetrated further inside its chest and cleaved its heart. The power of lightning snatches away its vitality even more quickly. After letting out last angry roar, the second ape monster dissipates. It was happened so fast that in mean time, the second ape able to stabilize its balance. I poured lightning energy to make another attack.

Seeing its other companion died, the monster's eyes turned bloodshot. Its aura beginning to increase. After smashing its fist at its chest, the monster made long cry before charging towards Zack. The monster appeared to have intelligence, as a last ditch attempt it unleashes full power.

Feeling the monster's aura, I released Special Trainee strength towards the monster. As the ape dashing towards me, I readied my sword to kill it one ago. By noticing its movements from my perception, I plan to cut its thick neck with one full swooping.

The other hand monster lacked in tactic, it fails to perceive Zack's strength. The monster's judgment clouded with rage which gives Zack a moment of opportunity.

Finally, I can end this farce. Then I slit the monster's throat using good opportunity. As a result Monster dies with unwillingness. Then as usual Zack recovered his peak state and appeared at the eight floor. Due to his clearance of seventh floor, the leader board ranking also has changes simultaneously.

Outside the Star Tower,



[ZACK LOCKWOOD, HANSEN – 7TH – 2 min – 1st]

Once the changes happened, as usual loud exclamation broke out outside.

'' Look he cleared the seventh floor '' one of girl shouts as she points out her finger at the display screen.

'' This guy!'' the bury warrior from the second batch stood in disbelief.

The burly man thought his friend better than Zack. But now looking at the ranking, he couldn't help but smile wryly. While his friend his still stuck at fourth floor. This time he time he didn't have any courage to make bold comments. He stood there and decided to silently watch the leader board ranking, until his time comes.

Several other warrior from two batches, have disbelief expression on their faces. Right now, there atmosphere is quiet there is a pin drop silent. Only the official has hint of surprise in his eyes. Unlike newbies, he had experience. He knew the challenge is fair to everyone. Hardly any luck can play role in this challenge. He shook his head in disapproval for the comment of these students. He feels once they entered the challenge, they can see it for themselves. It's useless to say anything here.

The other hand, the leader board has hardly any rapid changes in ranking other than Zack. It's not even five minutes completed since the start of the challenge. That's why people got exaggerated reaction over Zack's reaction. Because they felt it's simply too unreal.

The other hand, Crimson Hall members begin to adjust their breath. They believed it will be matter of time before their turn to enter. So, they are getting ready. And at this time, Ella couldn't control her curiosity, she felt little boring. She sneakily glanced at her friend. All of them are little distance away from each other. Seeing all of her friends closer their eyes and immersed in their cultivation. She sighed in relief and her lips bent gently. She sneakily looked at the broadcast ranking.

Seeing the current ranking of Zack it didn't surprised her but just as she changed her gaze at the floor ranking. She couldn't help but blurt out in surprise, "What!" she sucked cold breath inn disbelief. She finally believed now that Zack is strong than herself and may be stronger than his team. For a moment, she don't know what to say, except her eyes glued at the leader board ranking.

At the same time, Hearing her friend's startled voice Sallie felt annoyed. "Ella, what's wrong with you now?" She said in annoying tone. But when she saw Ella's strange expression. Hint of curiosity appeared her eyes.

Hearing her friends voice, Ella hurriedly said, "Nothing, I'm just going to take a walk" After saying that she stood from her seat and went outside to calm her heart. On the way, her mind wine into rapid thinking, "Who is this guy actually?" Suddenly she thought of something, in order to find answers about Zack's background there is actually a way. She accepted the alliance network to see news site. Star Challenge is such an attractive event, some sites might be doing live commentary now.

Realizing that she begin to search it. At the same time, seeing her friend walking away, without seeing her face. Sallie frowns a little, "What happened to her? She wondered. Then she let out a huge sigh while slightly stretching her arms. Then she heard loud discussion going on among others.

It's not in one group, while all of the remaining batch conversing something seriously. This waiting hall is quite huge, there is no need to cramp up here. As there is a somewhat distance from each group. Due to curiosity, she perked up her ears a little bit, as she focuses on one of the groups in front of her

"Hey, how long do you think he can hold up?" One of the warriors asked his friend sat beside him.

Hearing that his friend replied, "This Zack is something else. He is rewriting history, I don't know how can be he is this much strong." His friend smiled wryly.

Upon hearing their conversation, Sallie said, "Zack?" Don't tell me he cleared the level again? She screamed in her mind. Then she quickly glances at the leaded board. Her pupil constricts seeing the clearance timing of seventh floor. Unknowingly she gulped down in saliva. Then she turned around and looked at the other members. They seem to be in deep concentration.

For a moment she hesitated whether to tell them or not. Then she remembers Robb's earlier words, recalling that she let go of it and then she headed towards Ella to tell her.

After arriving at the exit she looks around, then she spots Ella under a tree seemingly busy with wrist watch.

She walk towards her and said, "Ella, Do you know something?" She said in a surprised tone.

Hearing her friend's voice at this time, Ella twitched her mouth. She turned around and asked, "What?"

On the other hand, Sallie smiling said "Guess what? The leader board ranking had shocking change now"

Upon hearing that Ella smiled knowingly, she said, "I just saw it, Zack cleared the seventh floor."

Hearing that Sallie nodded and said, "Isn't it bit shocking, he already cleared seventh floor. Which is considered to be talent."

Hearing that Ella don't know what to reply, she just calmed down her stormy heart. Shaking his head, she said, "But, It's sad that he is not from our force." She already saw the live commentary and learned that he from the faction of Army Federation. Which is considered to be somewhat opposing to their faction. She sighed in distress, there is no more chance of meeting in person.

Sallie frowns again, "How did you know?" She inquired.

Ella said nothing but simply points to her wrist watch. Seeing that Sallie came forwards and gripped her arm to look into the watch.

Currently, there new site page opened and live commentary of Star tower is going on. Under the comment section, there is lot of live discussion commented by fans. Sallie face becomes serious as she begin to read the comment. Then she stared at the faction name which is highlighted in bold letter.

"Army Federation uh, seeing that Sallie shook her head, looks like we are going to be enemy instead of friend" She whispered to herself.

But the other hand, Ella heard it clearly. Even though she dislikes to kill unknown person. But she knew about her organization means. They won't leave any future threat. Especially threat under their nose.. She knew about Darius attitude, this guy won't even hesitate to do it.

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