Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 473

Chapter 473

ASA couldn't help sighing. Odafar must have come here tonight and brought so many good players, but he didn't show up. Maybe he was scared by them. He probably won't fight with them when he's not sure.

"I missed this opportunity for nothing." After so much time, he and longmian came all the way from Huazun. They replaced so many exotic animals along the way. They finally came here, but they let odafar come and go. It's really frustrating.

Don't care when Tang Dynasty pour, saw Yan Xu one eye, smile way: "don't worry, he will come again."

A few people Leng, then all seem to think of what to see to Yan Xu, then clear.

He wants to get the holy spring of light. Now there are only six people living in YanXu. He can't miss such a good chance. He doesn't need them to find him. He will find him by himself.

After thinking about this, a few people were really not in a hurry. They didn't sit in the corpse pile for a long time and wanted to have a rest. The conditions on "beetle" were better.

ASA took his and longmian's luggage and got on the beetle.

Because of the light problem, they didn't find anything wrong from the outside. After they put it into their room, longmian found it wrong.

All the daily necessities and clothes he put in his room are gone!

The whole room was as clean and tidy as it was when we first went to "beetle".

Seeing long Mian standing in a daze at the door and sitting in the living room, Tang Shi kindly explained, "this one is brand new, and the one before it was destroyed."

Long Mian turns his neck rigidly and looks at several people in the small living room, "destroyed?"

What kind of battle actually destroyed brother Tang's beloved "beetle" and Tang was not crazy yet?!

Seeing longmian's stupefied appearance, Qin lie told Balabala what they had seen and heard all the way and the attacks they encountered when they went to tiris. He was just a talking basket, and longmian was divided into good brothers by him, so he even told them that they wanted to use the camouflage card to sneak into the King City. Unfortunately, it didn't work in the end.

When they heard that the law of space over tiris' domain had collapsed, both longmian and ASA were startled.

"The whole territorium of tiris All gone? " ASA still can't believe it. It's a big domain. An independent domain just disappeared. How many people should die!

A few people are silent, the fact is that no one in the tiris jurisdiction can escape. In the Tang Dynasty, they crossed directly from the gelur territory into the tiris territory. If there were any survivors, they would not stay in the tiris territory, and they would certainly flee to the border of the gelur territory. However, they did not find any abnormality when they passed through the border. Otherwise, they would not find any abnormality until a few days after they entered the tiris territory, and they would be shot down directly from the air.

"Don't think about it. It doesn't exist. There are no survivors in it." The voice of the Tang Dynasty sounded a little cold. "The situation in huazunyu is also very dangerous now. All the foreign allied forces have gone to besiege the five gathering places. Odafar will not give up until all the ethnic groups are eliminated."

Huazunyu is in a dangerous situation. Besides, it is getting closer and closer to the arrival of the peak upgrade card. Now they should rush back to support huazunyu as soon as possible, and then arrange the "Last Hope" left by Hogwarts to see if they can avoid this disaster.

Today's momentum, it is almost impossible to resolve the feud with the descendants of the ancient hundred ethnic groups. They have no other way. They really can't do anything about such a devastating disaster, and they can only remember the "bone burial place" that Hogwarts left in the Luna forest. It's true that they want to return to Huazun immediately. Gruel and Huazun have territorial relations. If they fly directly over the grid Ruhr domain may save a little time when they enter Huazun domain, but they still have something to figure out. They need to make a detour and go to tahama domain again to see what's going on there. Is it the same as gruhr domain that the big living people are kept in the gathering place without self-protection ability, and all the stronger awakened people are transferred away, leaving those ordinary people as "living people" Meat.

After they have decided, they will do so. There is no need to worry that odafar will not come. Odafar must have seen the battle between Asa and longmian that night. He should have found that their energy sources have changed. Odafar can't be indifferent to such a great attraction.

"Beetles" have been flying in the air for more than half a month, but they have not been forced to land under attack, which makes them a little puzzled. It is reasonable that odafar will intercept them on the way, but until now there has been no movement. Is it hard to do that? Do you really want to watch them leave gruel like this?

If you think about it, the beetle can't stop and wait for the pursuers. Anyway, as long as odafar wants to get the holy spring of light, he won't let them go.

Since they didn't come, they didn't worry. They put all their mind on exploring tahama.

The time on the road is very abundant and boring. It's a bit hard for the anxious people.

When he came here, Qin lie almost slept all the way. If he couldn't sleep, he just played games to pass the time. He didn't want to do anything else.But Zhan Rong is different from him. All the way, he is trying to activate the original weapon card with the power of arcane. If it works, they may be able to use the card even if the energy source is changed.

Unfortunately, I tried all the way when I came here, and all the methods and activation conditions were assumed, but I still didn't succeed.

Tang Dynasty also wanted to help them solve the problem of space card and mount, otherwise it would be very inconvenient. On the way here, a few people didn't work out any results. Now that they have plenty of time, and longmian and Yasha have joined in, they work harder to study. Even Qin lie, who doesn't care about anything, has come here.

It turns out that the power of arcane magic can't activate cards at all. This idea must be abandoned.

"Did Hogarth mention that in his mind?" Tang looked at YanXu with expectation.

What Hogarth left YanXu's consciousness information records are very important issues related to life and death. It's impossible to know where this kind of thing will appear in the consciousness information.

Several people turned their attention to ASA again, because only ASA family is the oldest here. Maybe there are some survival skills from ancient times.

ASA was thinking since they were discussing this matter, "I came to sleep with the dragon and rode a strange beast."

Several people's eyes are wide open, did not expect that there are such fierce people, others see the beast is not killed or far away, ASA and longmian is to create a new use of the beast in addition to killing meat - car!

Looking at their surprised and adoring eyes, ASA was a little embarrassed, "dishonest, beat them to be honest and obedient."

What's more, many exotic animals are intelligent, much smarter than those mutant creatures, so sometimes they can communicate a little.

"I can't think of a good way to use the space card, but if you want to mount, can you activate the card first, and then..." ASA looked at YanXu and didn't go on.

In Tang Dynasty, he looked at ASA and YanXu, and suddenly his eyes brightened!

Yes, there is such a way!

Before, they were all thinking about how to use the power of arcane to use cards, but ignored this possibility.

According to the results of Dr. Shi's research on cards, the existence of cards is equivalent to a summoning medium, which can summon all kinds of things from another space. What can be activated depends on the nature of cards.

The so-called card creatures are the space cracks produced by the collision of two spaces, the collision of the order of the three and space debris, which seal the creatures in different spaces into the cards at random. If no one can accept them, they will activate themselves, become free cards, and exist in this space.

It's the same with other cards.

Benming card is different from the free card. Benming card is equivalent to a "summoning gate". If it is a "rye puppet" Benming card, you can use this Benming card to summon any rye puppet of another space. As long as the object is "materialized", it will be supported by the Yuan energy of the activator and driven by the master. Once the master dies, it will not be able to summon In the end, there are only two ways. One is to die in battle, the other is to be rebelled. Only when the puppet changes its owner in the card period, can it obey the command of the owner unconditionally.

Among the innumerable spaces, there are innumerable worlds, and the things that will appear are also various.

Like Mount cards, there are various kinds of creatures summoned from different spaces. There are not many who can really achieve pure blood, many of them are mixed blood. The important role of the holy spring of light is to purify blood. If mount creatures, like people, can purify blood, everything will start again, even the imprint of card media can be erased, and then it will be changed directly Is it possible for your mount to exist in this space alone?

If this conjecture is feasible, then several of them will have their own mounts, which can't be blocked, but can only exist physically!

This idea is very bold. After all, it's not so easy for card creatures to break away from the connection with card media. It depends on whether the holy spring of light can erase this connection while purifying their blood. If it can, this mount will become a free creature in this space.

All eyes are bright looking at Yan Xu, Yan Xu said: "now is not the time, wait to go back and try again."

They are still being watched by odafar. How can they take out the holy spring of light to mount in such a place? Even people can't enjoy it, but they have to purify the blood of the mount. It's luxurious to think about it.

"In ancient times, however, there may not be storage space for mount." Yan Xu opens his mouth.

Let's not say that the orcs are born with riding partners. When other races don't have cars, trains or planes, can they all switch to walking? Think about it and know it's impossible. Even ASAR and longmian can think of training exotic animals to walk on their own. Why didn't the ancient people have such a mind?

It must be very easy to tame a creature as a mount.

By the time tahama arrives, the beetle has to land. The location they chose this time is not the edge gathering place, but the central area of the tahama region. Since they choose to cross over the tahama region, they might as well choose a gathering place closer to the center for investigation.With ASA in this time, Zhan Rong doesn't have to look for information with an elf face. Since they are all foreign faces, ASA's action is the safest, and ASA can understand the language of tahama, but Zhan Rong can't do it here.

As before, they hid themselves in a forest near the gathering place and asked ASA to find out the news.

Longmian didn't trust to let ASA go alone and insisted on going together.

Several people had no choice but to let them together. Longmian wrapped himself up tightly. ASAR came out to do everything, and he just followed.

Although this forest is closest to the gathering place, it is not close to the gathering place. In the Tang Dynasty, a medium-sized mechanical bird was activated to carry the two of them in the past, and they were sent forward as far as possible. After reaching the control limit of yuanneng in the Tang Dynasty, they were allowed to walk there. In this way, the distance would be greatly shortened.

In the Tang Dynasty, instead of calling back the mechanical bird, he found a place to hide it, waiting for ASA and longmian to come back, and then controlled it to bring people back.

Without yuanneng, it's really a trouble! Tang Shi must complain again.

Send the two of them away, and the remaining four will find a hiding place in the forest, waiting for them to come back.

Tahama domain is as quiet as gruer domain. When you fly from the border to the central area, you don't find anyone who is alone in the field. This makes the Tang Dynasty feel that maybe tahama domain and gruer domain should have the same situation. Since audafar estimates that, how can you let tahama domain people go? Not at all.

Since no one came out to hunt, the four of them were not afraid of being found. They sat on the ground and waited for the two of them to come back.

After waiting for a while, Qin lie's ears trembled and sat up.

"What's the matter?" Three people were startled by his action.

Qin said: "I feel the spirit of the beast!"


All three of them stood up and looked around, but they didn't find any trace. They felt it carefully, but they still didn't get anything. They all looked at Qin lie in bewilderment.

Is this the feeling between the same race?

Qin lie said with a smile, "I know where they are. Follow me."

They really wanted to go to the orcs. In addition to fulfilling their promise, they were afraid that the orcs might misunderstand them and think that they would break their promise and participate in the war.

However, judging from so many battles, they were greatly relieved that they did not find the spirit of beasts.

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