Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

The capital of the Yuan Dynasty.

Uncle Guo is cooking in the kitchen. Today is a big day for the two young masters to change their names. Tang Shi and YanXu decided to celebrate Wu Lun and Wu Xi. They not only inherited Tang Shi and YanXu's blood, but also changed their surnames.

Wu Lun inherited YanXu's Protoss blood, followed YanXu's surname, and changed his name to yanzifan.

Wu Xi inherited the ancestral blood of the Tang Dynasty, but he didn't have the same surname as Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty was not interested in this surname. Sometimes even he didn't want to be given this surname. How could he want his descendants to have the same surname as Tang Dynasty?

Therefore, he asked Wu Xi to follow his grandfather's surname Mei and name Mei Ziyan.

It's getting colder and colder, and few pedestrians can be seen outside. Besides having important business, YanXu will not go to the office area any more, but stay at home with his daughter-in-law and children.

The capital of the Yuan Dynasty is the most spectacular and magnificent building in the whole summer city, which is divided into office area and residential area. The office area is in the front of the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and the residential area of the head of state is arranged in the most central position of the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. There is still a long distance from the residential area to the office area. Every time YanXu goes to work, he has to take a red pterosaur.

Snow is falling outside the house every day. A thick layer of snow is piled on the ground and buildings. Fortunately, when they built the summer city, they used stone materials. The houses they built are tall and strong, and they are not afraid of being crushed by snow. People can live at ease.

The only regret is that this year's time is too short to allow every family to dig up the ridges and build their houses before winter comes. Otherwise, we don't know how many people will be killed by freezing this winter.

After Yan Zifan and Mei Ziyan's story, in order to make the old people who have come to the new world through the end of life and hardships live through this winter, Yan Xu changed some policies and sent people to do door-to-door investigation. If the family can't afford the old people's rations, they will be brought up by the government, and the old people will be brought back to the nursing home and provided by the government basic necessities of life.

However, if the family conditions are very good, but they do not want to support the elderly, once verified, they will be severely punished. YanXu is determined to punish these unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous people, which has improved the living conditions of many elderly people.

In the nursing home where they live, the ridge is very hot and it is very warm. Although the food for the elderly is simple, they can eat three meals a day. Such living conditions are unthinkable in the end when they may die at any time.

Nowadays, with food, a place to live, a safe and comfortable living environment, and such compassionate superiors, the old people always sigh that they have finally lived through the most difficult years.

There are two places in Xiacheng that have to be built. They are shelter and nursing home. YanXu and Tang Dynasty took good care of the elderly and children. It doesn't matter if the young people were hungry and tired. The elderly and children can't suffer. They really have no food. Young and strong people are still waiting for government subsidies at home. It's just a dream.

In Tang Dynasty, when they clapped their hands, they ordered them to go out hunting by themselves. Those who were afraid of the cold and did not dare to go out would be starved to death. Well, the government is not a charity, it can supply them for free.

Such a decision really forces many young people to go out looking for food. As long as the snow stops, there will always be people going out hunting, even if they find an animal that has been frozen to death.

In the warm big house, YanXu stays in the study to deal with official business, while yanzifan and meiziyan study in their own small study. They are eight years old and six years old. They are good ages to study. They can't give up studying because of great changes. It's absolutely not advisable.

What about the Tang Dynasty?

At the moment, he is comfortably lying on the rocking chair. The fire in the fireplace is very hot and warm. He is enjoying rocking around on the rocking chair. He is covered with a thick woolen blanket and his eyes are closed. He seems to be sleeping. In fact, he is communicating with the system for nothing else but bargaining.

Today is a big day for two children to change their names. Tang Shi decided to celebrate. For children, the happiest thing is delicious food.

After a long time of haggling, Tang finally knew how much difference there was between the raw materials and the finished products.

If you want a cooked food in Tang Dynasty, you need an energy stone for two roast ducks. But if you use an energy stone, you can directly get four live ducks.

The same is true for vegetarians. The prices of finished vegetarians and ingredients vary greatly.

When Tang Dynasty knew this, they decided not to use the finished products, but all the ingredients. They had uncle Guo, and all the ingredients could be cooked delicious. Why did he waste the energy stone to change the cooked food?

However, in the end, the Tang Dynasty replaced a three-layer cake with an energy stone.

After a few years, Mei Ziyan was young. I guess he didn't even taste the cake? Yanzifan is a little older than two years. He may have eaten it when he was younger, but now it's hard to remember the taste of the cake, so Tang Shi decided to buy them a big cake.

After these exchanges, after a long period of silence, Tang Shi finally asked the system, "Tianluo is so big that it can't be without aborigines, can it?"

[to answer this question, we need to exchange it with energy stone. Do you want to exchange it? 】"I want the information of the whole Tianluo continent. How many energy stones do I need?"

Without a clear understanding of this point, the Tang Dynasty always felt uneasy. Every world would have its own dominator. For example, the former dominator of the earth was dinosaur, but later it became human. Now in this new world, there can be no dominator. In order to cope with emergencies, the Tang Dynasty decided to make it clear first.

[ten energy stones. 】

the system is very polite.

In Tang Dynasty, he was choked up in his throat. He couldn't swallow and get out. Ten yuan. How many things can he do.

At the beginning, the system said that no matter how big or small the energy stone was, it was calculated by blocks. It was said that the energy in it was the same. Originally, the Tang Dynasty didn't believe it. He wanted to cut the large energy stone into small pieces and exchange it with the system. After trying, he finally realized the fact sadly that the energy stone couldn't be cut at all!

One piece is another. No matter how big or small it is, it can't be cut. Its hardness is hard to imagine.

Although the size can not be cut, the energy stone has its own quality. The strength of energy depends on the quality of the energy stone, not the size.

The energy stone in Tang Dynasty is the worst. However, even so, these energy stones are rare treasures.

Tang Shi sighed, "OK, I'll exchange."

The energy stone stored in the small grid immediately lost ten pieces. At the same time, in exchange, a lot of information poured into Tang Dynasty's mind.

When he read the information carefully, he jumped up from the reclining chair in shock and covered his body with a big woolen blanket which he could not easily get from the system. Tang Shi almost threw it into the fireplace because he was so shocked that Tang Shi's breathing became unstable.

Just at this time, the curtain made of heavy animal skin was lifted, and two figures, wrapped in snow, let them in.

"The sixth uncle, I'm going to be a dog! Zhan Rong, touch my ears. They're still gone. They have a pair of ears that stand up to the sky. Are they really meant to stay frozen? "

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