Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 94 The Great Collector

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Ming looked over at the sea urchin Cruz trapped in the crack of the broken road. No matter how hard he tried, the blood bar was still 30%, the overall blood volume was only 6000, and he was still losing blood.

There is no way to refine it into a puppet because the whole body is covered with holes, which makes people laugh, isn't it?

After a few moments, Ming raised the crossbow and pulled the trigger.

"Ding, kill two-star Lord Cruise to gain 631 experience points and 301 gold."


There are grayish-white pillars of light mixed with a blue pillar of light

Ming was curious about Cruise's profile and character after putting the card away.

He viewed with [Eagle Eye].



That's right, he had to admit it was a corpse.

However, just using eagle eyes didn't see anything, but he also learned not to check the properties of the 'corpse' in the future.

He checked the blue card on the way up the mountain to ensure the certificate was a Lord's level certificate.

The Blood Certificate was enough, and there was an extra.

After the second turn, he'll see if there's demand for the third turn before deciding whether to sell it or keep it.

A second turn is now just short of a king-class BOSS blood certificate.

The problem is that king level isn't good for killing.

He tucked the metal spikes into the ground, planning to use them later; after all, these materials aren't cheap.

He climbed to the top of the mountain to check the traps, and a lot of them were triggered when he went out.

Spike traps require a pound of fine gold and a pound of spiritual energy stones, but the two-star Lord only rewards 300 gold coins.

He had lost a lot of money.

The trading house opened in a few minutes, so he had some time to rest.


"Put your right hand up," Alan said to the zombies in front of him.

Ho ho~

The zombie raised its left hand.


After catching this zombie last night, Alan tied it up, then studied puppetry all night, finally refining it and learning that this guy had 11 points of spirituality.

After switching to Puppeteer, all the free attributes left over from his previous upgrades were added to his spirit, plus his equipment had reached 55 spirit points. However, he was still having difficulty controlling this zombie.

Is there something wrong?

"Hold up your right hand!"

Keep giving orders to the zombie.


The zombie stood up on its right leg.


People's puppets can kill enemies, but this one doesn't know its hands from its legs.

Originally he wanted to make the zombie tide more difficult, but given this situation, he might change his mind.

"I don't believe it, I still can't control you!"

"Get up and jump!"

Alan waved his hand and gave a command.


Ming took a bath with water from the pond.

His surprise was that the pond's water kept refilling itself.

There's no need to worry about water in the future.

Looking through the binoculars at the distant hills, he wondered what Peeping Tom was up to.

Since last time Ming changed his mind about that little pervert, maybe it was just a misunderstanding.

He never made malicious assumptions about others.

He saw Alan gesturing at a female walker through his binoculars.

In his memory, that guy already switched to puppet master. It just so happened that he would also pick puppet master as a side job in the future, so he could learn more.

"Oh wow, that's not bad at all."

Ming in the binoculars praised, because he saw that guy let the zombie raise the left hand, and the zombie did raise the left hand. He also let it raise the foot, and it raised it high too, and one foot actually didn't fall down. He obviously knows how to train puppets.

He didn't expect that guy to be so smart.

While looking through the binoculars, Ming noticed the guy pointing at the zombie, bending over and doing the splits

"That's awful!"

"People are refining puppets, which appear to be used in combat."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Yeah, you're still the same little pervert I'm familiar with."

Once again, he saw the guy controlling the zombie who was doing the splits

All right, I knew it.


Alan is furious now, he just ordered the puppet to jump in place, but he didn't expect it to actually bend down and do a split again.

Was there something wrong with his refinement?

After not being convinced, he let the zombie stand up, continuing to say: "punch!"

After that, the zombie gave him a jump.


He waved his hand, tired. He had to take a break.

To check if the guy had come back, he grabbed his binoculars.

"I didn't see him all morning and noon."

With binoculars, he could see the man looking at him.

He blushed immediately and felt embarrassed.

That guy could see Him when He trained puppets, right?

Will he be laughed at?

"No, I can't let him laugh at me."

Then he turned around and wrote on the wall

. ...

Ming didn't want to see this guy again, but he didn't expect the other party to see him through the binoculars and wave.

To write again, he ran to the wall.

This time, what does he want?

The binoculars were held up to see.

On the wall were some big words: Let's get it warmed up


He put down the binoculars, grinned, and raised his middle finger.

Warming up?

Am I gullible?


Once again, Alan saw the guy give him the middle finger through his binoculars.

"He should know I'm lying to him."

"Oh my gosh, I'm ashamed!"

"I don't believe it! Others can, but I can't?"

He looked at the puppet and said, "Let's continue!"

Ho ho~

Zombie got up in a flash


There are a lot of people in this world with twisted hearts, Ming shook his head and put down the binoculars.

Originally, he just wanted to learn about that puppet master, but it seems that's not the case anymore - everything still relies on him.

It's not clear when he'll be able to open a side profession, otherwise the mutant creatures and zombies in his warehouse might not fit.

Da Vinci was lying on a lotus leaf on the cobblestone next to foodie, who was sleeping on the cobblestone.

One day, he thought, his warehouse would have the most mutant creatures and zombies in the world, and wondered if that would be a title he could get.

The Great Collector!

[Da Vinci thinks this wish is not hard, but its requirements are high, and it can't even collect the normal one. As for your froglet, it must meet your aesthetics...]

Oh, my aesthetic?

Can you explain to me first the half zombie inside the warehouse?

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