Apocalypse Tamer

Chapter 61: Man vs Snow

Chapter 61: Man vs Snow

Basil had never speedrun a season before.

The snowfall started out as faint and amusing, but the situation quickly degraded. The temperature dropped twenty degrees in less than an hour, to the point Basil had to put on a scarf, a winter hat, gloves, and a mantle to cover his feathered armor. He still felt cold afterward.

The blizzard that followed was just the coup de grce.

The party spent the whole night bunkering inside the Steamobile. It was terribly difficult to squeeze Rosemarine inside and they had to use a good chunk of the coal reserve to keep the heating at full power. When they crawled out of their vehicle in the morning after the storm subsided, the entire region was covered in a soft layer of snow. Glaciers and icicle curtains had taken over the hills. Sleets of ice cracked under the groups feet wherever they walked and the Steamobiles wheels struggled to advance on the frozen road.

I hate frost, Basil grumbled while sitting with Vasi on Rosemarines back to guide her. With his tropidrake slowed down by the frost and the snow, Bugsy had to stay at the front and melt obstacles with his firebreath. I hate it so much.

Youll get used to it, Handsome. Vasi was the only one happy with this state of affairs. She looked very cute with a fur mantle and a red winter hat over her horns. Its not that cold.

Its minus fifteen and dropping still.

I was born in a place called the Winter Kingdoms, Vasi replied with a grin. To me, this weather is a warm spring.

Basil was starting to have second thoughts about visiting her home.

Besides, you can always turn into a bear if its too cold, Vasi pointed out.

We might all turn into werebears if I do that, thanks to my new Perk.

You say that like its a bad thing. Bear fur would help everyone with insulation.

Basil locked eyes with his girlfriend. What do you think dragon and centimagma werebears would look like?

I dont know. She held his gaze. But dont you want to find out?

When she put it that way now Basil was dying to see the potential results.

All right, but only because you asked. Basil activated his Pths power. Fur grew all over his skin as he transformed into a mighty werebear, his clothes stretching and adapting to his new morphology. It helped with the frost, but he greatly struggled not to fall off from Rosemarines back; as it turned out, men made for better dragon riders than bears. So?

Vasi raised an eyebrow. She didnt transform into a she-bear, nor did Rosemarine grow fur over her leaf scales.

Its not working, Basil noted the obvious. System, explain yourself.

Unique effects and exclusive Perks, including were-transformations, will not be shared by [All for One].

You said the Perk applied to all buffs and beneficial effects, Basil pointed out. So isnt it false advertising?

Dismaker Labs wishes you a happy apocalypse!

Vasi, the System doesnt want a werebear party.

Saddening, Vasi whispered as she leaned against his fur. But I can make the most of

Basil had transformed back into a human before she could finish. You were saying?

Why did you change back? she asked in disappointment. Your fur is so comfy.

Sorry, but its really painful to ride Rosemarine in bear form. Basil checked his map. The wind almost swept it off his hands, but he managed to hang on to it. Sweetie, take right after the glacier.

Which one, Mister? Rosemarine asked. His tropidrake had undergone a few physical changes since the drop in temperature. Her Harvest Perk no longer provided fruits and she had lost her foliage. Her facial petals were also taking on a dark shade of blue. Perhaps it was meant to absorb more light or regulate her body temperature. Basil had little idea how a tropical flower dragons biology worked. The pointy one or the round one?

The pointy one, I think. Damn it, almost all these glaciers looked the same. Basil couldnt see anything under the ice.

We should test out your All For Ones limits as soon as we can, Vasi suggested. Imagine if I were to cast Hasten on you and we all benefit from it. It would divide the SP cost by six and make it much easier to manage buffs.

And imagine if Im targeted by a Berserk ailment again, or worse, brainwashed. Basil still had nightmares over what he had done to Plato under Tamuras influence. All for One is a double-edged sword.

I say its worth the risk. Vasi put a finger on her lip, her expression thoughtful. If we can find an item that grants you immunity to status ailments, itll negate the downsides of your Perk and let us abuse the good parts.

Probably, Basil agreed. We need more elemental weapons too. Half of our attacks couldnt damage Hypathia.

We can expect future enemies to be immune to or resist multiple elements, Vasi agreed with a nod. Maybe you should take more levels in Runesmith and Technomancer? If you can empower our equipment until we cover most elements, then well have the means to target all potential weaknesses.

Im working on it. Thanks to his Intelligence boost, Basil had finally, finally managed to learn the Savage Rune spell; and he still had space for one more. The more elemental runes I have to infuse our weapons with, the better.

Ill help. I intended to remove some of my low-tier spells from my spellbook and replace them with higher ones, so we can kill two birds with one stone.

Basil, Basil! As if triggered by the word birds, Plato bolted out of the Steamobile to join the couple. Whats happening to me?!

Whats the matter? Basil looked over his shoulder and gasped in shock. AH!

His black cat was now white as snow.

Basil, whats happening to me?! Plato asked in panic. His hair had switched colors and more than doubled in length, giving him a puffy, Siberian cat look. He didnt appear happy with it at all. Im getting fat and snowy! Like white chocolate!

I, uh Basil stared at his cat in shock. Platos hair often lengthened around December, but it was the first time he had seen such a drastic change. I dont know, maybe its a Cait Sith winter camouflage.

So cute Vasi whispered before petting the cat. So soft too

Dont get used to it. Plato sulked. I hate winter.

After recovering from his shock, Basil smiled at his cats misfortune. If you ask me

If you say white is an improvement over black, then youre a racist, Plato complained. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Youll be the first white panther, Basil taunted him.

To his surprise, his words gave Plato pause. The cats eyes widened, a terrible idea no doubt crossing his warmth-deprived mind.

Snow leopard, Plato whispered, his yellow eyes full of hope. I am no longer a dwarf panther. I am now a snow leopard cub.

Where are your black spots? Basil asked with amusement.

I'll gain them in the spring. Plato hissed at his friend. Doubter. Doubter!

Bugsy sneezed loudly at the caravans vanguard. Flames burst out of his mandibles and swiftly turned to smoke. Rosemarine briefly stopped her advance to wait for him to recover.

Bugsy, are you all right? Basil asked in worry.

Im zorry boz, Bugsy apologized with a nasally voice. The centimagmas sheer resilience allowed him not to take damage from the snowflakes and low temperature, but the lava making up his blood had hardened on the surface. Im not uzed to getting a cold.

Here, I can heal you! Sunbath! Rosemarine glowered and showered Bugsy in healing light. He answered with a scoff of smoke. Oh? Why isnt not working?

Its not an ailment, Basil noted after checking the teams status. The cold must be messing with your metabolism, Bugsy.

Go rest, brave bug, Vasi said softly. I can warm up the path with fire spells.

Im all good Mamz Bugsy coughed and sneezed smoke. Ugh Im zorry.

No, dont be. Vasi climbed down from Rosemarines back. Ill take over.

But I can still work! Bugsy protested with pride.

Bugsy, you will help Shellgirl inside, Basil replied. The last member of their party stayed inside the Steamobile to fuel the engine with coal and water. Thats an order.

I alrizght, Boz. Bugsy nodded obediently as he crawled back inside the Steamobile. Thank zou, Vazi!

You are welcome, Vasi replied before summoning a flame in the palm of her hand. She walked in front of Rosemarine, blasting off icicles and snow mounds on the way. Basil watched her move before focusing back on the map. The sun was barely visible in the sky as white clouds obscured it.

Correct me if Im wrong, Plato said. But isnt global warming supposed to increase temperature instead of lowering it?

Climate is complicated, Basil replied. Its a very complex machinery.

That was already true without the Systems involvement. With the Trimurti System, video game logic prevailed over science. The weather had changed one month earlier than normal to fit the seasons stereotypes.

Can we migrate south after we blow up Paris? Plato pleaded. Therell be warmth and birds to hunt.

We arent blowing up Paris, Basil replied.

Plato looked up at him with skepticism. Basil, you have a nuke and an attitude problem. Its not a good combination.

We arent intentionally blowing up Paris. Basil grumbled at his cats lack of faith. Oh come on! The USA and Russia had like ten thousand of those things and never used them!

Come to think of it, Basil wondered what happened to all the leftover weapons of mass destruction in those two countries. He hoped lack of maintenance would disable them before they could transform that winter into the nuclear variant.

The journey carried on in monotone silence across the snowy wasteland. New monsters popped up around the countrysideincluding flying giant snowflakes, white rabbits with icy horns, and adorable, white glowing worms the size of dogsbut none of them proved aggressive nor strong enough to threaten the group. The Bohens eventually reached a frozen river, which Basil identified as the Vienne. Limoges shouldnt be far now.

You know what we need, handsome? Vasi asked at the caravans front in between casting fire spells.

A blanket? Basil deadpanned. Plato had taken over his lap and provided a sliver of warmth.

A bard, Vasi countered. To entertain us on our journey.

I can sing, Miss! Rosemarine boasted. I have invented a song!

Aww, she was a budding musician!

Were all ears, Rosemarine, Basil encouraged her. But dont use the ice as drums like you did with Bordeauxs bridge, please. We dont want to start an avalanche.

Rosemarine cleared her throat, gathered her breath, and then started singing a song of her own devising. We pray all night to get holy! We pray all night to get holy! The tune reminded Basil of a certain techno bands hit song. Weve come far enough, on the road to the holy land! Lets kill all the infidels, and take back Jerusalem!

How does she even know about Jerusalem? Plato asked in confusion.

I read her Bible bedtime stories back when she still fit in a greenhouse, Basil explained with fondness. Ah, the nostalgia She loved the Crusade sequels.

Dont be like the dinosaurs and the megafauna! Rosemarine sang. Who died because they didnt believe in Christ!

Rosemarine proved to be a surprisingly good singer. The flower lass had a talent for music, and Basil would make sure to nurture it in the future.

I smell food, Plato said. And a fellow feline!

Basil looked up from his map and squinted. He noticed the smoke of chimneys from houses in the distance, which he assumed to be Limoges suburb. A blue dungeon aurora floated over the town, bright and beautiful.

After a minutes walk, Platos warning proved correct. Basil caught sight of a massive mammoth coming in their direction, with two great tusks that could impale ten men at once and soft brown wool covering its body. A man with a hooded fur mantle and a spear of ice rode the beast much like Basil mounted Rosemarine.

Patrick Gaillard
Level 25 [Humanoid] (Cryomancer 6/Oliphaunt 10/Cavalier 6/Bartender 3).
Party: Bar Gaillard.
Odo, Mammoth Patriarch
Level 22 [Beast/Giant]
Party: Bar Gaillard.

After squinting, Basil noticed stripes of black in the snow. A sabertooth white tiger walked next to the mammoth, its fur so well-camouflaged that the naked eye struggled to follow its movements.

Sasha, Snow Smilodon
Level 21 [Beast]
Party: Bar Gaillard.

Howdy, travelers! The mammoth rider raised his ice spear at them, albeit in a friendly way. He wore armor of stuffed leather and wool under his mantle, alongside a tusked mask covering most of his face. The only exposed parts of his body were his two blue eyes. I assume youre the Bohens brigade?

Were technically auxiliaries rather than a brigade, but yes, Basil replied before having Rosemarine and Vasi stop. The tropidrake and the mammoth examined each other, the latter whiffing the former with its trunk Youre our military contact?

Yep, the man replied. I thought you might have lost your way in the blizzard, so I came to find ya. Dont worry, the dungeon is ours. The monsters here are friends or food.

That explained his utter lack of reaction at seeing a giant flower dragon carrying a steampunk carriage. It pleased Basil greatly. He had yet to see a city that actually welcomed monsters in its midst instead of just tolerating them like Bordeaux.

Hey, another cat, the smilodon said upon noticing Plato. She sounded like a female. Whats that metamorphosis? First time I've seen it.

Plato squinted in response. Basil could tell his friend was spending all of his willpower not to show jealousy. Cait Sith. Half fairy, half winner.

Nice. Is it an English variant? The smilodon chuckled to herself. I got the snow smilodon metamorphosis cause I had a strong Frost affinity. Pretty nifty, uh? I even got stripes, like a tiger.

Plato looked at the smilodon, then at his new fur, and finally back at Basil. After holding his owners gaze in silence for a few seconds, the cat silently walked back into the Steamobile with an empty, traumatized stare.

Did I say something wrong? the sabertooth tiger asked in confusion.

Hell get over it with time, Basil replied evasively.

I could have been a smilodon, Plato whimpered before he vanished from view. Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Anyway, names Patrick, the mammoth rider introduced himself. The big guy is Odo and the tiger is Sasha, my former house cat. Come on, say hello.

Sup strangers, Odo the mammoth said with a grunt. He didnt look like the talkative kind.

A pleasure to meet you. The smilodon gave them a polite nod. Always glad to meet newcomers.

Basil Bohen, Basil introduced himself and his group. This is Vasilisa Yaga, my girlfriend, and the beautiful dragon is called Rosemarine Eglantine de la Barthe.

Each of my scales is a tormented soul, Rosemarine said chirpily.

Another undead? Odo grumbled. Great, as if we didnt have enough of them already with the Mammoth Graveyard.

Anyway, welcome to Limoges, said his rider. "Weve got a place set for you and supplies too, but uh, you want to wear masks in town like I do.

Why's that? Basil asked with a frown. Is the air toxic?

Sort of. Patrick sighed. My good friend, have you ever heard of Covid-19?

I have, yes. Basil squinted. Please dont tell me

Well, theres a new variant and the whole town caught it. Covid Winter Edition, we called it.

Is that a joke? Basil seethed in annoyance. The world had ended and Covid was still a thing? Patrick, are you kidding me?

I wish! Patrick grunted in annoyance. The System made it into a variant Disease ailment. Its not deadly, but it knocks you out real good and makes you shiver for days. Weve been looking for remedies since the outbreak started.

Oh, are you in need of a good wood witchs brew? Vasi asked with a smile. If so, Im your gal.

Im also an alchemist with a pharmacovigilance Masters degree, Basil said. Maybe we can help.

That would be great! Patrick rested his spear on his shoulder. Out of curiosity, did you ever eat goblins?

Yeah, why ask? Basil asked with eyes full of hope.

Cause theres like, two dozen snow variants running around the tundra and harassing our trappers. We intended to hunt and cook them for dinner, if youre up for it. I would understand if you wanna pass though. Not everyone is fine with eating the little buggers.

Basil grinned ear to ear. My good man, I have the feeling you and I are going to get along just fine.

After such a long journey, he had finally found a cultured community.

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