Apocalypse: The Hotel She Runs Is the Only Paradise

Chapter 99: Monster Fighting Zombies

Chapter 99

Recently, there have been quite a few guests from the demon realm as well.

The demons all knew that this place sold elixirs and various human foods, so they flocked to check in. They also began searching everywhere in the demon realm for immortality-seeking flowers.

For a time, the immortality-seeking flowers were almost picked clean.

Fortunately, immortality-seeking flowers couldn't become demons themselves.

Other flower spirits were also busy finding all sorts of gold, silver, and jewels to exchange for points, with no energy left to protest.

Gu Wanyin made a fortune just from the demon realm alone.

The system was also very happy every day, though sometimes Gu Wanyin couldn't find it - that's when it had gone back to the interstellar realm again.

Nine-Tails, Tree Spirit, and other demons spent their free time hanging out in the bar, mixing all sorts of drinks for Moon Eagle to try.

Moon Eagle was miserable but didn't dare resist. He was even forced to collect the various fur, feathers, and leaves that fell from their bodies to send to the research lab.

Zhuang Xiaoxia had just come out of the lab, rubbing her head, when she saw Moon Eagle arrive again carrying a large sack.

"Bringing more research materials?" Zhuang Xiaoxia smiled. "You're working so hard."

Moon Eagle craned his neck to peek inside the lab and asked, "After researching for these past few days, have you discovered anything? Are the things from our bodies really useful to you?"

"It doesn't happen that quickly," Zhuang Xiaoxia said with a wry smile.

She and the other researchers were practically living in the lab every day.

Although they had all sorts of equipment, they were starting from scratch after all.

How could they possibly produce results in just a few days?

However, for them, this was also a kind of enjoyment.

Even without the reward of points, they were willing to do more experiments.

"Alright then," Moon Eagle shrugged. "I can't really help much, so I'll just keep bringing you more raw materials."

"Thank you."

"By the way, it seems like there are hardly any people at the hotel entrance recently?" Moon Eagle asked. "Before, every time I passed by, I could see lots of people waiting for vacant rooms."

"I heard it's because City A has so many more zombies lately," said Zhuang Xiaoxia. "They probably can't get through the zombie hordes to reach the hotel entrance."

"Is that so?" Moon Eagle stroked his chin. "What do zombies actually look like? I've never seen one. Are they hard to deal with?"

"For humans, they're terrifying of course, but you demons shouldn't be afraid, right?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Moon Eagle's mind. Without even saying goodbye to Zhuang Xiaoxia, he turned and ran off.

Zhuang Xiaoxia didn't know what was going on, but she didn't think too much about it. After moving all the research materials into the lab, she went to eat.

Moon Eagle, meanwhile, ran back to the bar.

"You're back," Nine-Tails said with a smile. "Look, I just mixed a new drink. Want to try?"

Moon Eagle looked at the colorful concoction and shuddered. He said, "I just thought of a competition. Are you interested?"

"What kind of competition?" Tree Spirit asked.

"This human world has a lot of zombies now, right?" Moon Eagle said. "I heard City A has even more zombies now, so why don't we compete to see who can kill more zombies? If I win, you can't force me to drink these things anymore!"

Nine-Tails put down her glass and said with a coy laugh, "And what if you lose?"

"Then I'll drink as much as you want me to in the future." Moon Eagle had a look of resignation on his face.

"It does sound quite interesting," Cat Er said coolly.

"See, even Cat Er is interested. That's not easy!"

"But don't forget," Tree Spirit said, "Humans have now evolved many ability users. I've heard these ability users have a hard time fighting zombies. It might not be so easy for us either."

Moon Eagle patted her shoulder and said with exasperation, "Spirit, you're a tree demon who's been cultivating for over a thousand years! How long have human ability users been developing? Have some confidence, will you?"

"Hmm, that's true."

"Let's go then, no time like the present!"

"So here's a question - if we get bitten by zombies, what will we turn into?"

"Ah, well..."


People woke up from their afternoon naps, and those with nothing to do gathered in the lobby to chat.

Recently, there were too many zombies in City A. Those who still had enough points didn't dare to go out.

The zombie-killing simulation training camp was also too crowded to get a spot.

They planned to chat for a while before going to queue up.

"These zombies in City A, they're not going to stay forever, are they?"

"Who knows? You can't use human logic to predict zombie behavior."

"Even the high-level ability users in the hotel don't dare to go out easily lately. It must be really unsafe."

"But we can't just sit here and use up our resources. We'll run out of points sooner or later. When that time comes, we'll have to go out whether we want to or not."

"If we run out of points, will we really be kicked out..."

"Brother, we're already eating and living well here, and the prices are much cheaper than those bases outside. You still want to freeload? That's too much!"


"Wait, you guys, look over there!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, and everyone turned to look.

In the distance, on the horizon, a strange light suddenly burst forth, so bright it was almost blinding!

Beast roars erupted, shaking the heavens.

Fierce winds carrying dust swept across the land, and raging flames shot into the clouds.

Everyone was stunned.

They had never seen such a scene before!

Even though it had been almost two years since the apocalypse began, and they had seen high-level ability users battling zombies, this... this kind of scene was truly unprecedented! No, perhaps they had seen something similar in TV shows or movies before, but now they were witnessing it in reality!

"What's going on? A new natural disaster?"

"No, that's not it! Don't you think it looks like something's fighting?"

"What could it be? Have even higher-level ability users appeared? Or are the zombies fighting among themselves?"

"It doesn't look like either... Oh, Manager Gu is here! Manager Gu, look outside!"

Gu Wanyin had seen it from inside the building.

Others might not understand, but she could guess what was happening.

"It seems the demons are in high spirits today," Gu Wanyin said with a smile.


"Oh right, the special building is where all the demons live!"

"Could it be that the demons have gone to kill zombies?"

"That would be great! Demons must be able to kill zombies effortlessly! Then City A will have fewer zombies, and we'll be able to go out!"

"I've always been a bit afraid of them, but I never thought they were good demons who would help us kill zombies!"

Gu Wanyin thought to herself, you're thinking too much, they're just looking for fun...

However, regardless of the demons' reasons for killing zombies, at least the result was beneficial to humans.

After a while, the scene in the distance gradually disappeared, and the fierce winds and strange lights slowly subsided.

"Is it over?"

"They must have killed quite a few zombies!"

"Then, what about the crystal cores that dropped? I want to go collect them!"

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