Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 66: Tourist.

Case 66: Tourist.

''So, an Immortal is essentially a person who had transcended to the higher plane of existence by overcoming the heavenly's trials and tribulations... erm...''

''What nonsense is that?''


''Forcing punishments onto people just because they got a bit strong? Isn't that merely repression stemming from insecurity and cowardice?''

''Even if you ask me that...''

''Normally, one should only be punished by the universe if they try to alter causality. Do you think the likes of you can do that?''


It was arrogant, yet none of the cultivators present could refute it.

Sitting across the usual wizard crew of White Lotus was a stunning woman possessing an imposing aura. Even though she only wore casual attire, one look into her golden eyes was enough to put just about anyone into their place.

This oppressive atmosphere was even more intense than Kierra's when she had just gotten to this realm.

Talk about Kierra; she was sipping her tea peacefully amidst this tense situation.

''Haven't you been here for a while, Au?'' The archwizard asked. ''Why are you so oblivious?''

''I wasn't interested. That's all.'' August said with a bored face. ''Cultivation or whatnot, I only care about you.''


'''' ... ''''

''...Well? What do you think happened to the causality?'' The Sword Empress inquired.

''Someone might have dared to tinker with the laws of the universe... or it had always been this way. Who knows.'' The archwizard replied.

''Hm. I forget this was a foreign universe sometimes.'' 

''Still, there is something suspicious about this 'Heavenly Dao' I've been hearing.''

''Do you want me to cut the sky open so we can find out?''

''...No, silly.''


Hearing the couple casually talk about destroying the heavens above, one couldn't help but be flabbergasted. However, the five felt somewhere in their minds as though it was actually possible. If it's these two...

...Probably not.

''Hahah, that's a nice joke.'' Tian Yun nodded sagely.


August was unresponsive.

''...That's a joke, right?''



''What do you think?''

Tian Yun found herself feeling pressured as August smiled at her. Was this a test...?

''Er... I think—''

''I can cut the sky for Kierra.'' Yu Chen confidently chimed in, sending the black-haired woman across the table a warm smile. ''I can do anything.''

''Nice dream.'' August immediately quipped.

''Hah! What do you know about my sword arts...''

As Yu Chen trailed off her sentence, she suddenly remembered a crucial detail—her phantom sword right now was essentially a modified version of August's reality-splitting sword—an inferior version at that.

Just like that, Yu Chen was teased heavily for a while. Tian Yun, who basically escaped from this fate, sighed in relief.

After a while, everyone grew bored of just sitting, so Tian Yun proposed an idea.

''That's right, why don't we lead Miss August around our sect?'' She said with a smile. ''I have confidence in my sect, so I'm sure you will like it.''

''That's a great idea,'' Kierra replied instead. ''Chen, Yun, Xie. Can I leave Au to you three?''

''Huh? Why us...''

''Shuren and Qing, would you two mind having tea with me?''

The archwizard winked at August, to which the Sword Empress simply sighed and nodded. Although a bit puzzling, no one minded this arrangement proposed by Kierra. If there was one question...

''What's with those nicknames...?'' Mie Xieren blinked repeatedly.

''We're not strangers anymore. I don't want to call you all formally.'' Kierra replied calmly.


The usually cold woman blushed lightly, and it was certainly a sight to behold as she was famous for her beauty.

After splitting up, Kierra's group headed to a famous teahouse in the town of White Lotus. They reserved the top floor entirely, intending for a private conversation.

Quietly, Kang Shuren and Bai Qing admired Kierra, who was sitting across the table. The archwizard now had her makeup largely removed, creating a far more gentle aura as compared to before. She kept gazing out the window with an unreadable expression, invoking righteous curiosity from whoever saw this scene.

The more they looked, the more their eyes were drawn to Kierra's luscious lips. Those pinkish, soft-looking, and delicious-looking lips... they were much more 'kissable.'

Even though one of them had a blindfold on.

''Let's not waste any time.'' Kierra suddenly said. ''I'm sure you two want to train soon.''

With the recent victory against the unorthodox faction, the whole world was currently enchanted in a festive mood. Together with that, the spirit of cultivation had been aroused, leading to the birth of a new and more enthusiastic generation of cultivators.

''Ah, I don't mind spending with Master Kierra...'' Bai Qing scratched her cheek.

''Me too.'' Kang Shuren followed.

''I see.'' Kierra simply nodded. 

After organizing her thoughts, Kierra spoke again.

''Today, I want to discuss the matter relating to our relationship with you two.''

This was within the realm of expectation. Both of them had already realized this the moment Kierra tried to talk to them alone. Yet, they found this chat quite stressful for some reason.

Nevertheless, they braced themselves and let Kierra continue.

''First, I wonder if you two have the answer ready?'' Kierra asked. ''It's fine if you don't. It's only been... what? A day?''

A day was indeed not enough for something as important as this.

However, it wasn't as though they didn't think about it. For both of them, the mere idea of embracing Kierra, the most noble and powerful woman they had seen, was irritatingly alluring. The sense of conquer they would experience was bound to be addicting no matter what.

Still, there was the problem of their feelings.

As long as they called themselves righteous, they wouldn't want to compete for a lover's spot because of the person's strength.

Bai Qing had always felt like she was lacking.

She was easily the weakest in the circle, and she basically had no ambition. All she wanted was to live peacefully and raise her cute younger martial sisters while gradually cultivating her strength. So, to step foot into this competition, she would need to step out of her comfort zone and be ready to face the extraordinary.

This was the reason she hesitated, although her heart had already yearned for Kierra, more or less.

On the other hand, Kang Shuren was fearless.

She would easily join the competition and try her best... if only she were sure of her heart. She initially followed Kierra for her godly cool image and stayed for her unparalleled power and charisma, yet she always wondered if she was charmed by this otherworldly woman.

Kang Shuren was inexperienced.


Kierra sighed as she looked at the two, who were shaking their heads.

'Not enough time...'

Yet, she felt like a week had passed by ever since August came here. A night spent with August was bound to be long and exhausting. Perhaps because of the longing she felt after a long time, August literally didn't let Kierra rest for a moment.

Not that she didn't like it.

''Well... I'm not intending to create pressure on you two.'' Kierra said, sipping her tea. ''I know I've been neglecting you ever since that night, but how about we get to know each other slowly from now?''

''You mean...?'' Bai Qing blinked.

''Let us go on dates... and such. How about it?''

A date invitation straight from the greatest in the world. Bai Qing and Kang Shuren were rightfully stunned.

Meanwhile, in another corner of White Lotus.

''Oh, this one looks good.''

Looking at the unreasonably thin underwear August held up, the trio facepalmed.

''Isn't that basically nothing...?'' Yu Chen asked in disbelief.

''Why do they have this in the first place??'' Mie Xieren looked at Tian Yun with a questioning gaze, which the person avoided right away.

''Tch, tch, tch. This is why amateurs are...'' August shook her head. ''Imagine Kierra wearing this. Mortals would faint at that mere thought.''

''I mean...''

''She will love it when I compliment her as well. I'll take this one.'' 

As the Sword Empress hummed, the trio couldn't help but share the same thought—

'Won't she just get beaten at this rate...?'

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