As A Cardinal, I Don't Do Overtime

Chapter 171 - The Departure of the Elves

Chapter 171: The Departure of the Elves

Monn accepted the Crystal of Life from the elves.

The two of them finally decided whether Asher would stay or go.

Since Asher didn’t want to return to the elves, she could only stay with Monn.

Although they didn’t leave money for Asher’s food, Monn was too embarrassed to ask the elves for it.

After all, he had accepted the Crystal of Life from the Elves, which was a big gift.

Anyway, if he sold it, he would instantly become as rich as a country.

After all, it was equivalent to having another life.

If it could be bought with money, he believed that all the rich people on the continent would be desperate for it.

Of course, he had no intention of selling it.

Although it was unlikely to happen, in case someone faced a life-threatening danger in the future, Monn would have something to save him.

It was equivalent to having life insurance.

Of course, Monn would not sell it for money.

After the two came out, Asher still sat on the chair in a huff.

But her eyes glanced at the two of them from time to time.

She wanted to predict what had happened from their expressions.

This scene made Eiffel not know whether to laugh or cry.

Although Asher was the Princess of their elf tribe, in the end, she was just a child who had not yet grown up.

Eiffel could understand how she felt.

He shook his head in amusement.

Then he said to Asher, “Since you don’t want to go back yet, then you can continue to play here for a few more days.”

Eiffel’s tone was casual.

But to Asher’s ears, it sounded like the sound of nature.

She dug her ears in disbelief.

She wondered if she had heard wrongly.

After all, Eiffel’s attitude was very firm in the beginning.

When Asher heard that it was her mother’s order, she didn’t think that Eiffel was going to disobey her mother’s order.

So, this free and easy tone made her very confused.

Seeing Asher’s attitude, Eiffel felt a little funny.

In fact, Her Majesty didn’t even tell them that they had to take Princess Asher back.

After hearing that Princess Asher’s life wasn’t in danger, they stopped trying to force her to go back.

On the contrary, she was actually most interested in the Holy Church of the Holy Knight who had sent the letter.

She even gave away the Crystal of Life of the Elf clan that only appeared every hundred years just so that she could make friends with Pope Monn.

When Eiffel came, he did not mention that the Queen did not mention Asher at all.

He was afraid that Asher wouldn’t be able to accept it.

“Can I really stay here?”

Asher was still very doubtful. She looked at Eiffel suspiciously.

When she saw that Eiffel didn’t dodge her gaze at all, Asher instantly understood that she could indeed stay here for a period of time.

Although she still felt a little strange,

Since she could still stay here to play for a few days, Asher didn’t care much.

A smile appeared on her face again, and she happily hugged Eiffel’s arm and shook it hard.

“Thank you, Eiffel!”

Eiffel shook her head in amusement.

One second, Asher was still throwing a tantrum at him, and the next second, she started acting like a little sister.

As expected of the princess, she changed so quickly.

Of course, Eiffel didn’t mind.

The matter regarding Asher was completely over.

Monn and the elves did not have any objections.

Eiffel stayed back with the group of elves for a while.

The Princess who had accompanied them whispered to them and reminded them of some precautions.

Then, she led the elves and slowly left the Orthodox Church’s Holy Church.

Monn and the others sent them out of the Holy Church.

They looked at the figures that were getting further and further away.

Asher waved her hand, suddenly feeling a little reluctant.

Although she had only left the Elf Forest for two days,

These two days felt very long for Asher.

Not only because of the many things that had happened in these two days, but also because she had never left the Elf Forest before and had come to an unfamiliar environment.

Although she was reluctant to say goodbye, Asher was very determined not to go home.

Because she did not want to stay in the Elf Forest forever.

Her dream was to go out of the Elf Forest and take a look around.

This was the first step for her to start pursuing her dream.

Since she had started, Asher did not want to stop.

Many feelings suddenly arose in her heart.

But when the figures of Eiffel and the others disappeared in front of her eyes, she suddenly returned to their previous, heartless appearance.

This couldn’t help but make Ace and the others sigh in their hearts.

As expected of the Princess of the elf tribe, even her emotions changed so quickly.

Ace and the others expressed their dissatisfaction.

After they sent off the elf tribe’s small team.

Monn had nothing else to do.

With the three of them,

Monn and the others began to walk around the church.

They saw some unfamiliar faces.

These were the substitute Paladins that Philip had recruited in San Lorenzo.

Monn and the others quietly watched their training for a while.

They sighed in their hearts at their naivety.

However, they needed time to hone their skills.

At the same time, it also proved that their San Lorenzo church had been reborn.

Although there weren’t many people at the moment,

Monn seemed to have seen a beautiful scene where he wouldn’t have to work in the future.

This made Monn sigh in his heart.

When would that happy day come!

Shaking his head, Monn stopped thinking about the future and set his eyes on the present.

After all, the future was still far away.

While Monn and the others were walking around,

Urgent footsteps suddenly came from outside the church.

It sounded like there were dozens of people.

This sudden situation made Monn and the others frown and look over.

What they saw was the elven team that had left half an hour ago.

Their entire team was panting as if they had just taken part in a great battle.

This made Monn and the others stunned,

But Asher quickly reacted.

She rushed up to them.

“Are you guys okay?”

Asher ran over quickly, her tone filled with anxiety and concern.

Panting, Eiffel waved his hand.

“I’m fine, just a little tired.”

Seeing this scene.

Only then did Asher heave a sigh of relief.

She looked at the panting elven team and thought that they had encountered something dangerous.

It made her anxious.

However, seeing Eiffel’s relaxed attitude, she knew that their situation wasn’t too bad.

Just then, Monn and the others came over.

“What happened?”

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