Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 13: "Master"

"Wh- What the hell is with this form?" She asked.

"Well, you're storing ergy; the more you spd in this form, the more ergy you accumulate; however, it doesn't really matter." The system responded as the wolves and foxes growled at her, and Nessa sighed as the wolf approached her and stood before her.

"I think you guys should do what's right," He said, and Nessa looked at him.

'He really is something else, I guess he stands for justice more than anything else,' Nessa thought as he turned a to look at her, th abruptly bowed along with the other wolves, and she jumped back and collided with the young goblin's feet.

"Wait, what's going on here?" She inquired.

"We acknowledge you as our master." The young goblin said th bowed and all the other goblins followed his lead as a fox with silver markings approached her, bowed, and the rest of his pack followed him.

'Hey... Miss notice, I think I'm going to die here; why am I seeing double?' Nessa pondered.

"Your body requires rest and food; you hav't rested properly since you arrived here," The system responded th Nessa passed out.

"Master," exclaimed the young goblin as he lifted her into his arms.

"Ev as a little fox, she is so cute," Another goblin said as they carried her into a house and gtly placed her to rest as night fell.

Wh Nessa awoke the next morning, the light was so bright that she had to close her eyes and reop them a few momts later to see properly.

"I am hungry; if this continues, I will die of starvation," She whined.

"You are awake," The young goblin said as he tered the house and she looked at him before transforming into her normal form and smiling.

"Good morning Master," He said.

"Wait, good morning, you are probably used to guys being leaders ar't you?" She asked.

"Ah, yes, so what should we say mistress? Ma'am? My lady?" He asked.

'Uh... What do you think, Miss Notice?' She inquired.

"Do you intd to stay and care for them?" The system questioned.

'Yes, I do,' she replied.

"Good," the system said, "my lady is perfect."

"Th, my lady," Nessa said, and the young goblin smiled as he handed her a bowl of fruits and she got out of bed and stretched off.

"I'll tell the others how to address you," He said before rushing off, and she smiled.

"These are the fridliest monsters I've ever se," She said as she walked out of the house, and everyone bowed before her, which made her flinch because she wasn't used to it.

"Good morning," She said, smiling as she ate the grapes the goblin had giv her.

"Good morning, my lady," They replied with their heads down.

"Guys, you don't have to go down on your knees every time, please don't do that," Nessa said, swallowing nervously as the wolf and fox looked at her.

'These two must despise me,' She thought.

"What should we do now that you are our leader, my lady? We've grown a lot since th, well in numbers." The old goblin said and she looked at them, knowing that they were all now her responsibilities.

"Kiddo, come here," She said and the young goblin came to her.

"Are you prepared to be a leader as well?" He smiled and lowered his head as the other creatures stood there, staring at them.

"Yes my lady, I think I am ready though I will need guidance and I hope I can be of use to you in the future," He replied, and she smiled th placed her hand on his head, her eyes glowed blue.

"I hereby name you Zietaz, leader of the goblins," She said and his body glowed blue th she moved her hand off of him and he raised up.

'I wonder how long it will take them to evolve?' She wondered.

[Master, one to two days.]

"I see, well Zietaz, you now have to name the others or have them choose names for themselves, my powers work differtly, you will all evolve and it will be through me despite my not giving them names personally, I will help you, it won't draw your ergy either, if one of the goblins is not from your bloodline, tell me I will name that one," she said, to which he smiled.

"Did I do it correctly, miss notice?" She inquired.

"Yes, you did; it will be a cycle, because he will be the one naming them, and he got his name from you, and they are all from the same bloodline, they will all evolve with him, possibly gaining abilities as well, because you are unique," The system responded, and Nessa turned to face the foxes.

"Is it the same here?" Nessa inquired.

[Yes, though you have to choose the one who is the strongest among them in order for them to evolve too.]

"I see," Nessa said noticing that the one with the silver lining is the strongest of the foxes.

'He is kind of scary, like that wolf, I wonder if there's much differce betwe these two,' Nessa thought. 'I will change all of you if I have to; I have decided what I want in this world, and hopefully, I can build it starting now.'

"Could you please come here for a momt?" She inquired, and the fox gave her a look.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah, she is talking to you," The wolf responded and Nessa looked at both of them.

"You two, list to me; I will set rules for you all; just wait; now, please allow me to name you all in peace," She said th continued eating her fruits as the two creatures looked at each other and th at Nessa.

"Now you two are going to drain a bit of my ergy, but it doesn't matter, I will name you because you are all magnifict creatures and I would like to build a place in which we can all live peacefully," She said as they stared at her.

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