Assistant Architect

Chapter 99: Effort

Chapter 99: Effort


Du Rui sent back a series of exclamation marks and asked: “What are you so excited about?”

The appearance of Tao Fei stimulated Zhang Siyi to the extreme. Not only did Tao Fei study in the UK and earn a Master’s degree, he is also a good-looking man from the same University as Gu Yu. Since the foothold he felt he had in Gu Yu’s heart was completely shaken, Zhang Siyi felt insecure. Even if he can’t obtain Gu Yu’s love, he didn’t want to be let go for lack of work diligence and talent.

Zhang Siyi was anxious: “Teach me the quickest way! Let’s work late! I’ll take you to dinner!”

With the repeated requests, Zhang Siyi was practically begging and as a result Du Rui relented: “Ok, Ok. Let’s finish the office building. When drafting the blueprints, you need to pay attention to the details of the project as it is very easy to make mistakes. As you gain experience, you will gain a few tricks and make things easier in the future.”

Under the guidance Du Rui, Zhang Siyi felt appeased. No matter how determined one is, a person must take one small step at a time. Now that he felt calmer, he focused his attention on his drawings and revised them as Gu Yu suggested.

While working to finish up what he was doing before eating lunch at noon, movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. When he looked up and saw Gu Yu together with Tao Fei going downstairs, his stomach got caught in his throat. For his own lunch, he went to the dining area, grabbed a bento in a hurry and went back to his desk to continue drawing.

Zhu Hongzhen noticed Zhang Siyi acting strangely: “What happened to Zhang Siyi? Why is he so angry suddenly?”

Speculating, Bi Lele shrugged and whispered: “Maybe he feels pressured because of the new guy.”

Zhu Hongzhen rubbed his chin in thought: “It could be. Now he isn’t the only international student in our group!”

Zhang Siyi was trying to ignore their whispering, but when he heard his colleagues say they also thought there was competition, Zhang Siyi looked up at them desperately.

Choking back water, Zhu Hongzhen almost spit out his mouthful of liquid. They were casually talking, but is it really true?

Bi Lele was also caught off-guard by Zhang Siyi pitiful expression: “Don’t worry Auntie Four! You are our groups’ mascot. The new guy is too high-profile and definitely not as popular as you are!”

Zhang Siyi murmured: “Uh huh,” and went on to draw.

Zhu Hongzhen wiped his mouth and said: “You are working so hard, it’s going to make me embarrassed.” Zhu Hongzhen psyched himself up: “Draw more!”

Bi Lele: “Hey! It’s still a lunch break!”

Zhang Siyi knows that popularity doesn’t mean everything and the best people also have real talent and work ethic. He recognized his colleagues’ contributions by the hard-working attitudes that everyone has in the group. If he doesn’t put forth his greatest effort, then what value does he have?

Thinking about the past two days, Zhang Siyi realized how much his mental state suffered while missing Gu Yu. Zhang Siyi gave himself a slap in the face and opened he social media page: “Working: I’m closed”

When he finished updating his social media status, he felt like he was able to temporarily shelf his feelings for Gu Yu and finally devote himself to his work without distractions. -If I can’t even manage drawing the blueprints well, what qualifications do I have to like him?

At 6:15 in the evening, the office staff in twos and threes, were packing up and getting ready to leave work.

When Gu Yu came out of the office, he saw Zhang Siyi’ empty desk. Even though his seat was vacant, his computer was still on: “What about Zhang Siyi?”

Zhu Hongzhen: “Well, he went to dinner with Du Rui. I think he is planning to work overtime.”

Gu Yu went to Zhang Siyi’s desk and looked at the progress he was making on in his computer. By two in the afternoon, the two planes were already finished and the previous problems have also been changed. He has been very focused.

Zhu Hongzhen peeked at Gu Yu while he was looking at Zhang Siyi work. Seeing the broad smile on Gu Yu’s face, he couldn’t help but think to himself: Hey, the Boss really has so much “love” for Aunt Four and the blessed fool has no idea!”

“Brother!” At this time, Tao Fei walked over to Gu Yu and warmly said: “Are you getting off work? Let’s go eat together. You covered lunch so I’ll get us dinner.”

Gu Yu straightened up and hesitated for a moment: “I’m going to stay at the office for a little while.”

Tao Fei: “Hmm? Didn’t you say you were on a business trip for four days, so why do you have overtime? It’s Saturday tomorrow. Why don’t you go home early tonight?”

Gu Yu explained: “Under normal circumstances, when there are group members that stay for overtime, I also stay for a while and make myself available so there won’t be problems.

Tao Fei was astonished: “Oh my God! What are you? A Director? You’re a babysitter!”

Gu Yu: “……”

Witnessing the interaction between the stern Gu Yu and the high-profile Tao Fei, Zhu Hongzhen laughed out loud. It was the first time he saw someone dare address the boss in such an informal manner.

When Gu Yu had nothing to say, Tao Fei realized he stepped out of line and quickly followed-up: “Ok, OK. You still need to eat. Let’s go downstairs. I want to know what’s been going on with you these last few years!”

Gu Yu shook his head helplessly: “Wait a minute and I’ll grab my coat.”

As the two of them headed to the elevator, there was no end to Tao Fei’s happy chatter. Unexpectedly, when the elevator door opened, he saw Zhang Siyi and Du Rui inside with their meals. Gu Yu eyes brightened immediately.

As the doors opened, Zhang Siyi caught sight of Tao Fei with Gu Yu and he quickly averted his eyes. Gu Yu was about to greet him but was cut off by a respective bow and a duet of ‘Boss’ as Zhang Siyi and Du Rui quickly exited the elevator.

Watching Zhang Siyi’s back, Gu Yu frowned. Under the urging of Tao Fei, he hurried into the elevator and as a result, he did not have a moment to contemplate Zhang Siyi’s behavior.

When Zhang Siyi returned to his desk, he saw several red circles on his work in CAD on the computer. Concerned, he asked Zhu Hongzhen: “Piggy, who made these marks on my draft?”

Putting his arms above his head, Zhu Hongzhen yawned and stretched out: “Who else could it be? The Boss.”

Zhang Siyi: “……” Since Gu Yu and Tao Fei were inseparable today, Zhang Siyi was feeling depressed. Even so, knowing Gu Yu spent time to look at his work, Zhang Siyi felt comforted.

Since he was working overtime by his own choice, Zhang Si Yi did not have the nerve to stay in the company for too long. Du Rui was also just a guide and would not stay too late. Cheer-up was waiting for him at home so at eight in the evening, Zhang Siyi gathered his belongings and went home.

When he got home, he walked the dog, imported a copy of his work from the office onto his computer and drew another two hours. After, he practiced the violin for another hour and at one o’clock in the morning, he went to bed. On a normal day, he would spend some time looking through his social media before sleeping, but because of his oath today, he resisted the urge to get his phone. Since the day was so busy, when his head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes, he fell asleep right away.

During the weekend, Zhang Siyi wasn’t idle. He woke up early like a work day to continue his progress on his plans. When an issue came up, he got in contact with Du Rui online to resolve it.

As it turns out, human potential is infinite. Working throughout Saturday and Sunday, Zhang Siyi finished the flat section and fa?ade that was originally scheduled to take two weeks.

On Monday, when he returned to the office, he showed some of the other professionals the existing plan and humbly asked them for a review. Heading their advice, he modified the areas accordingly. Seeing how studious and savvy Zhang Siyi was, one of the older structural engineers was patient with his questions and offered his opinions. Afterwards, he patted Zhang Siyi on the shoulder and boasted: “This young fellow is so good and hard-working!”

The praise he heard from the gentleman was a small consolation, but he felt better none the less. With the appearance of Tao Fei, Zhang Siyi sense of crisis was at its peak. He felt irritated and depressed. All he could do was focus on work and forget about where Gu Yu was and who he ate with.

However, the days were not going as smoothly as he had imagined.

The end of March is fast approaching and its time to pay rent for the next quarter. Since he has not heard from Fu Xinhui, Zhang Siyi was very distressed. What were Fu Xinhui’s intentions? Was he coming back? What is the status of his rent? Is it a waste of money to live alone? As his anxiety grew, he decided to call Fu Xinhui directly.

Reminding Fu Xinhui of the issue of rent, he said: “Let’s meet tomorrow at night.”

Zhang Siyi had a bad feeling, but he couldn’t ask on the phone. He could only wait until he spoke with him face to face. Leaving work early, Zhang Siyi went to the hot-pot shop the two used to eat at to meet. Wearing a black hoodie and scarf, Fu Xinhui was thirty minutes late. Like a character in a spy movie, he looked all around the area to see if he was being followed.

A few minutes after entering the restaurant, Fu Xinhui relaxed a little. He removed his sunglasses and looked at Zhang Siyi: “I miss you.”

Zhang Siyi: “Poof!”

That’s a pretty good line.……

Fortunately, Fu Xinhui next questioned pulled the not-so-straight-man, Zhang Siyi, back from his misunderstanding: “Is Cheer-Up alright?”

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zhang Siyi said: “Do you want to hear about me or the dog?”

“Do you want to hear the truth?” Fu Xinhui poured a cup of tea and said: “I want to hear what you have ben doing, but I want to hear about Cheer-Up more.”

Zhang Siyi: “…… You go to hell! I’m babysitting your dog!” (╯‵皿’)╯(┻━┻

Pouting, Fu Xinhui dismissed Zhang Siyi: “You may not know my feelings very well. Like my own child, I planned to raise the dog for the rest of my life. He came into my life at my most vulnerable time and accompanied me every day. He gave me strength and warmth and now, I have to give him to another take care of. It’s really painful….”

Zhang Siyi was so angry that he said: “Fuck! I’m still at your side when you are the most difficult!”

Fu Xinhui sighed and said: “Dogs and people are not the same. People have more than one thing to devote their lives to. Dogs, on the other hand, are only at ease by their master’s side. Well, it is hard to explain the feeling of unconditional loyalty….”

Steam was practically bellowing from Zhang Siyi ears. He mocked: “You think that stupid dog is loyal? Forget it. The last time Gu Yu came to our house, the dog acted like Gu Yu was his master and best friend.”

Fu Xinhui said: “You took Gu Yu to our house?”

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