Assistant Architect

Chapter 193: Inside

Chapter 193: Inside


Without thought of his ulterior motives being noticed, He Chengtian’s mouth widened in a wolfish smile. Fortunately, Gu Yao was sitting in the back and wasn’t able to see his greedy expression.

Along the way home, Zhang Siyi and He Chengtian caught up on current events in their lives. First, Zhang Siyi wanted to know more about the price and performance of the Lamborghini. When they came to a full stop at the traffic light, the passengers in the full bus next to them turned and stared at them through the glass.

Since it was the first time Zhang Siyi experienced so many onlookers staring at him in this way, his ego was stroked and felt like a superior young master. In life, sometimes self-conceit encroaches on your moral compass and material things become more important.

Zhang Siyi asked He Chengtian: “How is your sister doing? I haven’t heard from her in a long time. Is she okay?”

He Chengtian replied: “She went to Australia recently.”

Zhang Siyi: “What is she doing in Australia? Did she go back to University?”

“University my ass. She went to find a friend.” He Chengtian grumbled then continued: “Anyway, since she is working for herself, there is less pressure so she goes where she wants. She left me everything at the company to take care of so I’m the only one who suffers!”

Zhang Siyi cast a sympathetic look, and asked: “How are you doing now?”

He Chengtian sighed: “Actually, it hasn’t been very good recently. The stock market is low, the housing market slowed down, and many financial platforms have problems. Hey, it’s been difficult!”

Listening to the tone of his speech, Zhang Siyi glanced at him. Now, he noticed the fatigue on his friends’ features and concluded that things weren’t going so smoothly as what appears.

“Both the housing market and the construction industry isn’t good. We are all in this together!” Moving his hands across the leather, Zhang Siyi touched the car seat enviously. “But, you still drive a super luxury car. Certainly, it isn’t that bad.”

Zhang Siyi has been saving his money but it only amounts to thousands and nowhere near enough to buy a car. He wouldn’t even be able to afford one of the car’s tires.

“Just because I drive a luxury vehicle, doesn’t mean things are good. As a matter of fact, we are all just playing chess. What assets? Millions, billions.... Like a video game, it’s just a bunch of numbers on a screen and like gambling, you need to bear the risk, but also need the capital to play.”

As he turned into the next road, He Chengtian was tapping the steering wheel. He continued: “Do you think I bought this car for myself? In fact, it’s also a façade. It doesn’t matter whether or not there is money to support the purchase. I know the rules of the rich and I have to play the game.”

He Chengtian shook his head and smiled bitterly. He said: “I still had the guts to tell you your future with me would bring you riches, but now, it’s impossible to guarantee. The tides have changed too fast and the stock market crisis flattened the neighborhood. Hey, it is a good thing you still follow Gu Yu. By doing technical work, you are stable.”

Zhang Siyi was speechless. He didn’t think in six months, He Chengtian’s attitude would change so drastically. It seems, no matter how perfect a person appears on the outside, they also have to face the hardships of reality.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Yuanshan Garden. He Chengtian was about to let them out of the car when Zhang Siyi suddenly spoke. He politely asked: “Chengtian brother, what are you going to do about dinner? Would you like to come up and eat together?”

Having lived with Gu Yu for so long, Zhang Siyi naturally regarded himself as a voice of authority when it came to issues of the home. He wanted to thank He Chengtian for his help with Gu Yao’s troubles so he took the opportunity to invite him upstairs for dinner.

Thinking about who else lived at the house, He Chengtian started getting a stomach ache. When facing his rival, he couldn’t bare it. Before he had the chance to reject the offer Gu Yao echoed Zhang Siyi offer: “Yes. It isn’t very late so let’s eat together.”

He Chengtian turned to look at Gu Yao and saw her large eyes looking up at him, inviting. She added: “My brother also has a big dog!”

Hearing about a dog wasn’t the strange part. The key, as if she wanted to share her favorite things with him, was the pure smile, bright eyes, and tone of her voice that she used. In the world of He Chengtian, spring time has come!

“Okay!” He drove to a parking lot of a Western restaurant nearby to park his car then got out to follow Zhang Siyi and Gu Yao back to Yuanshan Garden. In a circle, He Chengtian looked around at the buildings and said: “This place is quite good. Did Gu Yu buy his own home?”

Zhang Siyi explained: “It’s his friend’s house. He is borrowing it.”

As the door was opened, Townhouse enthusiastically ran to the door. Unexpectedly, instead of greeting his owners, he pounced on He Chengtian, barking: “Woof-woof-woof!”

He Chengtian: “!!!”

In a hurry, Zhang Siyi put down his key and tried to stop the dog: “No Townhouse, down!”

Gu Yao also went over the dog to sooth him.

Zhang Siyi thought the dog’s behavior was a little strange then commented: “This dog is usually very docile. Since we renamed him, even when the maintenance people come, he doesn’t make a peep. Why is he acting do differently today?”

He Chengtian smirked: “Oh. it doesn’t seem like the dog likes me very much.”

As if to answer He Chengtian, Townhouse let out one loud “woof.”

He Chengtian’s mouth twitched. It really was Gu Yu’s dog!

At Gu Yao’s adorable action, He Chengtian was stunned. He watched her move to the dog and softly talk in the dog ear: “No Townhouse, down. He Chengtian is a good man.” Even though the dog on his hindlegs was almost the same height as Gu Yao and therefore could easily knock her over, the dog obediently got down on the ground at her command.

He Chengtian wiped his nosebleed. Shit! Why did he suddenly feel that the dog is happier than him? In fact, he can also provide one ear.......

Hearing the barking of the dog, Gu Yu came out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. A look of disbelief came over his face as he saw He Chengtian watching his sister with a wolfish smile. Immediately, he raised his brow and asked: “What’s he doing here?”

Trying to explain quickly, Zhang Siyi said: “Ah, we met him near Gu Yao’s company. He helped us a lot and also drove us home so I asked him to join us for dinner.”

Turning to look in the direction of his rival’s voice, He Chengtian saw Gu Yu wearing an apron with a spatula in hand. He couldn’t contain his laughter and snorted out: “Pfft... ha-ha-ha.” The former university tyrant was a domesticated man. The unimaginable contrast was extreme!

“Cough, cough... “He Chengtian smiled and asked: “Are you cooking? Is it edible? Ah-ha-ha....”

With bulging veins and a furrowed brow, Gu Yu wanted to retort and throw the spatula, however one has to maintain the grace and dignity of the head of the house.

Pointing to the sofa with the spatula, Gu Yu said: “Zhang Siyi, you sit and entertain. Gu Yao, you come with me.”

He Chengtian: “...”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Gu Yao obediently followed her brother into the kitchen then asked: “The food isn’t done yet?”

From out of the refrigerator, Gu Yu pulled out another half a head of cabbage and some. He replied: “Since you didn’t call in advance, with the addition of a guest, there wouldn’t be enough to eat so at least two more dished need to be prepared.”

Gu Yao stuck her tongue out and gave her brother a raspberry. She took the cabbage that Gu Yu handed over.

Gu Yu asked: “What’s the matter with helping me?”

Gu Yao knew her brother’s request wasn’t really to help him make dinner. Without delay, the interrogation began.

She dares not conceal any details and honestly relayed the afternoon events. When she told him about Zhang Siyi ploy about being He Chengtian’s fiancé, Gu Yao blushed deeply and lowered her head, almost to the sink.

Finally, she mentioned He Chengtian’s proposal to pick her up and drop her off and that she and Zhang Siyi already acquiesced. As a result, Zhang Siyi invited him home to eat.

After listening to her story, Gu Yan snorted and said: “No matter how timely He Chengtian’s appearance was, Zhang Siyi was too bold to marry you off.

This time, Gu Yao’s ears are bright red and she quietly said: “Don’t say that. Zhang Siyi didn’t mean it. Maybe He Chengtian just went with the flow to help second brother.”

Gu Yu hummed and didn’t talk.

As Gu Yao tore the cabbage she addressed her brother: “Second Brother said he is a reliable person. I think he can completely solve the problem so please let him drive me for a period of time. You are Zhang Siyi are so busy with work that I feel guilty having you drop me off and pick me up every day.”

Gu Yu smiled at her: “Why do you feel guilty unless there is guilt? You’re not married yet, are you?”

Gu Yao: “...”

Gu Yu continued to ridicule her: “So it is better to trouble outsiders instead of family?”

Gu Yao was finally annoyed and stomped her foot: “Brother!”

Gu Yu: “Ok. Ok. Make sure you maintain your status.”

Gu Yao: “...I know.”

Gu Yao helped with the cabbage then walked out. When Zhang Siyi came in, he saw Gu Yu preparing the additional dish. “Wow, lots of food today! You worked hard!”

Squinting at him, Gu Yu said: “Did you sell my sister?”

Zhang Siyi quickly realized that it was useless to change the topic and pretended not to understand: “Ah? What? Sell what?”

Gu Yu stared at him in the eye: “Be prepared for your punishment!”

Zhang Siyi: “.....” Wasn’t it your own issue about your sister not finding love? I found you a diamond king and you are still fierce! Bastard!

Gu Yu said: “Bring the food to the table. The warm wine will be ready soon.”

When the dishes arrived, they sat down around the table. He Chengtian tasted the dish and was very surprised at how skillful Gu Yu cooking was and exclaimed: “Ah! It’s delicious!”

Gu Yu personally poured a glass of wine to He Chengtian then said: “Gu Yao explained today’s events. Thank You.”

He Chengtian rarely saw Gu Yu act so kindly and felt somewhat flattered: “Well, it was nothing.”

After a gesture towards He Chengtian with the wine glass, Gu Yu drank it.

When He Chengtian finished his glass of wine, Gu Yu poured him another and said: “One more glass and you will have some difficulties for a while.”

With his nemesis toasting and pouring him two glasses of wine, he couldn’t believe it. Has He Chengtian ever had such treatment? For a moment, like a serf becoming the master, he relished the feeling.... Ah, this is how classmates should be.

He Chengtian was a little smug and thought perhaps, pursuing Gu Yao wasn’t so difficult as he had imagined.

However, after drinking this cup of wine, He Chengtian saw a faint smile form on Gu Yu face. It was clear that the smile was very natural, but behind the smile, He Chengtian felt something cold. He once again remembered how much he has been under Gu Yu’s shadow in the three years of high school.

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