Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1159: 1141 Workshop

Chapter 1159 1141. Workshop

 After actually experiencing the current atmosphere in Gos Velen City, and verifying whether his last plan worked.

Lan En walked past Gos Velen's famous fish market again.

The smell of fish and blood is still strong here. All the wild cats and domestic cats in the city consciously gather here when the fishing boats return to the port to unload and transport the sea fish here, hoping to get some scraps from the fish slaughtering process.

The cats in this city know the working schedule of the fishing boats in the harbor even better than the new fishermen and fishmongers.

However, because the demon hunter's chaotic magic can be sensed by cats and disgusted by them, no cat came close to Lan En as he walked over.

Walk all the way to the edge of the city wall where Gos Velen is approaching.

The noise in residential or commercial areas began to fade away, and the air with the fishy smell of seafood also gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was the sound of clanging steel and the smell of burning charcoal and hot steel.

This is the workshop area that Gos Willen has developed in recent years.

The billowing black smoke rose straight from the flue into the sky, forming a sharp contrast with the clear sky of Goth Velen and the azure coastline with white waves.

Some people will say that this is pollution and human damage to nature, but more people think that these black smoke represent economic benefits.

In other words, it means that it can fill more people's bellies and cover more people's bodies with clothes.

"I said it! Dwarf blacksmiths and human blacksmiths do not have separate furnaces! They are not allowed to open separate work sites!"

Amidst the tinkling sound of forging, Berengar's somewhat distorted voice came out through the wall. It could be heard that he shouted very loudly and in a bad tone.

"You are not allowed to refuse to cooperate with others on the basis of race! Everyone! I mean everyone who still wants to work here, just work like when this workshop was first built! Do you understand?! "

"I'm going to **** your mother! And I'm going to **** your mother! And especially, I'm going to **** your mother! If you dare to make such a request to me again, then go and build your blacksmith's stove on the mud in Wellen Village!"

"The money this place makes has nothing to do with you! Let's see how much money you sons of **** can make in a month!"

Lan En walked into the workshop. When the heat wave hit his face, he only saw Berengar standing on an anvil for forging metal.

This kind of anvil is really not big, it can barely fit two feet of an ordinary person. But the training the Demon Hunter had given him had made his feet flexible and his foot stable.

He could even point out the three people below by spinning around on the anvil and scold them, "Fuck your mother."

Two of them were human blacksmiths, and one was a dwarf blacksmith.

The blacksmiths in the circle below were all silent. Berengar's long face was quite intimidating when angry.

Especially when he also has a pair of cat eyes that represent a witcher.

Nowadays, people's general impression of the witcher has not changed much, but at least they recognize the witcher's combat effectiveness: no matter what, it should be better than a veteran who kills people.

This allowed these big and round blacksmiths to learn to have rational conversations with Berengar.

Not only that, Lan En glanced down at the wall next to the door as soon as he entered.

A man wearing medium-weight black armor, carrying two half-swords on his back, and whose hairline had turned into an 'M' shape, was leaning against the wall, looking at the group of blacksmiths with a cynical and sarcastic sneer on his lips.

This is Lambert, who succeeds Geralt and earns money from Gos Velen.

"Hey, this is an internal matter of the workshop, no idlers are allowed in."

The wolf sect demon hunter said without looking back.

"Especially a coward like you who buys a magic cloak to hide your prowess and pretend to be powerful."

Apparently not only Lan En noticed him when he came in, but he also saw Lan En.

"Then you really misunderstood me, Lambert."

The sound coming from under the cloak made the wolf-sect demon hunter startled. When he turned his attention away from the excitement, he happened to meet the brim of Lan En's slightly raised hood.

Two pairs of cat eyes stared at each other.

"Your mouth is still as stinging as ever. Now that the situation is so treacherous and changeable, it actually makes me feel a little relieved that I can finally see something that hasn't changed."

Lambert gave Lane his trademark cynical smile that made onlookers feel sarcastic.

"You don't have to be sarcastic. I know my smile is annoying, but it's a coincidence, isn't it? I haven't thought about changing it."

"Hmm~" Lan En nodded in a long voice, "Yes, that's the smell, which makes people feel even more gratified."

After saying that, Lan En moved a few steps to the side and stood next to the wall where Lambert was leaning.

Because Berengar was still standing on the anvil, spinning downwards and spitting, the blacksmiths around him didn't have the confidence to offer any rebuttal, regardless of their skill, force, or position. For a moment, they all lowered their heads and remained silent. .

Therefore, no one else came into the workshop.

"What's going on?"

"Don't ask me if there are many, I was just dragged here to be a bodyguard. You know the kind of brainless strong man at the door of a high-end pub? That's the kind."

Lambert said nonchalantly without raising his head, and continued the action interrupted by Lan En: wiping the edges of the chainmail on his armor with a shiny cloth.

This armor is in the shape of the high-level Wolf School armor that was collected around Kaer Morhen. The light but strong leather jacket wraps the inner chainmail protective layer.

It looks quite new, probably just made by Berengar not long ago. However, considering how unhappy Berengar was with Lambert, it is estimated that this guy paid the full cost of materials before asking Berengar to start the furnace work.

Maybe coming over to hold the show this time was part of their agreement.

The "lively crowd" in the workshop was obviously divided into several groups. It can be said that "where there are people, there are rivers and lakes".

A group of people still stubbornly gathered around the three guys who were called "fuck you" by Berengar, even if they dared not say anything even when they were pointed at and scolded.

The other majority of people are in the position of bystanders.

There was an expression on his face that said, 'I know this is serious and the situation is wrong, but I'm also scared and I don't want to get involved.'

What made Lan En somewhat relieved was that Fergus, Yuna, and their master, the bald dwarf blacksmith master Tur Butcher, were obviously not among the people being scolded.

In the end, when the old demon hunter saw that even his angry curses failed to disperse the crowd gathered around the three 'fuck you's, he sighed, waved his hand, and jumped down from the anvil.

"Okay, that's it for now." He announced, "Let's continue working."

So after the crowd dispersed, the clanging sound of forging became even louder.

After Berengar jumped off the iron felt, he walked in the direction of Lambert, which was the entrance of the workshop.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw a man wearing a magic cloak standing next to the demon hunter of his school.

Wait, the magic cloak?

The old demon hunter's thoughts turned around in his head for a moment, and he understood.

After studying the elf beacon, Tissaya and Margarita's research progress on the phenomenon of celestial sphere convergence has surpassed almost all human mages in the world today.

And with the data collected every time Lan En comes back, their understanding of the world continues to deepen, resulting in their prediction of Lan En's return time becoming more and more accurate.

Who knows when they will be able to make some improvements to the elf beacon and achieve cross-world communication and other pioneering projects.

As for the time prediction for Lan En's return, Margarita would always mention it to Belengard.

So the old demon hunter also roughly knew that Lan En had only returned in the past few days.

"Thank God, someone finally came to calm the situation."

Berengar sighed while walking towards the two demon hunters on the opposite side.

"This situation really makes me feel dizzy!"

"Don't be like this." Lan En stood up straight from leaning against the wall and chuckled, "The face is already long, no matter how big the head is, it won't be possible to see, Berengar."

As he spoke, the hood that cast a shadow tilted towards Lambert beside him.

"Look, the brains of veterans are better than those of newcomers."

The only official Wolf School demon hunter present responded with a habitual sneer.

Berengar did not answer, but sighed again.

At this time, among the many blacksmiths who dispersed from the gathering, the dwarf master Tur Butcher came over with his dwarf apprentices and human female servants.

This action attracted a few more obscure observations among the blacksmiths who seemed to be returning to normal working order.

Berengar turned his head and looked at the dwarf forging master who stopped after approaching.

"Okay, it's not a good place to talk here. Let's move to another place."

The dwarf master nodded upright, his bald head reflecting the light of the fire in the workshop.

The group of people turned around and walked past the blacksmiths who seemed to be in full swing but had their own thoughts, and walked towards the office area next to the workshop.

When Lambert walked to the door, he naturally stood against the wall again outside Berengar's office.

After entering the door, although the blacksmith's furnace, red-hot charcoal and steel were no longer in the office, there were instead piles of documents and work records.

But in the office next to the workshop, the smell of soot and charcoal fire is also indispensable.

Lan En naturally stood in front of the filing cabinet, pulled out a copy of the workshop's operating records, took off his hood and started to read through it.

At the same time, he smiled at Berengar and asked without looking back.

"Did you hire Lambert as a security guard?"

"I'm giving him a mouthful to eat!"

Berengar sat on the chair behind his desk and shouted outside when faced with Lan En's question.

"F**KYOU! Berengar!"

Of course Lambert outside the door could hear it, so he didn't open the door either and yelled back through a wooden board.

(End of chapter)

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